NppFTP copied to clipboard
Non-ANSI characters in file name produce errors
I can't download file with unicode file name (e. g. cyrillic) via NppFTP. I can create it on the server side, also I can upload it to the server side. But I can't donwload it from server side
Example: I mistyped in file name and can`t change it or even read it now via NppFTP.
-> RETR /Ñonfig.php
550 /Ñonfig.php: No such file or directory
Download of /Ñonfig.php failed
En: Usually in clients put a choice of the coding of the server. In NppFTP it isn't present. Rus: Обычно в клиентах ставят выбор кодировки сервера. В NppFTP этого нет.
I think the problem is in this line: m_localName = SU::Utf8ToTChar(m_name); //FileObject.cpp:71 As I can understand, it's utf-8 to ansi transition. Please leave filename in utf-8 - I hope it will solve the problem.
@wandererkh Do you know a public available FTP server to test this against?
@chcg I've sent you credentials for private account on e-mail, thank you
Also fails on with anonymous at:
200 Switching to Binary mode.
-> SIZE /pub/konferenzen/ipv6-2014/Donnerstag_22052014/In-Depth/Weber_2014-05-22 ZugehoÃËrigkeit von MAC- und IPv6-Adressen speichern.pdf
550 Could not get file size.
227 Entering Passive Mode (193,99,144,79,97,64)
-> RETR /pub/konferenzen/ipv6-2014/Donnerstag_22052014/In-Depth/Weber_2014-05-22 ZugehoÃËrigkeit von MAC- und IPv6-Adressen speichern.pdf
550 Failed to open file.
Download of /pub/konferenzen/ipv6-2014/Donnerstag_22052014/In-Depth/Weber_2014-05-22 ZugehoÃËrigkeit von MAC- und IPv6-Adressen speichern.pdf failed
I've found FTP_synchronize plugin: It can read content of these files and folders, but can't upload after editing. has source codes
I've chosen profile cache folder and now FTP_synchronize can upload files after editing
See and So OPTS UTF8 ON could be actively used by the client to request UTF8 and check the response. Maybe later on there will be the need to really check if the server supports UTF-8, for now just assume if UTF8 is received it could also be used to access the dir or file with UFT8.
@chcg thanks a lot! Now I can see utf-8 filenames and foldernames and read it's content. Next step - it saves downloaded files and folders with non-utf-8 names and because of this it can't upload it right after edit. Please fix it later and have a Happy New Year )
@wandererkh Thanks for testing. Will try to tackle also the upload issue.
First part released with
Strange things happen. In folder tree I see correct file names in Russian. When I doubleclick on one of them, NppFTP downloads it and save in cache with garbage in file name. But Notepad++ still can work with it. When I edit and save file, NppFTP uploads it to server with broken file name so it appears as new file with garbage in file name.
Looks like something goes wrong while NppFTP downloads file and save it to cache, Somewhere where NppFTP choose file name for cache.
0.27.4 release doesn't fix this problem: it's same as in 0.26 version.
My environment is Windows XP SP3 on local machine with Notepad++ 7.5.3 and Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on server.
Known remaining issue as written above. With v0.27.4 just the download issue is fixed.
[SFTP] Successfully authenticated Download of /root/1/ä¸æèµæ.lua succeeded, opening file.
Download the file name error Save this file A new file name appears
nppftp version 0.30.1