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365 Days Computer Vision Learning Linkedin Post

365 Days Computer Vision Learning LinkedIn Post

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Days Topic Post Link
1 EfficientDet https://bit.ly/362NWHa
2 Yolact++ https://bit.ly/3o5OaU3
3 YOLO Series https://bit.ly/3650LAJ
4 Detr https://bit.ly/39S5F57
5 Vision Transformer https://bit.ly/39UMHLd
6 Dynamic RCNN https://bit.ly/3939gy5
7 DeiT: (Data-efficient image Transformer) https://bit.ly/363ZABt
8 Yolov5 https://bit.ly/39QHTXq
9 DropBlock https://bit.ly/3sM4TiG
10 FCN https://bit.ly/3iE9U8C
11 Unet https://bit.ly/3izdbG2
12 RetinaNet https://bit.ly/3o5NrlN
13 SegNet https://bit.ly/3qIauVz
14 CAM https://bit.ly/2Y2I8ZR
15 R-FCN https://bit.ly/3iCKsQL
16 RepVGG https://bit.ly/2Y2pGjV
17 Graph Convolution Network https://bit.ly/2LS9RK8
18 DeconvNet https://bit.ly/2Mhwzes
19 ENet https://bit.ly/2Y2HgEz
20 Deeplabv1 https://bit.ly/3o7Utqn
21 CRF-RNN https://bit.ly/2Y5nsR4
22 Deeplabv2 https://bit.ly/2Y9DgSx
23 DPN https://bit.ly/363Cye2
24 Grad-CAM https://bit.ly/3iF006q
25 ParseNet https://bit.ly/3oesFk5
26 ResNeXt https://bit.ly/2M2sXxe
27 AmoebaNet https://bit.ly/2YgRIbN
28 DilatedNet https://bit.ly/2M9fuDS
29 DRN https://bit.ly/2KXVmUH
30 RefineNet https://bit.ly/3cpCBVq
31 Preactivation-Resnet https://bit.ly/2MJtgwQ
32 SqueezeNet https://bit.ly/3cv3Ca0
33 FractalNet https://bit.ly/3pSv712
34 PolyNet https://bit.ly/3atCQfJ
35 DeepSim(Image Quality Assessment) https://bit.ly/3oKJGTi
36 Residual Attention Network https://bit.ly/3cIjupL
37 IGCNet / IGCV https://bit.ly/36LRfTo
38 Resnet38 https://bit.ly/2N7tpKL
39 SqueezeNext https://bit.ly/3cSev5W
40 Group Normalization https://bit.ly/3ryNxEI
41 ENAS https://bit.ly/2LB6pDC
42 PNASNet https://bit.ly/3tIX6mx
43 ShuffleNetV2 https://bit.ly/2Zb3xAM
44 BAM https://bit.ly/3b67xb2
45 CBAM https://bit.ly/3plxHvJ
46 MorphNet https://bit.ly/3rWzcSM
47 NetAdapt https://bit.ly/2NtlFmE
48 ESPNetv2 https://bit.ly/3jWVoJv
49 FBNet https://bit.ly/3k1PXZL
50 HideandSeek https://bit.ly/3qELCP0
51 MR-CNN & S-CNN https://bit.ly/2Zw6QTf
52 ACoL: Adversarial Complementary Learning https://bit.ly/3qKFNiU
53 CutMix https://bit.ly/2Nt5shI
54 ADL https://bit.ly/3qNeFQm
55 SAOL https://bit.ly/2NVuBBs
56 SSD https://bit.ly/37PWpyo
57 NOC https://bit.ly/3uBrZJJ
58 G-RMI https://bit.ly/3kJDlap
59 TDM https://bit.ly/3dV5zgN
60 DSSD https://bit.ly/3q6EHg8
61 FPN https://bit.ly/2OewZn0
62 DCN https://bit.ly/3e3G4Kg
63 Light-Head-RCNN https://bit.ly/388rtcT
64 Cascade RCNN https://bit.ly/3uUDlZz
65 MegNet https://bit.ly/3bkNvuM
66 StairNet https://bit.ly/3bluE2P
67 ImageNet Rethinking https://bit.ly/3bqBfZZ
68 ERFNet https://bit.ly/2OxgC5c
69 LayerCascade https://bit.ly/3qzWdd8
70 IDW-CNN https://bit.ly/3letEAY
71 DIS https://bit.ly/3vi3xh3
72 SDN https://bit.ly/3lftn0k
73 ResNet-DUC-HDC https://bit.ly/3lmdhlN
74 Deeplabv3+ https://bit.ly/3lfSRuR
75 AutoDeeplab https://bit.ly/2P14kSF
76 c3 https://bit.ly/3qX0yqK
77 DRRN https://bit.ly/3ltkWP9
78 BRยฒNet https://bit.ly/3f0jGlI
79 SDS https://bit.ly/3f0CZLw
80 AdderNet https://bit.ly/3sfMdYa
81 HyperColumn https://bit.ly/3vV7Jn5
82 DeepMask https://bit.ly/3cY2RVR
83 SharpMask https://bit.ly/3rg0h2r
84 MultipathNet https://bit.ly/31fcTMR
85 MNC https://bit.ly/39rRXqj
86 InstanceFCN https://bit.ly/3wbQuy8
87 FCIS https://bit.ly/3dhPz6B
88 MaskLab https://bit.ly/3wb3Vya
89 PANet https://bit.ly/2PmQTNs
90 CUDMedVision1 https://bit.ly/3rETZd1
91 CUDMedVision2 https://bit.ly/3mago0q
92 CFS-FCN https://bit.ly/3cXP0zX
93 U-net+Res-net https://bit.ly/3mpKD3P
94 Multi-Channel https://bit.ly/2Q1WCbN
95 V-Net https://bit.ly/3sYxGAt
96 3D-Unet https://bit.ly/3uvNOcS
97 MยฒFCN https://bit.ly/3cXSlPG
98 Suggestive Annotation https://bit.ly/3t1UbV8
99 3D Unet + Resnet https://bit.ly/3wRu3i9
100 Cascade 3D-Unet https://bit.ly/3siNsEX
101 DenseVoxNet https://bit.ly/2RGliYd
102 QSA + QNT https://bit.ly/3wWtyDf
103 Attention-Unet https://bit.ly/3eaMNAK
104 RUNet + R2Unet https://bit.ly/2Q4bIxG
105 VoxResNet https://bit.ly/32gLBWN
106 Unet++ https://bit.ly/3esShGV
107 H-DenseUnet https://bit.ly/3dN53kn
108 DUnet https://bit.ly/3sPYrWS
109 MultiResUnet https://bit.ly/32J7Epr
110 Unet3+ https://bit.ly/3vj4lRX
111 VGGNet For Covid19 https://bit.ly/3ewquW6
112 ๐——๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜€๐—ฒ-๐—š๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—จ-๐—ก๐—ฒ๐˜ (๐——๐—š๐—ก๐—ฒ๐˜) https://bit.ly/3tR67cM
113 Ki-Unet https://bit.ly/3gD4wDK
114 Medical Transformer https://bit.ly/3dLw9Zf
115 Deep Snake- Instance Segmentation https://bit.ly/3dQmdhm
116 BlendMask https://bit.ly/32LVXyf
117 CenterNet https://bit.ly/3aJrJQD
118 SRCNN https://bit.ly/3t82eie
119 Swin Transformer https://bit.ly/2QMWxct
120 Polygon-RNN https://bit.ly/3ujEJ7D
121 PolyTransform https://bit.ly/3gT11ZZ
122 D2Det https://bit.ly/3b2EDJL
123 PolarMask https://bit.ly/3uklSsO
124 FGN https://bit.ly/3uiyyAl
125 Meta-SR https://bit.ly/3ekFyr9
126 Iterative Kernel Correlation https://bit.ly/3xPGZp6
127 SRFBN https://bit.ly/2Qc1c7z
128 ODE https://bit.ly/3w1K8k4
129 SRNTT https://bit.ly/2RNT9hS
130 Parallax Attention https://bit.ly/3tIr74x
131 3D Super Resolution https://bit.ly/3bliXJa
132 FSTRN https://bit.ly/3uWJ8h7
133 PointGroup https://bit.ly/2QfeKPP
134 3D-MPA https://bit.ly/3bqz9J6
135 Saliency Propagation https://bit.ly/3tXTvj4
136 Libra R-CNN https://bit.ly/3hDytnt
137 SiamRPN++ https://bit.ly/33TNjyi
138 LoFTR https://bit.ly/3eUtlJS
139 MZSR https://bit.ly/3ul5gAs
140 UCTGAN https://bit.ly/3fQg9ox
141 OccuSeg https://bit.ly/3bUJtta
142 LAPGAN https://bit.ly/3unOjW1
143 TPN https://bit.ly/3vvyIoW
144 GTAD https://bit.ly/3c09yqK
145 SlowFast https://bit.ly/3fMrI0d
146 IDU https://bit.ly/2ROcIa5
147 ATSS https://bit.ly/3hTIflC
148 Attention-RPN https://bit.ly/3oYescY
149 Aug-FPN https://bit.ly/3fUbdzi
150 Hit-Detector https://bit.ly/3uGCLgB
151 MCN https://bit.ly/3ySpjtq
152 CentripetalNet https://bit.ly/2S1WNVB
153 ROAM https://bit.ly/34Ft8Ex
154 PF-NET(3D) https://bit.ly/2TzQiK9
155 PointAugment https://bit.ly/3uMc8Hr
156 C-Flow https://bit.ly/3xgDlUn
157 RandLA-Net https://bit.ly/3fYajD9
158 Total3DUnderStanding https://bit.ly/3v3jy9c
159 IF-Nets https://bit.ly/3v7XjPj
160 PerfectShape https://bit.ly/3za20vk
161 ACNe https://bit.ly/3gaJQSN
162 PQ-Net https://bit.ly/35dVPsm
163 SG-NN https://bit.ly/3iQ4yca
164 Cascade Cost Volume https://bit.ly/3gyZHtt
165 SketchGCN https://bit.ly/3pVoxI8
166 Spektral (Graph Neural Network) https://bit.ly/3q2T079
167 Graph Convolution Neural Network https://bit.ly/3gAkiNX
168 Fast Localized Spectral Filtering(Graph Kernel) https://bit.ly/3iRUEa0
169 GraphSAGE https://bit.ly/3gCj9Xx
170 ARMA Convolution https://bit.ly/3qcubpC
171 Graph Attention Networks https://bit.ly/3h1gfKy
172 Axial-Deeplab https://bit.ly/3qiIF7l
173 Tide https://bit.ly/3j5evmh
174 SipMask https://bit.ly/3gMBoJE
175 UFOยฒ https://bit.ly/2SVS2xA
176 SCAN https://bit.ly/2ThBv70
177 AABO : Adaptive Anchor Box Optimization https://bit.ly/3qCSRaP
178 SimAug https://bit.ly/3dlV6tK
179 Instant-teaching https://bit.ly/3h0E2LU
180 Refinement Network for RGB-D https://bit.ly/3dtRh5O
181 Polka Lines https://bit.ly/3hlNbhd
182 HOTR https://bit.ly/3hsV44i
183 Soft-IntroVAE https://bit.ly/3jFozTk
184 ReXNet https://bit.ly/3r42WO9
185 DiNTS https://bit.ly/3AQibii
186 Pose2Mesh https://bit.ly/3wFTORi
187 Keep Eyes on the Lane https://bit.ly/3wxs4hl
188 AssembleNet++ https://bit.ly/3xAHhjf
189 SNE-RoadSeg https://bit.ly/3hyCEAL
190 AdvPC https://bit.ly/3i3dGrV
191 Eagle eye https://bit.ly/3e5Iqaz
192 Deep Hough Transform https://bit.ly/2UEFbAm
193 WeightNet https://bit.ly/3rfDSUL
194 StyleMAPGAN https://bit.ly/2URgPTO
195 PD-GAN https://bit.ly/3xQMCmM
196 Non-Local Sparse Attention https://bit.ly/3xJZbAd
197 TediGAN https://bit.ly/3wH67MZ
198 FedDG https://bit.ly/3zfKiGe
199 Auto-Exposure Fusion https://bit.ly/3y3F2W1
200 Involution https://bit.ly/36Ksiaz
201 MutualNet https://bit.ly/3zhfd4N
202 Teachers do more than teach - Image to Image translation https://bit.ly/36RP28K
203 VideoMoCo https://bit.ly/3f6Pq7Z
204 ArtGAN https://bit.ly/3rvDCB9
205 Vip-DeepLab https://bit.ly/3xmzmVX
206 PSConvolution https://bit.ly/3rEIgMY
207 Deep learning technique on Semantic Segmentation https://bit.ly/375hrID
208 Synthetic to Real https://bit.ly/3yfZSRO
209 Panoptic Segmentation https://bit.ly/376tbdA
210 HistoGAN https://bit.ly/3zSYyVD
211 Semantic Image Matting https://bit.ly/3s5ZD9F
212 Anchor-Free Person Search https://bit.ly/2VI0KAD
213 Spatial-Phase-Shallow-Learning https://bit.ly/3CDAl82
214 LiteFlowNet3 https://bit.ly/3yDILcO
215 EfficientNetv2 https://bit.ly/3xAQsiE
216 CBNETv2 https://bit.ly/3s3ptvb
217 PerPixel Classification https://bit.ly/3lOomyg
218 Kaleido-BERT https://bit.ly/3ywh2Lf
219 DARKGAN https://bit.ly/3lTW05J
220 PPDM https://bit.ly/3lPgjBt
221 SEAN https://bit.ly/3yOUJ3L
222 Closed-Loop Matters https://bit.ly/3CzBnlq
223 Elastic Graph Neural Network https://bit.ly/3jket9S
224 Deep Imbalance Regression https://bit.ly/3yn0Ue3
225 PIPAL - Image Quality Assessment https://bit.ly/3gCliSx
226 Mobile-Former https://bit.ly/3kxCSbm
227 Rank and Sort Loss https://bit.ly/3sPQt1s
228 Room Classification using Graph Neural Network https://bit.ly/3gD8Odv
229 Pyramid Vision Transformer https://bit.ly/3zmod9h
230 EigenGAN https://bit.ly/3BfdIVO
231 GNeRF https://bit.ly/3mD3kTR
232 DetCo https://bit.ly/3sQiRk9
233 DERT with Special Modulated Co-Attention https://bit.ly/3sPQ5jw
Residual Attention https://bit.ly/3yni4bJ
235 MG-GAN https://bit.ly/3mD30o7
236 Adaptable GAN Encoders https://bit.ly/3yh4XJ3
237 AdaAttN https://bit.ly/3BepKPa
238 Conformer https://bit.ly/3gCkj4N
239 YOLOP https://bit.ly/3BicysB
240 VMNet https://bit.ly/3k73jFZ
241 Airbert https://bit.ly/3nvcrGs
242 ๐—ข๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ฅ-๐—–๐—ก๐—ก https://bit.ly/397Zius
243 Battle of Network Structure https://bit.ly/2XcHbB0
244 InSeGAN https://bit.ly/3z9wyMF
245 Efficient Person Search https://bit.ly/3CpbZOr
246 DeepGCNs https://bit.ly/3AevSHg
247 GroupFormer https://bit.ly/3lqzm2Y
248 SLIDE https://bit.ly/3hwpiEp
249 Super Neuron https://bit.ly/3zkXE3D
250 SOTR https://bit.ly/3hvqCYl
251 Survey : Instance Segmentation https://bit.ly/3k90xQB
252 SO-Pose https://bit.ly/3C56KD8
253 CANet https://bit.ly/2XlDKZ2
254 XVFI https://bit.ly/3lrOpcZ
255 TxT https://bit.ly/3tGFlEH
256 ConvMLP https://bit.ly/2XlE8Xu
257 Cross Domain Contrastive Learning https://bit.ly/3tDb2id
258 OS2D: One Stage Object Detection https://bit.ly/3ufnEMD
259 PointManifoldCut https://bit.ly/3CKvAIL
260 Large Scale Facial Expression Dataset https://bit.ly/2ZqtT4V
261 Graph-FPN https://bit.ly/2XH8T9f
262 3D Shape Reconstruction https://bit.ly/2XTe9aq
263 Open Graph Benchmark Dataset https://bit.ly/3ET2Lfl
264 ShiftAddNet https://bit.ly/3i6eb5C
265 WatchOut! Motion Blurring the vision of your DNN https://bit.ly/3CKTzrw
266 Rethinking Learnable Tree Filter https://bit.ly/3zHfPAC
267 Neuron Merging https://bit.ly/39DwLNS
268 Distance IOU Loss https://bit.ly/3i7Zj6z
269 Deep Imitation learning https://bit.ly/3AzGVd6
270 Pixel Level Cycle Association https://bit.ly/3iTZMK6
271 Deep Model Fusion https://bit.ly/2YK45kl
272 Object Representation Network https://bit.ly/3BA0mnE
273 HOI Analysis https://bit.ly/3FH2Key
274 Deep Equilibrium Models https://bit.ly/3FDH2IB
275 Sampling from k-DPP https://bit.ly/3BAyRuc
276 Rotated Binary Neural Network https://bit.ly/3mIuYx3
277 PP-LCNet - LightCNN https://bit.ly/3v1Zh5H
278 MC-Net+ https://bit.ly/3v5tYqk
279 Fake it till you make it https://bit.ly/3AyGTSQ
280 Enformer https://bit.ly/3AAdCr9
281 VideoClip https://bit.ly/3mOueGu
282 Moving Fashion https://bit.ly/3jdvAtN
283 Convolution to Transformer https://bit.ly/3v5yy8f
284 HeadGAN https://bit.ly/3BLzRvm
285 Focal Transformer https://bit.ly/3lvCYSI
286 StyleGAN3 https://bit.ly/3kvFPKw
287 3Detr:3D Object Detection https://bit.ly/3Hfk6A8
288 Do Self-Supervised and Supervised Methods Learn Similar Visual Representations? https://bit.ly/3kyWM6H
289 Back to the Features https://bit.ly/3kvsxh3
290 Anticipative Video Transformer https://bit.ly/30mADl2
291 Attention Meets Geometry https://bit.ly/3kweSpZ
292 DeepMoCaP: Deep Optical Motion Capture https://bit.ly/30mjTdT
293 TrOCR: Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition https://bit.ly/3DqenW5
294 Moving Fashion https://bit.ly/2YGtjA1
295 StyleNeRF https://bit.ly/31W4Mbz
296 ECA-Net: :Efficient Channel Attention https://bit.ly/3n92i1s
297 Inferring High Resolution Traffic Accident risk maps https://bit.ly/3HgovD6
298 Bias Loss: For Mobile Neural Network https://bit.ly/3qvBPNO
299 ByteTrack: Multi-Object Tracking https://bit.ly/3c3l7wQ
300 Non-Deep Network https://bit.ly/3qwZwoV
301 Temporal Attentive Covariance https://bit.ly/3ontCbP
302 Plan-then-generate: Controlled Data to Text Generation https://bit.ly/3DcbsA6
303 Dynamic Visual Reasoning https://bit.ly/31Q4BhP
304 MedMNIST: Medical MNIST Dataset https://bit.ly/3qxuqxq
305 Colossal-AI: A PyTorch-Based Deep Learning System For Large-Scale Parallel Training https://bit.ly/3wG6Xv8
306 Recursively Embedded Atom Neural Network(REANN) https://bit.ly/3F1JKqe
307 PolyTrack: for fast multi-object tracking and segmentation https://bit.ly/3DeBmmS
308 Can contrastive learning avoid shortcut solutions? https://bit.ly/3wHJIk9
309 ProjectedGAN: To Improve Image Quality https://bit.ly/30hw8Zm
310 **Arch-Net: A Family Of Neural Networks Built With Operators To Bridge The Gap ** https://bit.ly/3oFOCef
311 PP-ShiTu:A Practical Lightweight Image Recognition System https://bit.ly/3naurFw
312 EditGAN https://bit.ly/30gYd2Z
313 Panoptic 3D Scene Segmentation https://bit.ly/3caSvla
314 PARP: Improve the Efficiency of NN https://bit.ly/3DakTjt
315 WORD: Organ Segmentation Dataset https://bit.ly/3qv5OW2
316 DenseULearn https://bit.ly/3ohRiyi
317 Does Thermal data make the detection systems more reliable? https://bit.ly/3sQgTSO
318 MADDNESS: Approximate Matrix Multiplication (AMM) https://bit.ly/3zgVIL4
319 Deceive D: Adaptive Pseudo Augmentation https://bit.ly/3sIG6yA
320 OadTR https://bit.ly/3JsUHUF
321 OnePassImageNet https://bit.ly/3sKL6Ti
322 Image-specific Convolutional Kernel Modulation for Single Image Super-resolution https://bit.ly/3FUpA20
323 TransMix https://bit.ly/3EH93gH
324 PytorchVideo https://bit.ly/3JvgDP7
325 MetNet-2 https://bit.ly/3sMZb2M
326 Unsupervised deep learning identifies semantic disentanglement https://bit.ly/3JyAwVi
327 Story Visualization https://bit.ly/3qB554i
328 MetaFormer https://bit.ly/3sLBebP
329 GauGAN2 https://bit.ly/3pGrIVH
330 SciGAP https://bit.ly/3EB7e4U
331 Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) https://bit.ly/3Jv9YEz
332 Ensemble Inversion https://bit.ly/3ECwbg9
333 SAVi https://bit.ly/3eF6txe
334 Digital Optical Neural Network https://bit.ly/3EI07rh
335 Image-Generation Research With Manifold Matching Via Metric Learning https://bit.ly/3FUomnq
336 GHN-2(Graph HyperNetworks) https://bit.ly/3qzc5yB
337 NeatNet https://bit.ly/3sLY17r
338 NeuralProphet https://bit.ly/3JrUK38
339 Background Activation Suppression for Weakly Supervised Object Detection https://bit.ly/3Jvyzt2
340 Learning to Detect Every Thing in an Open World https://bit.ly/3mKxOTc
341 PoolFormer https://bit.ly/3qFHNtS
342 GLIP https://bit.ly/3mK3bgx
343 PHALP https://bit.ly/3eJJvEV
344 PixMix https://bit.ly/3Hqh77m
345 CodeNet https://bit.ly/32RPx3X
346 GANgealing https://bit.ly/3EIkO6k
347 Semantic Diffusion Guidance https://bit.ly/3JsNzI3
348 TokenLearner https://bit.ly/3mLG4lM
349 Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) https://bit.ly/3JuHcno
350 HiClass: Evaluation Metrics for Local Hierarchical Classification https://bit.ly/3JHmn8H
351 Stable Long Term Recurrent Video Super Resolution https://bit.ly/3qFlPHl
352 AdaViT https://bit.ly/3eDASMj
353 Few-Shot Learner (FSL) https://bit.ly/3ELOOym
354 Exemplar Transformers https://bit.ly/3qzJE3C
355 StyleSwin https://bit.ly/3HqkCe4
356 RepMLNet https://bit.ly/32DxbUu
357 2 Stage Unet https://bit.ly/3JGjIMq
358 Untrained Deep NN https://bit.ly/3JplL7r
359 SeMask https://bit.ly/3zfouM8
360 JoJoGAN https://bit.ly/31gl9Qi
361 ELSA https://bit.ly/3mLWScb
362 PRIME https://bit.ly/3FI14RZ
363 GLIDE https://bit.ly/31ixB20
364 StyleGAN-V https://bit.ly/3Jvx91G
365 SLIP: Self-supervision meets Language-Image Pre-training https://bit.ly/3qAjL3r
366 SmoothNet: A Plug-and-Play Network for Refining Human Poses in Videos https://bit.ly/3tYNxlp
367 Multi-View Partial (MVP) Point Cloud Challenge 2021 on Completion and Registration: Methods and Results https://bit.ly/3tZFyEQ
368 PCACE: A Statistical Approach to Ranking Neurons for CNN Interpretability https://bit.ly/3LCKENk
369 Vision Transformer with Deformable Attention https://bit.ly/3tY3s3k
370 A Transformer-Based Siamese Network for Change Detection https://bit.ly/3DxPYP5
371 Lawin Transformer: Improving Semantic Segmentation Transformer with Multi-Scale Representations via Large Window Attention https://bit.ly/3qRsTle
372 SASA: Semantics-Augmented Set Abstraction for Point-based 3D Object Detection https://bit.ly/3tXduls
373 HyperionSolarNet: Solar Panel Detection from Aerial Images https://bit.ly/35v2rX6
374 Realistic Full-Body Anonymization with Surface-Guided GANs https://bit.ly/3DwBNd4
375 Generalized Category Discovery https://bit.ly/3IZ1HaC
376 KerGNNs: Interpretable Graph Neural Networks with Graph Kernels https://bit.ly/3DtWtlU
377 Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets https://bit.ly/3K38e5p
378 gDNA: Towards Generative Detailed Neural Avatars https://bit.ly/3DEtFHC
379 SeamlessGAN: Self-Supervised Synthesis of Tileable Texture Maps https://bit.ly/3NIieTA
380 HYDLA: Domain Adaptation in LiDAR Semantic Segmentation via Alternating Skip Connections and Hybrid Learning https://bit.ly/379dy8v
381 HardBoost: Boosting Zero-Shot Learning with Hard Classes https://bit.ly/379diX5
382 DDU-Net: Dual-Decoder-U-Net for Road Extraction Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images https://bit.ly/3Lu0UzU
383 Q-ViT: Fully Differentiable Quantization for Vision Transformer https://bit.ly/3qXv9Ym
384 SPAMs: Structured Implicit Parametric Models https://bit.ly/3iU95cL
385 GeoFill: Reference-Based Image Inpainting of Scenes with Complex Geometry https://bit.ly/3qUwCP6
386 Improving language models by retrieving from trillions of tokens https://bit.ly/37aKsG5
387 StylEx finds and visualizes disentangled attributes that affect a classifier automatically. https://bit.ly/3qYwYEf
388 โ€˜ReLICv2โ€™: Pushing The Limits of Self-Supervised ResNet https://bit.ly/3JZXy7C
389 โ€˜Deticโ€™: A Method to Detect Twenty-Thousand Classes using Image-Level Supervision https://bit.ly/3iRtsqZ
390 Momentum Capsule Networks https://bit.ly/3NFDv0j
391 RelTR: Relation Transformer for Scene Graph Generation https://bit.ly/3iVBWgB
392 Transformer based SAR Images Despecking https://bit.ly/3qWeILH
393 ResiDualGAN: Resize-Residual DualGAN for Cross-Domain Remote Sensing Images Semantic Segmentation https://bit.ly/3wWGY4T
394 VRT: A Video Restoration Transformer https://bit.ly/3K44YXw
395 You Only Cut Once: Boosting Data Augmentation with a Single Cut https://bit.ly/36L8pDW
396 StyleGAN-XL: Scaling StyleGAN to Large Diverse Datasets https://bit.ly/3iRlEp8
397 The KFIoU Loss for Rotated Object Detection https://bit.ly/3NHUL5e
398 The Met Dataset: Instance Level Recognition https://bit.ly/3K7lPJ2
399 Alphacode: a System that can compete at average human level https://bit.ly/3qXIIH5
400 Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with StyleGAN3 https://bit.ly/35vAoqx
401 NeuralFusion: Online Depth Fusion in Latent Space https://bit.ly/3uFaysA
402 VOS: Learning what you don't know by VIRTUAL OUTLIER SYNTHESIS https://bit.ly/3uPG9rG
403 Self-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Editing https://bit.ly/3tX8m0u
404 TransformNet: Self-supervised representation learning through predicting geometric transformations https://bit.ly/3uOCfPM
405 YOLOv7 - Framework Beyond Detection https://bit.ly/3wXU81y
406 F8Net: Fixed-Point 8-bit Only Multiplication for Network Quantization https://bit.ly/3DzhFXU
407 Block-NeRF: Scalable Large Scene Neural View Synthesis https://bit.ly/3LyELk5
408 Patch-NetVLAD+: Learned patch descriptor and weighted matching strategy for place recognition https://bit.ly/375C76y
409 COLA: COarse LAbel pre-training for 3D semantic segmentation of sparse LiDAR datasets https://bit.ly/3NCK6bZ
410 ScoreNet: Learning Non-Uniform Attention and Augmentation for Transformer-Based Histopathological Image Classification https://bit.ly/3uJuMBz
411 Geometric Deep Learning: Grids, Groups, Graphs, Geodesics, and Gauges https://bit.ly/388imeT
412 How Do Vision Transformers Work? https://bit.ly/3NE1mO2
413 Mirror-Yolo: An attention-based instance segmentation and detection model for mirrors https://bit.ly/3LBS96P
414 PENCIL: Deep Learning with Noisy Labels https://bit.ly/3iXvHc4
415 VLP: A Survey on Vision-Language Pre-training https://bit.ly/3J0v2RZ
416 Visual Attention Network https://bit.ly/3Dt7rbv
417 GroupViT: Semantic Segmentation Emerges from Text Supervision https://bit.ly/3NQv7eG
418 Paying U-Attention to Textures: Multi-Stage Hourglass Vision Transformer for Universal Texture Synthesis https://bit.ly/373xs4T
419 End to End Cascaded Image De-raining and Object Detetion NN https://bit.ly/375PLGw
420 Level-K to Nash Equilibrium https://bit.ly/3NFRX8t
421 Machine Learning for Mechanical Ventilation Control https://bit.ly/3JZCMEV
422 The effect of fatigue on the performance of online writer recognition https://bit.ly/3wXSSLS
423 State-of-the-Art in the Architecture, Methods and Applications of StyleGAN https://bit.ly/3iRjl5s
424 Long-Tailed Classification with Gradual Balanced Loss and Adaptive Feature Generation https://bit.ly/3v5XZXR
425 Self-supervised Transformer for Deepfake Detection https://bit.ly/3tXtUdk
426 CenterSnap: Single-Shot Multi-Object 3D Shape Reconstruction and Categorical 6D Pose and Size https://bit.ly/3LxkrQa
427 TCTrack: Temporal Contexts for Aerial Tracking https://bit.ly/3uM5O4B
428 LatentFormer: Multi-Agent Transformer-Based Interaction Modeling and Trajectory Prediction https://bit.ly/3uOfKe0
429 HyperTransformer: A Textural and Spectral Feature Fusion Transformer for Pansharpening https://bit.ly/35tRV2j
430 ZippyPoint: Fast Interest Point Detection, Description, and Matching through Mixed Precision Discretization https://bit.ly/3LwoMmy
431 MLSeg: Image and Video Segmentation https://bit.ly/38p9iCN
432 Image Steganography based on Style Transfer https://bit.ly/3DJHLaN
433 GrainSpace: A Large-scale Dataset for Fine-grained and Domain-adaptive Recognition of Cereal Grains https://bit.ly/3JYPrIg
434 AGCN: Augmented Graph Convolutional Network https://bit.ly/3DwZrWN
435 StyleBabel: Artistic Style Tagging and Captioning https://bit.ly/3j1Klit
436 ROOD-MRI: Benchmarking the robustness of deep learning segmentation models to out-of-distribution and corrupted data in MRI https://bit.ly/38maN4z
437 InsetGAN for Full-Body Image Generation https://bit.ly/3Dsu9At
438 Implicit Feature Decoupling with Depthwise Quantization https://bit.ly/3K1mxaA
439 Bamboo: Building Mega-Scale Vision Dataset https://bit.ly/3wVPalD
440 TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields https://bit.ly/3iWAFWI
441 FERV39k: A Large-Scale Multi-Scene Dataset for Facial Expression Recognition https://bit.ly/3NCHTxd
442 One-Shot Adaptation of GAN in Just One CLIP https://bit.ly/36NOPab
443 SHREC 2021: Classification in cryo-electron tomograms https://bit.ly/3iSXpqv
444 MaskGIT: Masked Generative Image Transformer https://bit.ly/3qSQz8I
445 Detection, Recognition, and Tracking: A Survey https://bit.ly/378G8qw
446 Mixed Differential Privacy https://bit.ly/3IZ0MGU
447 Mixed DualStyleGAN https://bit.ly/3wTyAmD
448 BigDetection https://bit.ly/3DuZSRk
449 Feature visualization for convolutional neural network https://bit.ly/3Dwf6FJ
450 AutoAvatar https://bit.ly/38m9ClF
451 A Long Short-term Memory Based Recurrent Neural Network for Interventional MRI Reconstruction https://bit.ly/3Dz1idF
452 StyleT2I https://bit.ly/35u5Wx0
453 L^3U-net https://bit.ly/3iTOq8r
454 Balanced MSE https://bit.ly/3rxt7yo
455 BEVFormer: Learning Bird's-Eye-View Representation from Multi-Camera Images via Spatiotemporal Transformers https://bit.ly/36m3HfC
456 TransEditor: Transformer-Based Dual-Space GAN for Highly Controllable Facial Editing https://bit.ly/3JQKZKS
457 On the Importance of Asymmetry for Siamese Representation Learning https://bit.ly/3JNgcyt
458 On One-Class Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Attributed Networks https://bit.ly/3uQTC3P
459 Pyramid Frequency Network with Spatial Attention Residual Refinement Module for Monocular Depth https://bit.ly/3KWT6a4
460 Unleashing Vanilla Vision Transformer with Masked Image Modeling for Object Detection https://bit.ly/3L8a59H
461 DaViT: Dual Attention Vision Transformers https://bit.ly/3Engc7e
462 SPAct: Self-supervised Privacy Preservation for Action Recognition https://bit.ly/3KTNvRW
463 Class-Incremental Learning with Strong Pre-trained Models https://bit.ly/3MdlcOq
464 RBGNet: Ray-based Grouping for 3D Object Detection by Center for Data Science https://bit.ly/3EqkydH
465 Event Transformer https://bit.ly/3KUsMxc
466 ReCLIP: A Strong Zero-Shot Baseline for Referring Expression Comprehension https://bit.ly/3M6RgDE
467 A9-Dataset: Multi-Sensor Infrastructure-Based Dataset for Mobility Research https://bit.ly/3xAyqRj
468 Simple Baselines for Image Restoration https://bit.ly/3vt4tjB
469 Masked Siamese Networks for Label-Efficient Learning https://bit.ly/3viEs6s
470 Neighborhood Attention Transformer https://bit.ly/3jNExK3
471 TopFormer: Token Pyramid Transformer for Mobile Semantic Segmentation https://bit.ly/3M3EA0K
472 MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-View Stereo https://bit.ly/3MaDTCR
473 Temporally Efficient Vision Transformer for Video Instance Segmentation https://bit.ly/3w6xkf3
474 EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing https://bit.ly/3yx2JJ2
475 CenterNet++ for Object Detection https://bit.ly/3woxrBG
476 A case for using rotation invariant features in state of the art feature matchers https://bit.ly/3kZ1x9A
477 WebFace260M: A Benchmark for Million-Scale Deep Face Recognition https://bit.ly/3w2T3Vd
478 JIFF: Jointly-aligned Implicit Face Function for High-Quality Single View Clothed Human Reconstruction https://bit.ly/3N9Me9U
479 Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey https://bit.ly/3PfC1uA
480 StyleGAN-Human: A Data-Centric Odyssey of Human Generation https://bit.ly/3PqV710
481 Few-shot Head Swapping In The Wild Secrets Revealed By Department Of Computer Vision Technology (vis) https://bit.ly/3w7xm6c
482 CLIP-GEN: Language-Free Training of a Text-to-Image Generator with CLIP https://bit.ly/3N3cEKu
483 HuMMan: Multi-Modal 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Sensing and Modeling https://bit.ly/3Nqnevx
484 Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Super-Resolution: A Survey https://bit.ly/39jyL0U
485 CLIP-Art: Contrastive Pre-training for Fine-Grained Art Classification https://bit.ly/3N7Qd6V
486 C3-STISR: Scene Text Image Super-resolution with Triple Clues https://bit.ly/3l1352C
487 Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks https://bit.ly/39hus6d
488 DANBO: Disentangled Articulated Neural Body Representations https://bit.ly/3LkqWp3
489 BlobGAN: Spatially Disentangled Scene Representations https://bit.ly/3sufEYz
490 Text to artistic image generation https://bit.ly/3w6wzmd
491 Sequencer: Deep LSTM for Image Classification https://bit.ly/3sulPvT
492 IVY: An Open-Source Tool To Make Deep Learning Code Compatible Across Frameworks https://bit.ly/3M6MbvJ
493 Introspective Deep Metric Learning https://bit.ly/3w2pZ02
494 KeypointNeRF: Generalizing Image-based Volumetric Avatars using Relative Spatial Encoding of Keypoints https://bit.ly/3wnRhwF
495 GraphWorld: A Methodology For Analyzing The Performance Of GNN Architectures On Millions Of Synthetic Benchmark Datasets https://bit.ly/3PUQexk
496 Group R-CNN for Weakly Semi-supervised Object Detection with Points https://bit.ly/3zfvU3W
497 Few-Shot Head Swapping in the Wild https://bit.ly/3xapGkn
498 StyLandGAN: A StyleGAN based Landscape Image Synthesis using Depth-map https://bit.ly/3GKX4Bi
499 Spiking Approximations of the MaxPooling Operation in Deep SNNs https://bit.ly/3GLp7AG
500 Deep Spectral Methods: A Surprisingly Strong Baseline for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation and Localization https://bit.ly/3NTGsJQ

Thanks for Reading๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰