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C Programming Full Course Material for Students of BScCSIT or any other IT courses B.Sc.CSIT, CSIT, BSc.CSIT, BScCSIT, BSc.CSIT in Nepal. BSc.CSIT Notes | BSc CSIT Notes | Notes | CSIT Nepal
Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer Programming
Fundamentals of Computer Programming (CSC-102)
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
Course no: CSC-102
Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3
Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: This course contains the concepts of programming methodology using C. Goal: This course is designed to familiarize students to the techniques of programming in C.
Course Contents:
Unit | Hours | Description |
1. Problem Solving with Computer | 2 Hrs | Problem analysis, Algorithms and Flowchart, Coding, Compilation and Execution, History of C, Structure of C program, Debugging, Testing and Documentation |
2. Elements of C | 4 Hrs. | C Tokens, Escape sequence, Delimiters, Variables, Data types, Constants/ Literals, Expressions, Statements and Comments |
3. Input and Output | 2 Hrs. | Conversion specification, I/O operation, Formatted I/O |
4. Operators and Expression | 4 Hrs. | Arithmetic operator, Relational operator, Logical or Boolean operator, Assignment, Operator, Ternary operator, Bitwise operator, Increment or Decrement operator, Comma operator. |
5. Control Statement | 4 Hrs. | Branching, Looping, Conditional Statement, Exit function, Difference between break and exit |
6. Arrays | 6 Hrs. | Introduction, Declaration of array, Initialization of array, Sorting, Multidimensional array |
7. Functions | 5 Hrs. | Library Functions, User defined functions, Recursion, Function declaration, Local and global variables, Use of array in function, Passing by Value, Passing by Address |
8. Pointers | 6 Hrs. | Introduction, The & and * operator, Declaration of pointer, Pointer to pointer, Pointer arithmetic, Array and Pointer, Pointer and array, Pointer with multidimensional array, Pointer and strings, Array of pointer with string, Dynamic memory allocation |
9. Structure and Union | 5 Hrs. | Introduction, Array of structure, Passing structure to function, Passing array of structure to function, Structure within structure ( Nested Structure), Union, Pointer to structure |
10. Files and file handling in C | 4 Hrs. | Concept of file, Opening and closing of file, Modes, Input/ output function, Random access in file, Printing a file |
11. Introduction to Graphics | 3 Hrs. | Modes, Initialization, Graphics Function |
Laboratory works:
This course requires a lot of programming practices. Each topic must be followed by a practical session. Some practical sessions include programming to:
• Create, compile and run simple C programs, handle different data types available in C, perform arithmetic operations in C, perform formatted input and out put operations, perform character input and output operations.
• Perform logical operations, create decision making programs, create loops to repeat task, sue different looping method.
• Create user-defined factions, create recursive functions, work with automatic, global and static variables, create, manipulate arrays and matrices (single and multi-dimensional), work with pointes, dynamically allocate de-allocate storage space during runtime, manipulate strings (character arrays) using various string handling functions.
• Create and use structures and files to keep record of students, employees etc
1. Deitel, C.: How to Program, 2/e (With CD), Pearson Education.
2. Al Kelley, Ira Pohl: "A Book on C", Pearson Education.
3. Brian W. Keringhan & Dennis M. Ritchie: "The C programming Language", PHI
4. Bryons S. Gotterfried: "Programming with C," TMH
5. Stephen G. Kochan: "Programming in C", CBS publishers & distributors.
6. Yashavant Kanetkar: "Let us C", BPB Publications