vimrc-config copied to clipboard
re-vim: sensible vim configuration
re-vim: sensible vim configuration
★ Single file, just download it then fire up your nvim/vim!
★ Well polished, should work on Mac, Linux and Windows.
★ Full Language Server Protocol support(node.js required).
★ Easy to maintain and extend, to fulfill your needs.
Get started
Download .vimrc file, put it in your home directory. Run vim as usual, it can handle itself quite well.
Tips for Linux & macOS users(install & update):
curl -Lo ~/.vimrc
Need neovim support?
ln ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
If on Windows, run these in Command Prompt:
mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim"
mklink "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim" "%USERPROFILE%\.vimrc"
The screenshot was taken from VimR.
Some old screenshots can be found here.
re-vim uses vim-plug (+python
required) as plugin manager. Run :PlugInstall
in vim to install all built-in plugins. This should be completed in 30 secs.
Plugins list
- delimitMate - provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
- vim-easy-align - A Vim alignment plugin
goyo.vim - Distraction-free writing in Vim
- limelight.vim - Best served with goyo.vim
ultisnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!(
required)- vim-snippets - Source of ultisnips
- emmet-vim - emmet for vim:
- vim-textmanip - easy text manipulation for vim
- vim-table-mode - VIM Table Mode for instant table creation
- vim-sandwich - The set of operator and textobject plugins to search/select/edit sandwiched textobjects.
- targets.vim - Vim plugin that provides additional text objects
- vim-signature - Plugin to toggle, display and navigate marks
- vim-fugitive - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
- nerdcommenter - Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting
- vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- undotree - The ultimate undo history visualizer for VIM
- ctrlp.vim - Active fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
- codi.vim - The interactive scratchpad for hackers.
- vim-one - Adaptation of one-light and one-dark colorschemes for Vim
neocomplete - Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache(
required) - coc.nvim - Complete engine and Language Server support for neovim & vim, featured as VSCode(node.js required)
- tagbar - Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope(ctags required)
- vimtex - A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files.
- asyncrun - Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to Quickfix Window
Key bindings
Primary key bindings.
imap jk <Esc> " Use `jk` to exit Insert Mode
let mapleader = "\<Space>" " Use `<Space>` as mapleader
use :W
for sudo writing on Mac & Linux.
use :Wcolor
for showing highlight group under current cursor
Move around & Edit
Key | Mode | Action |
<BS> |
Normal | unhighlight the search result |
[b |
Normal | switch to previous buffer |
]b |
Normal | switch to next buffer |
<Ctrl> + a |
Command/Insert | move the cursor to the begining of line |
<Ctrl> + e |
Command/Insert | move the cursor to the end of line |
<Ctrl> + h |
Command/Insert | move the cursor left by word |
<Ctrl> + l |
Command/Insert | move the cursor right by word |
<Ctrl> + b |
Insert | move the cursor left by char |
<Ctrl> + f |
Insert | move the cursor right by char |
<Ctrl> + j |
Insert | move the cursor down by line |
<Ctrl> + k |
Insert | move the cursor up by line |
<Ctrl> + j |
Visual | move the current line downward |
<Ctrl> + k |
Visual | move the current line upward |
<Ctrl> + h |
Normal | resize the current split window |
<Ctrl> + l |
Normal | resize the current split window |
<Ctrl> + j |
Normal | resize the current split window |
<Ctrl> + k |
Normal | resize the current split window |
key related
Key | Mode | Action |
<Leader> + r |
Normal | Restore last session |
<Leader> + n |
Normal | Toggle showing linenumber |
<Leader> + s |
Normal | Strip whitespace & blankline EOF |
Plugins key bindings
Plugin | Key | Mode | Action |
ctrlp.vim | <Leader> + o |
Normal | Open CtrlP window |
undotree | <Leader> + u |
Normal | Toggle undotree window |
nerdcommenter | \ |
Normal/Visual | Toggle comment |
nerdcommenter | Ctrl + \ |
Normal/Visual | CommentSexy |
emmet-vim | , + , |
Insert/Visual | Expand abbr |
vim-easy-align | <Leader> + g |
Normal/Visual | Align with |
goyo.vim | Ctrl + w + <Space> |
Normal | Toggle goyo mode |
limelight.vim | Ctrl + w + <Enter> |
Normal | Toggle limelight mode |
ultisnips | <Tab> |
Insert | Expand snips |
ultisnips | <Tab> |
Insert | Jumpforward |
ultisnips | <Shift> + <Tab> |
Insert | Jumpbackward |
tagbar | <Leader> + b |
Normal | Toggle tagbar window |
asyncrun | & |
Normal | AsyncRun arbitrary command(like wget ) |
asyncrun | g& |
Normal | AsyncRun predefined command with -strip option |
visual-multi key bindings
Key | Mode | Action |
Ctrl + n |
Normal/Visual | select the word under cursor |
<Leader> + A |
Normal/Visual | select all occurrences of the word/selection |
Ctrl + <LeftClick> |
Normal | add a single cursor at current position |
<Leader> + <Space> |
Normal/Visual | add a cursor or create cursors vertically |
Ctrl + <Down/Up> |
Normal | create cursors vertically |
n /N /[ /] |
Normal | navigate between cursors/regions |
q /Q |
Normal | skip/remove the region under cursor |
Language Server Protocol related
Key | Mode | Action |
gh | Normal | show hover document |
gd | Normal | coc-definition |
gf | Visual | coc-format-selected |
gy | Normal | coc-type-definition |
gs | Normal | coc-symbols |
go | Normal | coc-outline |
gc | Normal | coc-diagnostics |
gm | Normal | coc-rename |
gr | Normal | coc-references |
gi | Normal | coc-implementation |
You need to run :CocInstall coc-word coc-ultisnips coc-html coc-pyls
or something before using LSP related functions. See Using coc extensions · neoclide/coc.nvim Wiki · GitHub .
For more key bindings please refer to the plugin's manual.
re-vim uses ~/.vim/vimrc.after
(and ~/.vim/vimrc.before
) for your customization.
For example, to override the default colorscheme:
echo "colorscheme one" >> ~/.vim/vimrc.after
To enable true color support:
echo "set termguicolors" >> ~/.vim/vimrc.after
To add new plugins, you should create ~/.vim/vimrc.plug
echo "Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'" >> ~/.vim/vimrc.plug
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