> As you can see, even without the path you mentioned, HiSD works fine with the extracted style in the inference. This is because of the cycle-translation path. In the...
Checkout, the jpeg lib used by Pillow should be jpeg8d ( ) while the highest version support by ubuntu's apt official source( 18.04 LTS for me ) seems...
> My apologies for still not being able to release the reference implementation of CtxSyn. Please note that I am eager to do so, but have unfortunately not gotten the...
I'm trying to re-produce the results base on the DAIN's code, so I rewrite the CuPy interface into a CUDA coda as the extension for pytorch. I have check the...
Using Clang in LLVM would fix this error. Run cmake like the following: `cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++` see
It seems that you did not do the face alignment for the input image. By the way, I found that the alignment parameters may have a bit different from the...
> Have you found the solution? I encountered the same problem. Had changed torch version to 1.8.1 and it solved. Or just try the hot-fix codes above.
You should urged the author not to over claim this Drag-Your-GAN, especially in the era of diffusion based large model.
谢天谢地,gan处理像这样的任意输入图本身就没有打好基础,你能保证stylegan2或者stylegan3/stylegan-xl等的后续工作能跑啊?务实一点,我劝你们把gan inversion的先天不足,stable diffusion中stable的理念先搞懂;automatic1111带的蛮好的,你把他换了干什么。你在这里跑个outlier图,你倒告诉我怎么解释,脸都不要了。
> I'm unaware of a jupyter compatible backend for Qt, so as of now, I don't think it's possible. Rewriting the UI layers to work with jupyter widgets would likely...