json2swift copied to clipboard
auto convert json to swift struct
auto convert json string to swift struct.中文介绍
How to use?
- Input json to left
- click "convert=>"
- Copy the result Parameters statement:
ObjectMapper: Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift. If this is selected, result will auto add func mapping
name: the name of the result, default is "Result"
prefix: the prefix of each struct name, default is empty.
python script
- open Terminal, cd to Main.py
- Copy json string to File named "jsons.txt"
- Python3 Main.py
- ResultModel.swift is the result
CocoaPython: a fast way to use python with Cocoa. we can use CocoaPython.swift like this:
// python path
guard let aPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Parse", ofType: "py") else { return }
// args: python accept paras
// block: complete block
let script = CocoaPython(scrPath: aPath, args: [""]) { [weak self] in
print($0) // python's return
print($1) // python's Error
script.spliPara = "$" // the multi results's split Character, if not set, all the results is in result[0].
// or script.runAsync(asyncComlete: false) // the complete block call in global async
// or script.runSync() // run in current thread
- python 简单入门指北
- Python教程
- Running a Python Script from Swift