sqlite-vss copied to clipboard
React Native support
I was wondering if it is possible to use this extension with Expo SQLite (ideally) or with react-native-sqlite-storage. Let me know if anyone's tried this
Hey @microchipgnu, I am wondering the same and that's what lead me to this ticket. Did you by any chance tried it?
i looking for same . we need a vss extension as part of expo
i found https://github.com/OP-Engineering/op-sqlite that able to load an extensions in react naytive but for this I need a vss and vector extension precompiled for ios and android . really looking for a guide how to doit
I'm also looking into this. Maybe it would be much simpler to use this relatively new but simpler SQLite extension and compile it for Android and iOS.
@hmbrg looks interesting but looks like inmemory solution . so depends on usecase. we have a lot of entities with vectors but thanks for reference .
Hi, I'm the author of op-sqlite. Yes you can with op-sqlite (maybe with expo-sqlite too). Don't use sqlite-storage it is old and slow.
You need to compile this crate into dylibs you can load on runtime. I'm still figuring the compilation process for this crate on different systems (if you cannot use the prebuilts). But once you have those you can just call the load_extension function of op-sqlite.