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Normal colorscheme in vim problems
Hi! I am new to vim and I am using it in linux terminal.
This colorscheme issue gave me some problems...
First it would be good to change
hi Normal ctermbg=15
in documentaion to
highlight Normal ctermbg=15
so it would be possible just to google it. Googling for "hi" is pointless...
Second issue, I am using some black background color scheme, that goes in debian by default.
When I did "hi Normal ctermbg=15" background changed to white, it was awful.
I tried "hi Normal ctermbg=0" it made background black, but changed colors of the text.
Trying things blindly I came to "hi Normal ctermbg=16" that gives black background and keeps text colors as they were. But I do not understand why.
It would be nice to have more explanation in the doc concerning this Normal colorscheme issue. Or may be not explanations but some ready recipes for new users like "use "hi Normal ctermbg=16" if your color scheme is black", if it is too complex to explain. There should not be many usual cases, so most of them can be covered.