themes copied to clipboard
How do we create a theme?
Hi! I bought 3 copies of Aseprite so far and plan to buy a fourth soon for my dev team and we all love it. How do I create a custom theme of my own? If I make a decent one, I will submit a PR. I found this reddit post where dacap answered this question for a previous version, but the instructions don't seem to apply to the latest version (the link is broken and the default theme seems to be hard coded now). Thanks!
I figured out how to create a basic theme, but there is a lot that is not very intuitive, especially in the xml file. One thing I cannot figure out how to do is to remove the black background behind the scrollbar so that the scrollbar thumb shows up but the bar itself is (semi-)transparent. It would be nice if a guide could be created for working with themes.
Or better create some Aseprite Theme Generator online tool
I figured out how to create a basic theme, but there is a lot that is not very intuitive, especially in the xml file. One thing I cannot figure out how to do is to remove the black background behind the scrollbar so that the scrollbar thumb shows up but the bar itself is (semi-)transparent. It would be nice if a guide could be created for working with themes.
I know your question is 3 years old by now but i don't see many ppl making theme/skins and if by any chance someone see this and help him progress i believe it would make it worth a reply
Some stuff is in theme.xml some is in sheet.png scrollbar is in sheet.png on this pic i outlined in red where scrollbar is
Top Left icon is background when idle
Top Right is actual scrollbar knob
2nd row from the top 1st icon from the Left is hover state of background and the one on the Right is hover state of scrollbar knob
4 icons below are exactly the same patter just for scrollbar in timeline (the one where you add frames and layers)
Best trick you can pull is to google colorpicker / eyedropper and find some small little program that will let you identify colors from what you see and will tell you what HTML color it have IF you can't find any this is one i use (i cant even find it on google that's how old it is) What you want to do is pick color form part you want to edit in aseprite and CTRL+F in open theme.xml that color code So for example you want picked #FFFFFF color of text which is white but you are not sure did you find correct line in xml Well simple Just close aseprite Change color in that line to #000000 which is black save xml BUT DON'T CLOSE IT Open aseprite and check did color you wanted to edit changed from white to black And that is only way with trail and error to find parts you are looking for If you need part of window just go to sheet.png and edit parts that can be the one you are looking for in pink for example Save open aseprite and check did you found part you want to edit It took me 1 day to make theme and find/edit parts i wanted so it is doable if you have enough will and determination