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who can tell me spets to install the spatialhadoop on the hadoop?
Just like the title!
Download Spatial Hadoop tar file on existing Hadoop cluster machine
Untar the downloaded SpatialHadoop bundle
Copy SpatialHadoop/conf/\* folder contents to $HADOOP_HOME/conf/ directory
Copy SpatialHadoop/bin/\* folder contents to $HADOOP_HOME/bin/ directory
Copy SpatialHadoop/lib/\* folder contents to $HADOOP_HOME/lib/ directory
Copy spatialhadoop-x.x/spatialhadoop-main.jar file parallel to Hadoop lib folder, i.e., $HADOOP_HOME/\*
Thank you, C. C. i did this fellow the six steps; but have one error: Error: Could not find or load main class edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.operations.Main
Are there any documents need me to configure? Thanks!
Have you tried running any command after configuring spatialHadoop ? If yes, then post the command as well.
OK! JUST IT! thanks! guest@master:/usr/hadoop/bin$ /usr/hadoop/bin/shadoop Error: Could not find or load main class edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.operations.Main
Have you restarted the hadoop services after spatialhadoop configuration ?
yes! the hadoop version is 2.4.0. it is ok?
I think its not able to find the "spatialhadoop-main.jar" file in HADOOP_HOME directory parallel to $HADOOP_HOME/bin folder. I have tried with Hadoop 2.2.0 and spatialhadoop-2.2 version, and above steps are working on that.
can i give you an email about the details i did? thanks. post your email address!
Post the steps here whatever you tried.
Step 1 1、Download Spatial Hadoop tar file on existing Hadoop cluster machine 2、Untar the downloaded SpatialHadoop bundle As the fig.1, left is the files of SpatialHadoop, right is the $HADOOP_HOME/*
Step 2 1、Copy SpatialHadoop/conf/* folder contents to $HADOOP_HOME/conf/ directory 2、Copy SpatialHadoop/bin/* folder contents to $HADOOP_HOME/bin/ directory 3、Copy SpatialHadoop/lib/* folder contents to $HADOOP_HOME/lib/ directory 4、Copy spatialhadoop-x.x/spatialhadoop-main.jar file parallel to Hadoop lib folder, i.e., $HADOOP_HOME/*
After finished: /bin/shadoop /usr/hadoop/bin/
/conf/spatial-site.xml /usr/hadoop/etc/hadoop/
Then restart the hadoop!
Then command
Check the entry for Main class in 'bin/shadoop' file and the place where your Main.class in present.
Main.class is in spatialhadoop-main.jar -> \edu\umn\cs\spatialHadoop\operations\Main.class
now it is not ok.
Not sure.. Why it is throwing exception for rangeQuery ? You can try running "hadoop jar spatialhadoop-main.jar mbr" It should asks for "other parameters like inputfile".
ok , i think i will try other version. thanks
It might be a little late but you need to get the right SpatialHadoop package based on your Hadoop version. For Hadoop 1.x, you need to download the file For Hadoop 2.x (as in your case), you need to download an alternative version as the directory structure of Hadoop 2.x is different. Download the file You can also generate these files from the source code by running the ant task ant package1 or ant package2
Then, you need to extract the package (.tar.gz) file into your Hadoop home directory ($HADOOP_HOME). It will automatically place each file in the correct path. You can do this by running the following command wget -qO- | tar --directory $HADOOP_HOME -xvz
Notice that you need to do this for EVERY machine in your cluster, not just the master node. After that, you need to restart the cluster to ensure that the new classes are loaded. You should be good to go from that point.
There are alternative techniques to install SpatialHadoop as you can find on the following page
Let me know if this resolves your problem.
solução aseldawy!! obrigado deu certo.
@aseldawy You say that spatialhadoop-2.3.2 works with Hadoop 2.x, are you sure this covers Hadoop 2.6.0? Having the same issue as OP.
To run on Hadoop 2.x, you will have to compile it yourself from the source code. Please check the compilation guide at
I am not able to see the conf, lib folders when i untar the downloaded SpatialHadoop bundle. Please guide me.