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rasem is a pure ruby gem that allows you to describe your SVG images in ruby code
= Rasem
rasem is a pure ruby gem that allows you to describe your SVG images in ruby code.
== Why Rasem
- Did you ever want to visualize some data in a nice image?
- Do you want to draw a complex image that is easier to describe using a code?
- Would you like to power your HTML 5 site with nicely drawn SVG images?
- Do you need to generate nice images from your ruby code?
- Are you fed up with using DIVs and Javascript to draw simple graphs?
- Is your server overwhelmed with sending PNG images that can be described in a few bytes using SVG?
Rasem allows you to generate SVG images that can be easily exported to other formats and embed in an HTML 5 page.
== Features
- Draw basic elements: line, rectangle, rouned rectangle, circle, ellipse, polygon and polyline.
- Use SVG styles such as stroke-width, opacity and fill.
- Use SVG transformations such as translate, scale, rotate, skewX/Y and matrix
- Create SVG groups for better editing in SVG editors.
- Create SVG paths using ruby blocks
- Use definitions to create shapes and reuse them in your image
- Create SVG gradients Coming features:
- Include all SVG standard elements such as filters
- Create default rake and thor tasks to convert your .rasem files to .svg.
- Embed other images in your SVG image
- Output to more formats such as PNG.
Rasem is still in alpha release. Please report your bugs so that we can work on it. You are welcome to contribute to the project by adding more features and fixing bugs. The end goal of the project is to fully support SVG standard and make it easy to use.
== Installation gem install rasem
== Usage There are two main methods to generate images with Rasem.
=== Command line Create a file with extension .rasem. Here is a sample file test.rasem self.width = 100 self.height = 100 circle 20, 20, 5 circle 50, 50, 5 line 20, 20, 50, 50
Save this file and execute the command rasem test.rasem
A file test.svg will be generated.
=== Ruby code You can generate the image from your ruby code. This has several uses such as sending the image on the fly from a Rails application.
Here is a simple example require 'rasem' img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width=>100, :height=>100) do circle 20, 20, 5 circle 50, 50, 5 line 20, 20, 50, 50 end
puts img.output
img.output is the SVG code generated for this images.
== More Examples The following examples are for .rasem files. These are actually ruby scripts that are executed to generate the image. So, you can write arbitrary ruby code in .rasem files as you will see.
simple_graph.rasem nodes = [[10,10], [20,20], [10,20]] radius = 3 with_style :fill=>"white", :stroke=>"black" do for node in nodes circle node.first, node.last, radius end end
line nodes[0].first, nodes[0].last, nodes[1].first, nodes[1].last, :stroke=>"blue"
Here is a more sophisticated example.
tictactoe.rasem self.width = 150 self.height = 150 board = [['x', 'o', 'x'], ['o', '-', 'o'], ['x', 'o', 'x']] def draw_x(x,y) group :stroke=>"red" do line x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20 line x-20, y+20, x+20, y-20 end end
def draw_o(x,y) circle x, y, 20, :stroke=>"blue", :fill=>"white" end
group :stroke=>"black" do
rectangle 0, 0, 150, 150, :stroke_width=>2, :fill=>"white"
line 50, 0, 50, 150
line 100, 0, 100, 150
line 0, 50, 150, 50
line 0, 100, 150, 100
board.each_with_index do |row, row_index| row.each_with_index do |cell, column_index| if cell == "x" draw_x row_index * 50 + 25, column_index * 50 + 25 elsif cell == "o" draw_o row_index * 50 + 25, column_index * 50 + 25 end end end
Here are some examples that show how you can generate images from your ruby code.
You can generate SVG and store it to file img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width => 100, :height => 100) img.line(0, 0, 100, 100)
File.open("test.svg", w") do |f| img.write(f) end
You can use pass a block to SVGImage.new to make things more compact img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(100, 100) do line(0, 0, 100, 100) end
Image is closed automatically
Write to file
You can make your code even more compact by passing the file as a last argument to SVGImage.new File.open("test.svg", "w") do |f| Rasem::SVGImage.new({:width => 100, :height => 100}, f) do line(0, 0, 100, 100) end end
You can use transformations on created objects (translate, scale, rotate, skew, matrix)
img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width => 100, :height => 100) do circle(0, 0, 10).translate(50, 50).scale(2, 1.5) end
Here is an example showing how to generate a path using ruby code.
require 'rasem'
width = 100 height = 200
img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width => width, :height => height) do path("stroke" => "black") do moveToA(0, height / 2.0) vlineTo(height / 2.0 - 50) curveTo(50, 40, 0, 0, 50, 0) curveTo(-30, -50, 0, 0, 10, -30) vlineTo(-(height / 2.0 - 60)) end end
File.open("path.svg", "w") do |f| img.write(f) end
Using definitions and reuse them later
img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width => 100, :height => 100) do defs do group(:id => "group1") do circle(0, 0, 20) text(0, 5, :fill => "red") { raw "hi!" } end end
use("group1", :x => 50, :y => 25)
use("group1", :x => 50, :y => 75, :fill => "blue")
Ruby method def_group to use definitions. It create a group inside 'defs' with the given id and populate it using the block. The second optional argument controls the behaviour if the id is already in use, you can :fail, :update the existing element (and return the new one), or :skip the new one (effectively skipping the block, and returning the existing element).
img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width => 100, :height => 100) do
g = def_group("group1") do
circle(0, 0, 20)
g = def_group("group1", :update) do
circle(0, 0, 20)
text(0, 5, :fill => "red") { raw "hi!" }
use(g, :x => 50, :y => 25)
use(g, :x => 50, :y => 75, :fill => "blue")
An example of gradients usage
img = Rasem::SVGImage.new(:width => 100, :height => 100) do
r1 = radialGradient("rgrad1") do
stop("0%", "green", 1)
stop("100%", "blue", 1)
r2 = radialGradient("rgrad2") do
stop("0%", "yellow", 1)
stop("100%", "red", 1)
r2 = radialGradient("rgrad2", {}, :skip) do
stop("0%", "blue", 1)
stop("100%", "red", 1)
circle(50, 25, 20, :fill => r1.fill)
circle(50, 75, 20, :fill => r2.fill)
== Contributing to rasem
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Ahmed Eldawy. See LICENSE.txt for further details.