Libo Yan
Libo Yan
Hi @ChrisRackauckas and @KirillZubov, does "NeuralPDE.jl" support VTK formats output file?
@jmwjc , can you also run JuliaFEM.jl & UMAT.jl? Both do not work **in julia 1.2.0**...
@ahojukka5 , first of all, I cannot install FEMBasis: ``` add Updating git-repo `` Resolving package versions... ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package FEMBasis : FEMBasis log: ├─possible versions...
And FEMBase is also not possible to be installed ``` add Updating git-repo `` Resolving package versions... ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package FEMBasis: FEMBasis log: ├─possible versions are:...