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[CF 1358] Can't tint a timer bar with a notification
I'm trying to use a notification to change the color of a bar icon under certain conditions, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this. The obvious approach is to use the Color Flash animation with flashing disabled, but none of the options for anchoring the color do what I need. Even the Timer Bar anchor just puts the color over the backdrop instead of changing the color of the timer itself.
Here's an example icon. It starts a 10 second timer when you mouse over it, and it also applies a color flash as long as the mouse is over.
^1^T^SType^Sconditionicon ^SIcons^T ^N1^STMW:group:1OQnkEPsfGgi ^t^SGUID^STMW:icon:1OQnkEPvpAzg ^SConditionDurEnabled^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SMOUSEOVER ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SConditionDur^N10 ^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SAnchorTo^SIconModule_TimerBar_BarDisplayTimerBar ^SAnimColor^S7f0900ff ^SType^SAnimations ^SPeriod^N0 ^SAnimation^SICONFLASH ^SEvent^SWCSP ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SMOUSEOVER ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SCustomTex^S185123 ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N2^T ^SAlpha^N0.6 ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N82405^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
Posted by CurseForge user eridius | Imported from CurseForge issue #1358 | Raw
I was going to ask for the same thing.