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A Leiningen plugin for generating documentation using Asciidoctor

:author: Vladislav Bauer :email: [email protected] = lein-asciidoctor =

image:["Build Status", link=""] image:["Clojars Project" link=""]

== Introduction ==

link:[AsciiDoc] is a human-readable document format, semantically equivalent to DocBook XML, but using plain-text mark-up conventions. AsciiDoc documents can be created using any text editor and read "as-is", or rendered to HTML or any other format.

link:[Asciidoctor] is a fast text processor and publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML5, DocBook 5 (or 4.5) and other formats. Asciidoctor is written in Ruby, but it has a binding to work on JVM using link:[JRuby] - link:[AsciidoctorJ].

link:[lein-asciidoctor] is a link:[Leiningen] plugin that allows to generate documentation from AsciiDoc files in different formats using AsciidoctorJ.


== Setup ==

To enable lein-asciidoctor for your project, put the following line in the :plugins vector of your project.clj file:

[source,clojure] .project.clj

; Use latest version instead of "X.X.X" :plugins [[lein-asciidoctor "X.X.X"]]

== Configuration ==

To configure lein-asciidoctor, put the :asciidoctor parameter in the file project.clj. It could be a single configuration (simple map) or a collection of configurations (for multiple configuration).

[source,clojure] .project.clj

; single configuration :asciidoctor {:sources "doc/*.ascii"}

; multiple configurations :asciidoctor [{:sources ["doc1/.adoc" "doc2/.adoc"] :format :html5} {:sources "doc/*.ascii" :format :html}]

=== Supported formats ===

The Asciidoctor processor parses an AsciiDoc document and converts it to a variety of formats:

  • html5, html - HTML 5 markup. Default backend.
  • xhtml5 - XHTML 5 markup.
  • dockbook5, docbook - DocBook XML 5.0 markup.
  • docbook45 - DocBook XML 4.5 markup.
  • manpage - Manual page for Unix-like operating systems.

If no backend is indicated, the processor uses the default backend (html5).

=== Configuration parameters ===

Each configuration parameter could be a keyword (ex: :sources) or a string (ex: "sources"). You can combine this approaches if you need.

:sources:: List of input sources. It is possible to use a single source or a vector of sources. To configure this parameter, you could also use a link:[Glob Patterns]. Default value: "src/asciidoc/*.asciidoc"

:excludes:: List of glob patterns to prevent processing of some AsciiDoc files. It is also possible to use both variants: single pattern and collection of patterns.

:to-dir:: Target directory. All generated files will be placed in this directory. By default, all output will be placed in the same directory.

:compact:: Compact the output by removing blank lines. Possible values: true or false (default).

:header-footer:: Suppress or allow the document header and footer in the output. Possible values: true (default) or false. For example, it renders only <body> content in HTML mode.

:header:: Suppresses the rendering of the header. Possible values: true (default) or false.

:footer:: Suppress or allow the document footer in the output. Possible values: true or false (default). For example, it suppresses footer element in HTML mode.

:toc:: Add table of contents. Possible values: :auto, :left, :right. By default, ToC is not enabled.

:toc-title:: Allows you to change the title of the TOC. Default value: "Table of Contents".

:toc-levels:: By default, the TOC will display level 1 and level 2 section titles. You can set a different level with the toclevels attribute. Possible values: 1, 2 (default), 3, 4, 5.

:title:: Configure the title of document. For example, it defines <title> element in HTML mode.

:no-title:: Toggles the display of a document’s title.

:format:: Backend output file format: :html5, :docbook45, :docbook5 and :manpage supported out of the box. You can also use the backend alias names :html (aliased to :html5) or :docbook (aliased to :docbook5). Defaults to :html. It is also possible to use keywords or strings as values: :html and "html" is the same.

:doctype:: Document type: :article, :book, :manpage or :inline. Sets the root element when using the docbook format and the style class on the HTML body element when using the html format. The :book document type allows multiple level-0 section titles in a single document. The :manpage document type enables parsing of metadata necessary to produce a manpage. The :inline document type allows the content of a single paragraph to be formatted and returned without wrapping it in a containing element. Defaults to :article.

:source-highlight:: Enable syntax hightlighter for source codes. Possible values: true or false (default).

:extract-css:: Extract CSS resources in the output directory. Default asciidoctor.css will be extracted always. CSS file for syntax hightlighter (coderay-asciidoctor.css) will be extracted if :source-highlight parameter is turned on.

:safe:: Set safe mode level: unsafe(0), safe(1), server(10) or secure(20). Disables potentially dangerous macros in source files, such as include::[]. If not set, the safe mode level defaults to unsafe when Asciidoctor is invoked. It is possible to use text values in different casses (like safe, unsafe, SAFE, etc), keywords (:safe, :unsafe, etc.) or numbers (0, 1, etc.). Default value: UNSAFE.

== Usage ==

To run lein-asciidoctor plugin, you need to execute the following command in the command line: [source,bash]

lein asciidoc

To enable this plugin at the compile stage (for example, during lein compile or lein uberjar), use the following Leiningen hook: [source,clojure]

:hooks [lein-asciidoctor.plugin]

To show help for CLI, use: [source,bash]

lein help asciidoc

== Examples ==

=== Detailed example ===

[source,clojure] .project.clj

:asciidoctor [{:sources ["doc/*.ascii"] :to-dir "doc-generated" :compact true :format :html5 :extract-css true :toc :left :title "Just an example" :source-highlight true}]

.As result you will get the following:

  • Directory doc will be scanned for input sources using pattern *.ascii.
  • All found sources will be converted into HTML files (:html5) in the output directory doc-generated: ** All spaces in the output text files will be trimmed. ** Table of contents will be placed at the left part of each HTML document. ** Each generated HTML document will have the title Just an example. ** Syntax hightlighter will be applied on each code block.
  • CSS files asciidoctor.css and coderay-asciidoctor.css will be extracted in the same output directory.

=== GitHub Pages ===

link:[GitHub Pages] for this project were also generated using lein-asciidoctor.

=== Example project ===

Just clone current repository and try to play with link:[example] project for better understanding how to use lein-asciidoctor.

== Unit testing == To run unit tests: [source,bash]

lein test

== Useful links ==

  • link:[Full AsciiDoc documentation]
  • link:[AsciiDoc cheatsheet]
  • link:[AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference]
  • link:[AsciiDoc Writer’s Guide]
  • link:[Try AsciiDoc Online]

== Copyright and Licensing ==

Copyright © 2014 Vladislav Bauer and the Asciidoctor Project. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.

See the link:[LICENSE] file for details.