asciidoctor-confluence copied to clipboard
Push Asciidoctor file to Confluence
:version: 0.0.2 :asciidoctor-base-version: 1.5.2 :confluence-version: 5.x
= Asciidoctor-Confluence {version}
Asciidoctor-confluence is a ruby gem that takes Asciidoc files, parse them using[Asciidoctor] and push the result into[Confluence]. This gem currently supports Asciidoctor {asciidoctor-base-version} + This gem is compatible with Confluence {confluence-version}
== How to use it ?
First you need to download and install the gem
[source, ruby]
gem install asciidoctor-confluence
Then to create a page
asciidoctor-confluence --host HOSTNAME --spaceKey SPACEKEY --title TITLE --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD file.adoc
To update a page [source]
asciidoctor-confluence --host HOSTNAME --spaceKey SPACEKEY --title TITLE --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --update file.adoc #or asciidoctor-confluence --host HOSTNAME --spaceKey SPACEKEY --title TITLE --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --update --pageid PAGEID file.adoc
Here is the list of arguments that can used with this gem
.Gem parameters |=== |Argument | Is mandatory | Role | Example
|host |yes |The hostname of the Confluence instance |http://confluence.mydomain/
|spaceKey |yes |The space within which the page will be created |'AS' in http://confluence.mydomain/display/AS/
|title |yes |The title of the Confluence page |
|username |no |The username to use if the page has write restrictions |
|password |no |The password associated to the account used to login into Confluence |
|update |false |Indicate that the page must be updated instead of created. No values are required for this option |
|pageid |no |The ID of the page you want to update, if it's not provided it will be determined using the space key and the title | |===
== Want to try it ?
If you want to try asciidoctor-confluence you can either download the gem: [source] gem install asciidoctor-confluence
Or install from the source
. Install the gem locally (at the moment it has not been publish to rubygem)
.. Clone the github repository locally git clone
.. Built it gem build asciidoctor-confluence.gemspec
.. Install it gem install ./asciidoctor-confluence.{version}.gem
.. To check it has been done correctly asciidoctor-confluence -v
should display asciidoctor-confluence: {version}
. Have a Confluence instance
.. If you don't have a Confluence server, you can use a Docker container (e.i.:, the option requires therefore an Atlassian account so it can generate a trial licence key.