AsciidocFX copied to clipboard
chinese word issue
Using asciidocfx 1.8.3, and met some issue with words.
can not display chinese fonts in editor and preview, like italic, bold.
how to export PDF with chinese?
- how to export PDF with chinese?
You have three ways to export a PDF containing Chinese.
Method 1 - use AsciidocFX buildin Template
Step1: In AsciidocFX , Left Tree , don't select anything , popup menu, New Template -> Asciidoctor-PDF CJK Demo
Step2: Goto Asciidoctor-PDF CJK Demo , Open README.adoc , Then you can export PDF
Step3: Edit cjk-theme.yml , You can change fonts.
Note: This Template Not Support Italic, Bold, BoldItalic。
Method2 - Install asciidocfx-pdf-cjk-patch ( )
中文日文韓文字型 Noto Sans CJK,Noto Sans Mono CJK,Noto Serif CJK 包含4種樣式(Regular,Italic,Bold,BoldItalic自動下載跟開箱即用。
Method3 - Install asciidocfx-pdf-fop-cjk-patch ( )
中文日文韓文字型 Noto Sans CJK,Noto Sans Mono CJK,Noto Serif CJK 包含4種樣式(Regular,Italic,Bold,BoldItalic自動下載跟開箱即用。
For HTML output, you should modify the default asciidoctor css meaning provide a custom stylesheet, and include required Chinese web fonts. For PDF output, you can follow the paths that @life888888 provided.
AsciidocFX Preview Not Show italic, bold. (Chinese Text)
But Export HTML , HTML Can Show italic, bold. (Chinese) , But I don't use any asciidoctor css.
Attatch File EngChtCompare.adoc , You can use AsciidocFX open it , and use HTML -> SAVE
But Save to Html , Html can show italic, bold. (Chinese Text)
I see the issue now, thank you. Was it working in older versions of AsciidocFX ?
1.5.4, 1.6.4, 1.7.4 all have the same issue. (In Ubuntu 20.04) - Open EngChtCompare.adoc , and check preview.
Before test difference version , I am delete ~/.AsciidocFX-x.x.x and ~/.com.kodcu.boot.AppStarter.