grunt-requirejs copied to clipboard
"Module ID almond has a source path that is the same as the output path"
Error: Error: Module ID 'almond' has a source path that is same as output path: /Users/aelaguiz/workspace/cratejoy/node_modules/grunt-requirejs/node_modules/almond/almond.j
module.exports = function(grunt) {
requirejs: {
compile: {
options: {
appDir: './www',
baseUrl: './js',
dir: './build/www',
wrap: true,
almond: true,
"paths": {
"jquery": "bower_components/jquery/jquery.min",
"jquery-cookie": "bower_components/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie",
"text": "bower_components/requirejs-text/text",
"dropzone": "bower_components/dropzone/downloads/dropzone-amd-module.min",
"mustache": "bower_components/mustache/mustache",
"stache": "bower_components/requirejs-mustache/stache",
"bootstrap": "bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min",
"bootstrap-calendar": "libs/bootstrap/bootstrap.calendar",
"bootstrap-switch": "libs/bootstrap/bootstrap-switch",
"backbone-modelbinder": "bower_components/backbone.modelbinder/Backbone.ModelBinder",
"backbone": "bower_components/backbone-amd/backbone",
"underscore": "bower_components/underscore-amd/underscore-min",
"less": "bower_components/less/dist/less-1.5.1.min",
"picker": "bower_components/pickadate/lib/picker",
"": "bower_components/pickadate/lib/",
"backgrid": "libs/backgrid/lib/backgrid",
"backgrid-selectall": "libs/backgrid/lib/extensions/select-all/backgrid-select-all",
"backbone-pageable": "bower_components/backbone-pageable/lib/backbone-pageable",
"backgrid-paginator": "libs/backgrid-paginator/backgrid-paginator",
"backgrid-filter": "libs/backgrid/lib/extensions/filter/backgrid-filter",
"lunr": "bower_components/lunr.js/lunr",
"parsley": "libs/parsleyjs.larkio/parsley",
"accounting": "bower_components/accounting/accounting",
"tempus": "bower_components/tempus/min/tempus.min",
"messenger": "bower_components/messenger/build/js/messenger",
"resumablejs": "bower_components/resumablejs/resumable",
"aviary": "empty:",
"jquery.sortable": "bower_components/html5sortable/jquery.sortable",
"jquery.cookie": "bower_components/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie",
"bootbox": "bower_components/bootbox/bootbox",
"jquery.simplemodal": "bower_components/ericmmartin.simplemodal/src/jquery.simplemodal",
"stripe": "empty:",
"fineuploader": "libs/fineuploader/custom.fineuploader-4.1.0",
"fuelux": "bower_components/fuelux/dist",
"typeahead": "libs/typeahead.js/dist/typeahead",
"css": "bower_components/codemirror/mode/css/css",
"xml": "bower_components/codemirror/mode/xml/xml",
"javascript": "bower_components/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript",
"htmlmixed": "bower_components/codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed",
"htmlembedded": "bower_components/codemirror/mode/htmlembedded/htmlembedded",
"codemirror": "bower_components/codemirror/lib/codemirror",
"tplbox": "libs/tplbox/tplbox",
"console-shim": "bower_components/console-shim/console-shim-min"
"shim": {
"aviary": {
exports: "Aviary"
"jquery": {
exports: "jquery"
"messenger": {
exports: "Messenger",
"tempus": {
exports: "tempus",
"accounting": {
exports: "accounting"
"lunr": {
exports: "lunr",
"codemirror": {
exports: "CodeMirror"
"css": {
"deps": ['codemirror']
"xml": {
"deps": ['css']
"javascript": {
"deps": ['xml']
"htmlmixed": {
"deps": ['javascript', 'xml', 'css', 'codemirror']
"htmlembedded": {
"deps": ['htmlmixed']
"stripe": {
exports: "stripe"
"parsley": ["jquery"],
"": ["picker"],
"bootstrap": ["jquery", "less"],
"bootstrap-calendar": ["jquery"],
"bootstrap-switch": ["jquery"],
"bootbox": {
deps: ["bootstrap"],
exports: "bootbox"
"deps": ["console-shim"],
modules: [
name: 'vendor/mains/dashboard_main',
include: ["vendor/pages/dashboard_page"]
name: 'store/mains/standard_main',
include: ["store/pages/standard_page"]
optimize: 'none',
preserveLicenseComments: false,
generateSourceMaps: false
grunt.registerTask('default', ['requirejs']);
Looks like this commit on r.js broke it:
25828 //If buildPath and sourcePath are the same, throw since this
25829 //would result in modifying source. This condition can happen
25830 //with some more tricky paths: config and appDir/baseUrl
25831 //setting, which is a sign of incorrect config.
25832 if (module._buildPath === module._sourcePath) {
25833 throw new Error('Module ID \'' + +
25834 '\' has a source path that is same as output path: ' +
25835 module._sourcePath +
25836 '. Stopping, config is malformed.');
25837 }
Thanks for heads up. I do have a lot on my schedule atm., I will try to analyse the issue soon; but it might take some time until a fix could be ready. I´ll notice you when I found something.
Just setting the version of r.js to a couple versions back fixed it. Works in the short term for me.
I've got the same issue and things worked out when I changed the modules names to the alias given on the path config, rather than the module path, for example:
modules: [
{name: "app"}
... instead of:
modules: [
{name: "scripts/app.js"}
The downside is that everything must have an alias to actually work.
This still seems to be an issue on 2.1.16
We explicitely want that, since we always build to a new fresh folder, hence the first step is to copy the source code in there, and then explicitly want it to be overwritten!