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Grunting grunts with grunt & serving a pattern catalogue
grunt-patternprimer v0.1.1

Grunt enabled port of adactios Pattern-Primer
As stated in the original docs:
Create little snippets of markup and save them to the "patterns folder." The pattern primer will generate a list of all the patterns in that folder. You will see the pattern rendered as HTML. You will also get the source displayed in a textarea.
Check also the related Blog Post & example from Jeremy.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-patternprimer --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Patternprimer task
Run this task with the grunt patternprimer
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: String
Default: public
This is the Place all your HTML extracts (the pattern files) live it is relative to the <root>
folder of your project.
Type: Array
Default: ['global.css']
Array with all the css files you that should be loaded in the parttern primer.
Note: You can also specify remote ressources like
They will be downloaded and stored locally in case of a snapshot.
Does not work with ressorces from https
Type: String
Default: docs
Specifies the destination of the pattern files when running a snapshot build and/or running the live server.
Type: Array
Default: [7020, 7030]
Ports that should be used when running the live server. The first index of that array will be used to serve the contents of the
folder live, the second port will be used to serve your last snapshot build (if one exists).
Type: String
Default: public/patterns
The location of your pattern catalogue, this source will be used to deliver the pattern catalogue from the live server and to generate snapshots from it.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Determines if a live server should be fired up, or if the output ends up in the via dest
configured snapshot directory.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Define your own index template for the patterns. Should be a file ending with the .html
Please omit the closing </body>
and </html>
tags, they will be added autmagically.
Usage examples
Live delivery
This configuration will start a live server that servers your pattern catalogue on port 7020.
// Project configuration.
patternprimer: {
my_target: {
ports: [7020],
src: 'public/patterns',
wwwroot: 'public',
css: ['global.css']
Creating snapshots
This configuration will not spin a live server, instead will save your catalogue (for static access)
in the dest
// Project configuration.
patternprimer: {
my_target: {
wwwroot: 'public',
css: ['global.css'],
dest: 'docs',
snapshot: true
Getting it all together
This configuration (my favourite) will enable you to run a live server & do snapshotting by specifying the task from the cmd.
grunt patternprimer:live
will spin up the servers to deliver the live catalogue & the last snapshotted version.
grunt patternprimer:snapshot
will generate and save a new snapshot.
// Project configuration.
patternprimer: {
options: {
wwwroot: 'public',
css: ['global.css'],
dest: 'docs'
live: {
ports: [7020, 7030],
src: 'public/patterns',
snapshot: {
snapshot: true
Need some Sass?
Including Sass into my config enabled me to start creating a master library of client style guides, which is very helpful when working with remote/new developers on a project.
Sass included version stevebritton Pattern-Primer
Release History
- 2014-12-03 v0.1.2
- Script tags added to index template don't get moved to the bottom anymore (
- Choose the order patterns are added using the settings option (
- Resolve file copy process (
- 2014-03-04 v0.1.1 Added remote css & fixed #3
- 2013-11-25 v0.1.0 Initial release.