AwesomeCache copied to clipboard
Pod update error
/usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/1b/ql08hzr96vz3qm5nq37_6nn00000gn/T/d20161028-51864-1ajj9nl --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch ~> 3.0.1
Cloning into '/var/folders/1b/ql08hzr96vz3qm5nq37_6nn00000gn/T/d20161028-51864-1ajj9nl'... warning: Could not find remote branch ~> 3.0.1 to clone. fatal: Remote branch ~> 3.0.1 not found in upstream origin
I guess you are using Cocoapods. There is no branch called "3.0.1" but you could try and use the "4.0" or "5.0" version tags.