Magento-SMTP-Pro-Email-Extension copied to clipboard
Not support multi website/multistore
Hi Guys. In magento 1.9.x, I have 2 website:
The extension cannot support multi-website/multi-store, I have solutions following:
- Open file system.xml in path: "app/code/local/Aschroder/etc/system.xml"
- Replace all <show_in_default>0</show_in_default> to <show_in_default>1</show_in_default>
- Replace all <show_in_website>0</show_in_website> to <show_in_website>1</show_in_website>
- Replace all <show_in_store>0</show_in_store> to <show_in_store>1</show_in_store>
- Clear cache on adminpanel.
- Logout from admin panel.
- Login to admin panel again.
- SMTP Pro can config effective by Multisite/Store/Store View
Good bye.
@PrsCreative is this solution currently working for you? All my emails being sent from my installation show that they are being sent via SendGrid but are not showing inside of my SendGrid dashboard curious if maybe this is something that you had experienced as well.
@PrsCreative i followed your guidance. It exposes the multisite/store/storeview; however, when testing to ensure that the outgoing mail servers are different between store views, it is not working. Still, all emails are going out with the default store view outgoing server - eventhough we have updated the outgoing server on each store view. we have also updated the store headers for each store view. Please advise?
I m also looking for a solution, as I want to use SMTP Pro only for one Website store. and keep the other one with default settings. The above edits, shows the option the edit and manage the extension through different Scope views, on the default config scope I Disabled SMTP and under "website 1" store view I enabled it and add custom SMTP settings. once I hit RUN SELT TEST I got "MTP Pro Self Test Results Extension disabled, cannot run test."
How can I enable SMTP only for specific Configuration Scope view ? Have you guys find a solution ? Anyone here can help ?
The solution from @PrsCreative works perfectly fine with Magento Use same custom SMTP settings, and mutistore with different domains. Run Self Test- is dead if You will run in on NOT default Store View. Thanks!
Changing the store scope of the xml didn't work for me. Certain stores will still use the Amazon SES even if I disabled it on the website scope. I suspect that the store_id will always be the default when the core_email_queue_send_all job is executed. and also the core_email_queue table doesn't have a field for the store_id. Thus, it would be hard to determine the email queue's store id
These changes only make the settings accessible to change. BUT there is no "this has to work". Sending E-Mails is done by cronjob, which in default runs as "admin" storeview. So, if you want to use different mail settings in websites/storeview you also have to ensure to load config with Mage::getStoreViewConfig()
I have the not work.