Andrea Scartabelli
Andrea Scartabelli
#### Summary - in the block details the whole `TransactionsList` was being re-rendered every second (this also caused tooltips to be buggy on mobile view). We just need to update...
#### Summary In components like `TransactionsCard` we render in the DOM both the mobile and the desktop version of the content. This causes writing a lot of unnecessary nodes in...
Resolves #2460
#### Summary The tests: - `src/routes/(app)/dashboard/staking/__tests__/page.spec.js` - `src/routes/(app)/dashboard/transactions/__tests__/page.spec.js` are made only with a snapshot, without mocking what's returned by the `walletStore` method calls, so they are just rendering an error...
#### Summary Before serving the explorer from a local node, we need to field test that everything works as intended. Right now the staging env. for the explorer is