raspi-config copied to clipboard
Running raspi-config from command line does nothing
I'm running arch linux ARM OS for the raspberry pi (Linux alarmpi 3.6.11+ #346 PREEMPT Fri Dec 28 00:50:33 GMT 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux).
When I run the raspi-config (as root and normal user) script to extend my 2GB partition to 8GB, it just runs without any errors or output.
Any ideas?
After you will reboot the Raspberry Pi, during the boot process the partition will be extended.
You're not understanding what I mean. I mean when I run the command "raspi-config" there is no output and it goes back to the command prompt. I do not get a menu and I do not pass it any arguments.
First, make sure you have the latest raspi-config, by running: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Then try to run the raspi-config command as root: sudo raspi-config
If it is not working run: env |grep ^TERM=
Also make a trace of raspi-config by running: sudo bash -x raspi-config > >(tee ~/raspi-config-trace.txt) 2>&1 The trace will be saved in your home folder. Uploade it to a pastebin like http://paste.ubuntu.com and add the link here.
I have exactly the same issue, sudo raspi-config on a ssh terminal / RPi3/ Stretch Lite does exactly nothing. No ouput, no error, no nothing. The trace I pasted here and env gives TERM=xterm
Make sure whiptail is instaled and working.
whiptail --yesno "This is a test" 10 30
If you still see errors, could you please install whiptail and libnewt0.52 ?
sudo apt install libnewt0.52 whiptail
sudo apt-get --reinstall install libnewt0.52