raspi-config icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
raspi-config copied to clipboard

Running raspi-config from command line does nothing

Open ikwyl6 opened this issue 12 years ago • 6 comments

I'm running arch linux ARM OS for the raspberry pi (Linux alarmpi 3.6.11+ #346 PREEMPT Fri Dec 28 00:50:33 GMT 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux).

When I run the raspi-config (as root and normal user) script to extend my 2GB partition to 8GB, it just runs without any errors or output.

Any ideas?

ikwyl6 avatar Feb 05 '13 01:02 ikwyl6

After you will reboot the Raspberry Pi, during the boot process the partition will be extended.

mircea-vutcovici avatar Feb 05 '13 03:02 mircea-vutcovici

You're not understanding what I mean. I mean when I run the command "raspi-config" there is no output and it goes back to the command prompt. I do not get a menu and I do not pass it any arguments.

ikwyl6 avatar Feb 08 '13 00:02 ikwyl6

First, make sure you have the latest raspi-config, by running: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Then try to run the raspi-config command as root: sudo raspi-config

If it is not working run: env |grep ^TERM=

Also make a trace of raspi-config by running: sudo bash -x raspi-config > >(tee ~/raspi-config-trace.txt) 2>&1 The trace will be saved in your home folder. Uploade it to a pastebin like http://paste.ubuntu.com and add the link here.

mircea-vutcovici avatar Feb 08 '13 01:02 mircea-vutcovici

I have exactly the same issue, sudo raspi-config on a ssh terminal / RPi3/ Stretch Lite does exactly nothing. No ouput, no error, no nothing. The trace I pasted here and env gives TERM=xterm

ElFishi avatar Feb 07 '18 08:02 ElFishi

Make sure whiptail is instaled and working. whiptail --yesno "This is a test" 10 30

If you still see errors, could you please install whiptail and libnewt0.52 ? sudo apt install libnewt0.52 whiptail

mircea-vutcovici avatar Feb 07 '18 22:02 mircea-vutcovici

thx, sudo apt-get --reinstall install libnewt0.52 helped

ElFishi avatar Feb 08 '18 08:02 ElFishi