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Use dplyr verbs to build data.table expressions

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Table express

Use dplyr verbs, as well as custom ones, to build data.table expressions. Check the vignette for more information.


The basic idea is to parse the input from all the verbs and create a single expression that, after evaluation, simply delegates all the actual computations to data.table, letting it handle all optimizations as usual.

# the expression is what matters here, input is left empty
data.table() %>%
    start_expr %>%
    select(col) %>%
    where(var == val) %>%
#> .DT_[var == val, list(col)][order(v)]

The input data.table is always assigned in the evaluation’s environment as the .DT_ pronoun

In many cases character input can also be supported, which could be useful for other packages that use data.table.


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