Alexandre Santos
Alexandre Santos
Hi there, I'm using this library a lot to test some react components. I was wondering if it makes sense to add the possibility of generating random data (like faker.js...
Added style attribute on Card and Cards Changed the animated set state so the card also animates when it is going to its initial position
Hi! First of all, thanks for your good job with this library! I've found a improvement while using it and made a PR for ir #7. Another thing: I think...
Based on openAPI entities, generate mirage models: - Use models on handlers instead of hardcoded JSON
Note: This is not a plausible solution, it is just something that works with open api v2, we gotta abstract this somehow
Objective: - We can import this file and use it without touching it
Generate the following configuration: ``` const server = new Server({ baseUrl: '', namespace: '/v1' }); // uses namespace v1 server.get('cenas', () => {}) server.namespace = '/v2'; // uses namespace v2...
Currently, the package only supports OpenAPI v3, would be cool to abstract this away so we can support both (branch incoming with it "barely" working for v2)
- Test generation of mirage code
- Build a CLI command that enables to specify options like: - openApiUrl (local or remote) - outputPath - Docs