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Neat Livewire Charts for your Laravel projects

Results 62 livewire-charts issues
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I want to get rid of the grid (the gray lines), the option withoutGrid() should handle this I think, but it has no effect on the Chart. ![image]( ``` $lineChartModel...

Hi, I was wondering, is it possible to define Multi_axis for multiLine LineChart ?

Hi, I'm trying to have the bars with a rounded border. I'll tried already several things but none of them seems to be applied... i even tried the pull request...

## Summary I updated helpers.js to fix a recurring problem, eval() returned a JS error: ``` Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at app-08a4b5f5.js:738:14381 at Array.reduce () at mergedOptionsWithJsonConfig (app-08a4b5f5.js:738:14178)...

I want to suggest the option to hide a series and seriescolumn by default, using something like [hideseries]( I imagine this working like so `addSeriesColumn($seriesName, $title, $value, $extras = [],...

**Describe the bug** There are only 5 default colors, that keep repeating when having more than 5 columns. I cannot change the colors of a multiColumn chart using ['color' =>...

``` $multiLineChartModel = $aggregatedData->reduce( function ($chartModel, $data) { // Assuming $data->date_interval is your column category (x-axis) $chartModel->addSeriesPoint('Notified Users', $data->date_interval, $data->total_sent); $chartModel->addSeriesPoint('Opted-Out Users', $data->date_interval, $data->total_not_sent); $chartModel->addSeriesPoint('Clicks', $data->date_interval, $data->total_open_count); return $chartModel; },...

### Steps to Reproduce: 1. I was trying to configure the `ColumnChartModel` in my Livewire component. 2. Here is the relevant code snippet: ```php

It seems like this project is not maintained anymore. Is there any chance, someone could take it over?

### Summary It would be nice if the default generated charts also look nice in dark mode. Some of us use system wide dark mode. ### Proposal Adjust text colors...