Anand Sampat
Anand Sampat
- [ ] determine the useful string representation of an experiment - [ ] create a single ordered list of experiments and snapshots from latest to earliest (top to bottom)...
- [ ] snapshot id to be determined by 3 components: code, environment, and files. metadata info like message, label, config, and stats can be updated at any time. -...
- [ ] for all entity controllers, and a new boolean output for if new/existing - [ ] update business logic in sdk and cli to use boolean to notify...
logs are currently only parsed from stdout, but for workspaces, the logs of the actual runs may not be on stdout, but may be within a specific file or location...
- [ ] this manifests as "status" is kept as RUNNING. since it is anomalous, it could exit any time, which means it could stop and not run at any...
- [ ] enable a user to view the filepaths - [ ] enable a user to access the filepaths - [ ] apply this to all entities using file...
- [ ] add functionality to add daemon info (image, container, general info) to EnvironmentDriver classes - [ ] add Environment entity property to save the driver info above for...
Current hashing methodologies done in the FileCodeDriver and FileDrivers do not save file meta information. This means the following 1) if only the names of the files are changed, no...
different timestamp generation across OSes may cause issues with syncing between OSes. The best way to prevent this is to standardize all timestamps to the lowest common denominator.
This will require a way to detach from tasks so the user can easily come back to a long running tasks that is running in the background rather than keep...