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A framework for hook java methods.

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*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/hermes/hermes:5.0.2/LRX22G/7.6.8:user/release-keys' Revision: '0' ABI: 'arm' pid: 20575, tid: 20575, name: com.legend.demo >>>...


E/Legend-Log: [---] Call super method with error : expected receiver of type com.baidu.mobads.g.b, but got java.io.File, detail message please see the [Logcat :system.err]. 05-16 11:53:30.767 32709-32740/com.legend.demo W/System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: expected receiver...

12-05 12:10:26.005 13676-13676/? E/Legend-Log: [---] Error to Load Hook Method From : Application_onCreate. 12-05 12:10:26.005 13676-13676/? W/System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create backup method from :: public void android.app.Application.onCreate() 12-05 12:10:26.005 13676-13676/?...

如果hook了String.startsWith()方法, 在调用原方法callSuper时,会调用isArt();但isArt()里还会调用String.startsWith(),如此便造成无穷递归调用,应用无反应。 类似地,callSuper()中的某些调用如果被hook了并且hook方法中还有callSuper(),应该都会造成递归

try { Method originMethod = View.class.getDeclaredMethod("requestLayout"); Method hookMethod = Profiling.class.getDeclaredMethod("requestLayoutHook", Object.class); HookManager.getDefault().hookMethod(originMethod, hookMethod); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } 。。。。。。 public static void requestLayoutHook(Object view) { HookManager.getDefault().callSuper(view); } 此时在有些调用requestlayout的地方,会有以下异常...

能和xposedinstall似的 拦截其他软件吗?
