@ferdnyc Thanks for the response. I think, though, at one time, that BiglyBT used to just write files as the data came in, and didn't pre-allocate the files, meaning, that...
Java 1.8.0_202 (64 bit) Oracle Corporation c:\program files\biglybt\jre SWT v4942r22, win32, zoom=100, dpi=120 Windows 10 v10.0, amd64 (64 bit) B3.0.0.1_B03/4 az3 biglybt still allocating, meaning still making all these shell...
My mistake. It's not creating all the shell files, just a few. But with a big torrent, BiglyBT does this "allocating" thing with it for a long time.
BiglyBT is still allocating, but perhaps the area to look at is that I'm saving with the .!qB extension?? Maybe the code still allocates because I use an extension for...
Java 1.8.0_202 (64 bit) Oracle Corporation c:\program files\biglybt\jre SWT v4942r22, win32, zoom=100, dpi=120 Windows 10 v10.0, amd64 (64 bit) B3.0.0.1_B29/4 az3 I'm finding that BiglyBT is not only allocating all...
Yes, hopefully someone will choose to work on this!
> There are bugs. In the options panel the boxes dont stay ticked. This causes features not to work, such a proxy. Yeah, but why not update to 2.9 first?
> There is no way to verify the Bigly software. I want to either install using apt, or be able to verify it with a checksum and a signed checksum...
Yeah, for some reason, it's just that one torrent, that when I choose the correct save directory, doesn't show that directory in the Path. I know I have right-clicked on...
I think what happens, is BiglyBT is so busy with the file it's currently working on, that it doesn't care to take notice that I've changed the download priority for...