v0rtexNonce copied to clipboard
Cant get into recovery mode after futurerestore reboot
Edit: This might not be the place to report this...sorry, delete the issue if im in the wrong place!
Im on a JB IOS 8.4 Ipad Ait 2 (wifi) trying to futurerestore to 11.3.1 I set the nvram with this : nvram com.apple.System.boot-nonce=0x78924a3e96017077 check with nvram -p that it's set. run this: .\futurerestore.exe -t [longfilename].shsh2 --no-baseband -s sep.im4p -m manifest.plist -d iPad_64bit_TouchID_11.3.1_15E302_Restore.ipsw
the ipad reboots and powershell spits this out:
Retrying connection...
Retrying connection...
Retrying connection...
ERROR: Unable to connect to device in recovery mode
ERROR: Unable to enter recovery mode
[Error] Unable to place device into recovery mode from Normal mode
[Error] Fail code=-2
Failed with errorcode=-2
On the ipad i can see a image of a lightning cable and the iTunes logo.
Then nothing happens. I use reiboot to get out of maintenence mode. have tried several times without luck. After reading some other issues here i tried to reboot my ipad normaly after setting nvram and the ran the futurerestore command...same result.
Also, when im in maintenance mode this is what happens if i try to get out of maintenance mode with future restore: ./futurerestore.exe --exit-recovery
Version: a0113a4e46bfd00962cd25e3af548fc8b0bd21fd - 173
Odysseus Support: no
Exiting recovery mode
ERROR: Device is in an invalid state
[INFO] 32bit device detected
[Error] can't init, no device found
Failed with errorcode=-3
not sure why future restore thinks it's a 32 bit device...
Any suggestion on what i can try to get this to work?