diskDB copied to clipboard
update/upsert: _id is generated even if you send a pre-generated _id the json object
Consider this lines of code with an empty db file:
//I need to pre-generate the _id of this object and not use a auto-generated _id
var obj = {
"_id": "xxxxxxx",
"name": "test"
console.log("Before: ", obj);
db.records.update({ _id : "xxxxxxx" }, obj, {multi: false, upsert: true});
console.log("After: ", obj);
The output will be:
Before: { "_id": "xxxxxxx", "name": "test"}
After: { "_id": "6aec8d48d5284def9c3c85428b506d95", "name": "test"}
//being '6aec8d48d5284def9c3c85428b506d95' the new generated _id when it should be 'xxxxxxx'
After looking into the module code, I noticed that you don't verify if the _id already exists:
filename: collection.js
coltn.update = function(query, data, options) {
var ret = {},
collection = JSON.parse(util.readFromFile(this._f)); // update
var records = util.finder(collection, query, true);
if (records.length) {
if (options && options.multi) {
collection = util.updateFiltered(collection, query, data, true);
ret.updated = records.length;
ret.inserted = 0;
} else {
collection = util.updateFiltered(collection, query, data, false);
ret.updated = 1;
ret.inserted = 0;
} else {
if (options && options.upsert) {
//It would be nice if you verify if the _id exists and only create a new one if not
data._id = uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, '');
ret.updated = 0;
ret.inserted = 1;
} else {
ret.updated = 0;
ret.inserted = 0;
util.writeToFile(this._f, collection);
return ret;