
Results 19 comments of arvindchandel

@irvingzhang0512 thanks for quick response. if dosn't support then any other alternative to convert it onnx or tensorrt to optimize the model.

@ZJU-lishuang Can you explain little bit about the link you gave above, How it is helpful in converting SlowFast spatio-temporal model to ONNX?

@ZJU-lishuang sorry to bring you on the issue back, but i am confuse how to use RoIAlign function code provided in the link with file, to get it working...

@innerlee @ZJU-lishuang any input, how to use RoIAlign code with, for conversion.

Hi @fengyaoluo @Crush-yq , No i could not find solution of it, plz post if you find some hack for it.

@fengyaoluo okk sure. I tried that earlier through skeletons, but as its 2 step process so causes performance issue.

@ahkarami Hi, I also want to check Action localization model (SSN, BMN etc.) to generate action proposals. did you run them, if worked then if you can share how to...

Hi @SijinJohn I recently explored this model and from keypoints, i ma also interested in identifying poses like u mentioned. So did u get any proper method to approach it.

yes i too find for OpenPose:

did you use that one to train on some custom activity data.