nginx-patches copied to clipboard
NGINX patch replacing malloc/memalign with mmap inside ngx_pool
Nginx patches
Implements hardlinking in DAV copy instead of real copy.
dav_copy_hardlink on;
Implements per worker listeners to make requests to
certain nginx worker. This requires accept_mutex off
Does not work on Windows.
worker_processes 5;
events {
# required by per_worker
accept_mutex off;
http {
server {
# usual listener
listen 80;
# per-worker listener
# 1st worker will listen 8000
# 2nd worker will listen 8001
# 3rd worker will listen 8002
# 4th worker will listen 8003
# 5th worker will listen 8004
listen 8000 per_worker;
Implements HTTP Content-Range
support in DAV PUT request header. When PUT'ting
large files it's now possible to split it into several requests and upload
the data simultaneously. The behavior is allowed by HTTP standard but not implemented
in nginx by default. However it's up to client to watch the consistency.
location / {
root /tmp;
dav_methods PUT;
Upload. Assume /tmp/partX
are all 100-byte files.
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Range: bytes 100-200/300" --data-binary @/tmp/part2 localhost:8088/testfile
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Range: bytes 200-300/300" --data-binary @/tmp/part3 localhost:8088/testfile
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Range: bytes 0-100/300" --data-binary @/tmp/part1 localhost:8088/testfile
curl localhost:8088/testfile
Reports upload progress to the client as chunked response. Applied after put-range
Report interval is read from X-Put-Report header.
curl -XPUT -H "X-Put-Report: 500" -H "Content-Range: bytes 100-200/100" --data-binary @/tmp/test localhost:8000/dav/test