Thanks for reporting. Yes, Tabs uses Overview mode changes to create multiple tasks that appear as separate entries in overview screen. Bringing this to KitKat would require a lot of...
I am still working on this. Dark mode is priority for next version.
Blocked by #77
Agreed, let me investigate how this could be done. I need to investigate this as I too thought of the same thing but decided against it. Can't remember why. I...
Changing `missingStrictDeps` calculation to ```kotlin val missingStrictDeps = result.keys .asSequence() .filter { !directDeps.contains(it) } .map { Paths.get(it) } .filter { !Files.isDirectory(it) } .map { JarOwner.readJarOwnerFromManifest(it).label } .toList() ``` allows me...
I think this is not related to Kotlin rules at the moment. Databinding requires few additional config to successfully compile, I have just created in which the app can...
> Is the RBE-on-Java8 actually running bazel on java8? Seems like yes. ```bash CMD="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Xmx256M -Xms32M -noverify --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED ``` Could be because of I think it should be...
Based on a cursory look, it does according to here
We are also pruning transitive deps in library targets and did not face issue there. This happens in the binary target so transitives are not avoidable. More specifically we get...