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Polar is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, run scrt contracts on different networks.


Polar is a development framework for building the secret contracts. The aim of the project is to make Secret contracts development process simple, efficient and scalable. Users can focus on the logic of secret contracts and not much about further steps in development. It facilitates features such as initiating project repo from contract templates, easy compilation of contracts, deployment, Interacting with contracts using schema and contract testing framework.


The minimum packages/requirements are as follows:

  • Node 14+
  • Yarn v1.22+ or NPM `v6.0+**
  • Connection to a Secret node.

Setup rust environment

Polar requires a Rust environment installed on a local machine to work properly. This Rust environment can be installed with the help of polar in just a command.

polar install

Install polar

Installation from released version

To install polar globally in your system you can use:

  • Using Yarn: yarn global add secret-polar
  • Using NPM: npm install -g secret-polar

Installation from master.

The master branch corresponds to the latest version.

To use polar on your system, follow the steps below:

git clone https://github.com/arufa-research/polar.git
cd polar
yarn install
yarn build
cd packages/polar
yarn link
chmod +x $HOME/.yarn/bin/polar

Install dependencies

Setup Rust compiler

$ cd infrastructure
$ make setup-rust

Follow our infrastructure README for instructions on how to set up a private network.


Initialize a project

polar init <project-name>

This will create a directory inside the current directory with boiler-plate code. The contracts/ directory has all the rust files for the contract logic. scripts/ directory contains .js scripts that users can write according to the use case, a sample script has been added to give some understanding of how a user script should look like. test/ directory contains .js scripts to run tests for the deployed contracts.

Listing Tasks

To see the possible tasks (commands) that are available, go to the project's folder.


This is the list of built-in tasks. This is your starting point to find out what tasks are available to run.

Compile the project

To compile the contracts, Go to project directory:

cd <project-name>
polar compile

This command will generate compiled .wasm files in artifacts/contracts/ dir and schema .json files in artifacts/schema/ dir.

Cleanup Artifacts

To clear artifacts data, use

polar clean

This will remove the artifacts directory completely. To clean artifacts for only one contract, use

polar clean <contract-name>

This will remove specific files related to that contract.

Running user scripts

User scripts are a way to define the flow of interacting with contracts on some network in the form of a script. These scripts can be used to deploy a contract, query/transact with the contract.A sample script scripts/sample-script.js is available in the boilerplate.

Run tests

yarn run test


This project is forked from hardhat, and just base on the hardhat-core part then modify it under MIT license.


hardhat - Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software. Get Solidity stack traces & console.log.