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arubainstant_config beautify output from commands etc.
Hi is there already a possibility to beautify the output from the playbooks ? at the moment you have to use -v switch to get any output and that output is hard to read. like this: for more information. changed: [] => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"}, "changed": true, "msg": "{u'Status': u'Success', u'CLI Command executed': u'show network\n', u'IAP IP address': u'', u'Command output': u'cli output: \n\nCOMMAND=show network\n\r\nNetworks\n--------\nProfile Name ESSID Clients Type Band Authentication Method Key Management IP Assignment Status Zone Coding Active Max IPv4 Users\n------------ ----- ------- ---- ---- --------------------- -------------- ------------- ------ ---- ------ ------ --------------\nSetMeUp SetMeUp-C0:AE:C3 0 employee 2.4 None none NAT Mode Enabled - Default Yes N/A', u'Status-code': 0}", "status_code": 200}
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
can i somehow "debug: var=output.stdout_lines" the output ? Regards Markus
You can use: | sed 's/\n/\n/g' with ansible-playbook command to receive better structured output in the above example.
Eg: ansible-plabook filename.yml -v | sed 's/\n/\n/g'
I agree with @mac0815, the output is less then desirable...
While @nikunj1210's suggestion works, I don't like that it drops all the ansible color\formatting.
I found that registering the task output and writing it to a file with {{ foobar.response | string }}
work well. It looks like you would expect. I was even able to get a easy to read diff of the changes using this method