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Ansible roles for AOS-CX switches


This Ansible network role provides a set of platform-dependent configuration management modules specifically designed for the AOS-CX network device.


  • Python 3 or later
  • Ansible 2.8.1 or later
    • Refer to Ansible's documentation for installation steps
    • Ansible 2.10+ requires ansible.netcommon collection to be installed
  • Minimum supported AOS-CX firmware version 10.04.
  • Enable REST on your AOS-CX device with the following commands:
    switch(config)# https-server rest access-mode read-write
    switch(config)# https-server vrf mgmt


Through Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install arubanetworks.aoscx_role

Example Output:

Starting galaxy role install process
- downloading role 'aoscx_role', owned by arubanetworks
- downloading role from
- extracting arubanetworks.aoscx_role to /users/chiapuzi/.ansible/roles/arubanetworks.aoscx_role
- arubanetworks.aoscx_role (3.0.1) was installed successfully
  • Change into the roles directory where the Ansible role was installed, execute ansible-galaxy role list to find:

    nsible-control-machine$ansible-galaxy role list
     arubanetworks.aoscx_role, 3.0.1
     arubanetworks.aruba_central_role, 0.1.0
    WARNING]: - the configured path /usr/share/ansible/roles does not exist.
    WARNING]: - the configured path /etc/ansible/roles does not exist.
    nsible-control-machine$cd /users/chiapuzi/.ansible/roles/arubanetworks.aoscx_role/
    liconf_plugins     httpapi_plugins         terminal_plugins
    onnection_plugins  library     meta             requirements.txt
    ocs                module_utils     requirements.yml
    • Install all Ansible requirements, with the following command:
      ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
    • Install all Python requirements with the following command:
      python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Change back into your working directory and begin automating!

    nsible-control-machine$cd /users/chiapuzi/Desktop/sandbox/

SSH/CLI Modules

  • To use the SSH/CLI modules aoscx_config and aoscx_command, SSH access must be enabled on your AOS-CX device. It is enabled by default.
    • If necessary, re-enable SSH access on the device with the following command:
    switch(config)# ssh server vrf mgmt
  • The control machine's known_hosts file must contain the target device's public key.
    • Alternatively, host key checking by the control machine may be disabled, although this is not recommended.
    • To disable host key checking modify the ansible.cfg file (default /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg) to include: host_key_checking = false

Limitations and Notes

  • The default command timeout is 30 seconds. If a command takes more than 30 seconds to execute, the task will time out.
    • If you regularly encounter the command timeout triggered, timeout value is 30 secs error, consider setting the environment variable ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT to a greater value. See Ansible documentation here.

Inventory Variables

The variables that should be defined in your inventory for your AOS-CX host are:

  • ansible_host: IP address of switch in A.B.C.D format. For IPv6 hosts use a string and enclose in square brackets E.G. '[2001::1]'.
  • ansible_user: Username for switch in plaintext format
  • ansible_password: Password for switch in plaintext format
  • ansible_network_os: Must always be set to aoscx
  • ansible_connection: Set to httpapi to use REST API modules, to network_cli to use SSH/CLI modules and to aoscx to use pyaoscx modules
    • See below for info on our new pyaoscx implementation of the AOS-CX Ansible modules that will be the standard moving forward
    • See below for info on using both REST API modules and SSH/CLI modules on a host
  • ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: (Only required for REST API modules) Must always be True as AOS-CX uses port 443 for REST
  • ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: (Only required for REST API modules) Set True or False depending on if Ansible should attempt to validate certificates
  • ansible_acx_no_proxy: Set to True or False depending if Ansible should bypass environment proxies to connect to AOS-CX
  • ansible_aoscx_validate_certs: Set to True or False depending if Ansible should bypass validating certificates to connect to AOS-CX. Only required when ansible_connection is set to aoscx
  • ansible_aoscx_use_proxy: Set to True or False depending if Ansible should bypass environment proxies to connect to AOS-CX. Only required when ansible_connection is set to aoscx.

pyaoscx Modules

In an effort to make use of our recently updated Python SDK for AOS-CX Pyaoscx we've redesigned our Ansible integration by making use of pyaoscx for all REST-API based modules.
What does this mean if I've been using Ansible with AOS-CX REST API modules?
Our previous implementation will continue to function but will not be supported for future modules. That means you should and eventually have to update your Ansible Inventory variables to specify the ansible_network_os=aoscx and additional variables as well as install the pyaoscx Python package using Python3 pip, all playbooks will remain the same:
pip3 install pyaoscx
The AOS-CX Ansible Role will automatically determine if you have pyaoscx installed and will use that method when the ansible_network_os is set to aoscx. If it's set to httpapi it will continue to use the previous implementation method.

Sample Inventories:

REST API Modules Only:

aoscx_1 ansible_host= ansible_user=admin ansible_password=password ansible_network_os=aoscx ansible_connection=aoscx ansible_aoscx_validate_certs=False ansible_aoscx_use_proxy=False
      ansible_user: admin
      ansible_password: password
      ansible_network_os: aoscx
      ansible_connection: aoscx  # REST API via pyaoscx connection method
      ansible_aoscx_validate_certs: False
      ansible_aoscx_use_proxy: False
      ansible_acx_no_proxy: True

Legacy REST API Modules:

aoscx_1 ansible_host= ansible_user=admin ansible_password=password ansible_network_os=aoscx ansible_connection=httpapi ansible_httpapi_validate_certs=False ansible_httpapi_use_ssl=True ansible_acx_no_proxy=True
      ansible_user: admin
      ansible_password: password
      ansible_network_os: aoscx
      ansible_connection: httpapi  # REST API connection method
      ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: False
      ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: True
      ansible_acx_no_proxy: True

SSH/CLI Modules Only:

aoscx_1 ansible_host= ansible_user=admin ansible_password=password ansible_network_os=aoscx ansible_connection=network_cli
      ansible_user: admin
      ansible_password: password
      ansible_network_os: aoscx
      ansible_connection: network_cli  # SSH connection method

Example Playbooks

Including the Role

If role installed through Galaxy add arubanetworks.aoscx_role to your list of roles:

- hosts: all
    - role: arubanetworks.aoscx_role
    ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
  gather_facts: False     
  - name: Create L3 Interface 1/1/3
      interface: 1/1/3
      description: Uplink_Interface
      ipv4: ['']
      ipv6: ['2001:db8::1234/64']

Using Both REST API and SSH/CLI Modules on a Host

To use both REST API and SSH/CLI modules on the same host, you must create separate plays such that each play uses either only REST API modules or only SSH/CLI modules. A play cannot mix and match REST API and SSH/CLI module calls. In each play, ansible_connection must possess the appropriate value according to the modules used. If the play uses REST API modules, the value should be aoscx. If the play uses SSH/CLI modules, the value should be network_cli.

A recommended approach to successfully using both types of modules for a host is as follows:

  1. Set the host variables such that Ansible will connect to the host using REST API, like seen above.
  2. In the playbook, in each play wherein the SSH/CLI modules are used, set the ansible_connection to network_cli.

The inventory should look something like this:

      ansible_user: admin
      ansible_password: password
      ansible_network_os: aoscx
      ansible_connection: aoscx  # REST API connection method
      ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: False
      ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: True
      ansible_acx_no_proxy: True

and the playbook like this (note how the second play, which uses the SSH/CLI module aoscx_command, sets the ansible_connection value accordingly):

- hosts: all
    - role: arubanetworks.aoscx_role
     ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
  gather_facts: False     
  - name: Adding or Updating Banner
      banner_type: banner
      banner: "Hi!"

- hosts: all
    - role: arubanetworks.aoscx_role
    ansible_connection: network_cli
  gather_facts: False    
    - name: Execute show run on the switch
        commands: ['show run']


At Aruba Networks we're dedicated to ensuring the quality of our products, so if you find any issues at all please open an issue on our Github and we'll be sure to respond promptly!

For more contribution opportunities follow our guidelines outlined in our


Apache 2.0

Author Information

  • Madhusudan Pranav Venugopal (@madhusudan-pranav-venugopal)
  • Yang Liu (@yliu-aruba)
  • Tiffany Chiapuzio-Wong (@tchiapuziowong)
  • Derek Wang (@derekwangHPEAruba)
  • Daniel Alvarado Bonilla (@daniel-alvarado)