aoscx-ansible-collection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aoscx-ansible-collection copied to clipboard

aoscx_upload_firmware Error processing the command Code 502

Open jimdavis66 opened this issue 1 year ago • 12 comments

I've never managed to get the aoscx_upload_firmware module to work in my environment, despite trying on various AOS-CX firmware versions.

Switch: 6200F Firmware: ML.10.13.0005

This is the error I receive after watching the network : GENERIC OPERATION ERROR: Error processing the command.\n: Code: 502


- name: Firmware Upgrade of AOS-CX switches
  hosts: sw-science1
    - arubanetworks.aoscx
  gather_facts: true
    - name: Upload firmware to secondary through local file
        partition_name: 'secondary'
        firmware_file_path: '/mnt/switches-ansible/firmware/ArubaOS-CX_6200_10_13_0005.swi'

playbook output

TASK [Upload firmware to secondary through local file] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /mnt/switches-ansible/firmare_upgrade_aoscx.yml:54
<sw-science1> attempting to start connection
<sw-science1> using connection plugin arubanetworks.aoscx
Found ansible-connection at path /usr/local/bin/ansible-connection
<sw-science1> found existing local domain socket, using it!
<sw-science1> local domain socket path is /root/.ansible/pc/65542f5826
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_ `"&& mkdir "` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001 `" && echo ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001="` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001 `" ) && sleep 0'
Using module file /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arubanetworks/aoscx/plugins/modules/
<sw-science1> PUT /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/tmpu3cjkz3l TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001/
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001/ /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001/ && sleep 0'
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python3 /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001/ && sleep 0'
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-547sv0ey3o_/ansible-tmp-1704247962.8185089-614-80988936046001/ > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'
The full traceback is:
  File "/tmp/ansible_aoscx_upload_firmware_payload_43myi85h/", line 167, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyaoscx/", line 566, in upload_firmware
    result = self.upload_firmware_local(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyaoscx/", line 519, in upload_firmware_local
    success = utils.file_upload(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyaoscx/utils/", line 309, in file_upload
    raise GenericOperationError(
fatal: [sw-science1]: FAILED! => changed=false 
      firmware_file_path: /mnt/switches-ansible/firmware/ArubaOS-CX_6200_10_13_0005.swi
      partition_name: secondary
      remote_firmware_file_path: null
      vrf: null
      wait_firmware_upload: false
  msg: '''GENERIC OPERATION ERROR: Error processing the command.\n: Code: 502'''

collection versions

root@9fe4622a45b2:/mnt/switches-ansible# ansible-galaxy collection list

# /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection          Version
------------------- -------
ansible.netcommon   6.0.0  
ansible.utils       3.0.0  
arubanetworks.aoscx 4.3.1  
netbox.netbox       3.16.0 

# /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ansible_collections
Collection                    Version
----------------------------- -------                    3.5.0  
ansible.netcommon             3.1.3  
ansible.posix                 1.4.0  
ansible.utils                 2.8.0               1.12.0 
arista.eos                    5.0.1  
awx.awx                       21.10.0
azure.azcollection            1.14.0 
check_point.mgmt              2.3.0  
chocolatey.chocolatey         1.3.1  
cisco.aci                     2.3.0  
cisco.asa                     3.1.0  
cisco.dnac                    6.6.1  
cisco.intersight              1.0.22 
cisco.ios                     3.3.2  
cisco.iosxr                   3.3.1  
cisco.ise                     2.5.9  
cisco.meraki                  2.13.0 
cisco.mso                     2.1.0  
cisco.nso                     1.0.3  
cisco.nxos                    3.2.0  
cisco.ucs                     1.8.0  
cloud.common                  2.1.2           2.2.3                 3.6.0               1.1.0  
community.ciscosmb            1.0.5  
community.crypto              2.9.0  
community.digitalocean        1.22.0 
community.dns                 2.4.2  
community.docker              2.7.3  
community.fortios             1.0.0  
community.general             5.8.3              1.0.0  
community.grafana             1.5.3  
community.hashi_vault         3.4.0  
community.hrobot              1.6.0  
community.libvirt             1.2.0  
community.mongodb             1.4.2  
community.mysql               3.5.1             4.0.2  
community.okd                 2.2.0  
community.postgresql          2.3.1  
community.proxysql            1.4.0  
community.rabbitmq            1.2.3  
community.routeros            2.5.0                 1.0.0  
community.sap_libs            1.4.0  
community.skydive             1.0.0  
community.sops                1.5.0  
community.vmware              2.10.2             1.11.1 
community.zabbix              1.9.0  
containers.podman             1.10.1 
cyberark.conjur               1.2.0  
cyberark.pas                  1.0.14 
dellemc.enterprise_sonic      1.1.2  
dellemc.openmanage            5.5.0  
dellemc.os10                  1.1.1  
dellemc.os6                   1.0.7  
dellemc.os9                   1.0.4  
f5networks.f5_modules         1.21.0 
fortinet.fortimanager         2.1.7  
fortinet.fortios              2.2.1  
frr.frr                       2.0.0  
gluster.gluster               1.0.2                  1.0.2  
hetzner.hcloud                1.9.0  
hpe.nimble                    1.1.4  
ibm.qradar                    2.1.0  
ibm.spectrum_virtualize       1.10.0 
infinidat.infinibox           1.3.12 
infoblox.nios_modules         1.4.1  
inspur.ispim                  1.2.0                     2.3.0  
junipernetworks.junos         3.1.0  
kubernetes.core               2.3.2  
lowlydba.sqlserver            1.2.0  
mellanox.onyx                 1.0.0                    21.7.0                  21.10.0
netapp.cloudmanager           21.21.0
netapp.elementsw              21.7.0 
netapp.ontap                  21.24.1
netapp.storagegrid            21.11.1
netapp.um_info                21.8.0 
netapp_eseries.santricity     1.3.1  
netbox.netbox                 3.9.0  
ngine_io.cloudstack           2.3.0  
ngine_io.exoscale             1.0.0  
ngine_io.vultr                1.1.2               1.10.0 
openvswitch.openvswitch       2.1.0  
ovirt.ovirt                   2.4.1  
purestorage.flasharray        1.15.0 
purestorage.flashblade        1.10.0 
purestorage.fusion            1.2.0  
sensu.sensu_go                1.13.1 
servicenow.servicenow         1.0.6                     2.1.0  
t_systems_mms.icinga_director 1.31.4 
theforeman.foreman            3.7.0  
vmware.vmware_rest            2.2.0                   1.3.1  
vyos.vyos                     3.0.1  
wti.remote                    1.0.4 

ansible version

root@9fe4622a45b2:/mnt/switches-ansible# ansible --version
ansible [core 2.13.13]
  config file = /mnt/switches-ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.8.10 (default, Nov 22 2023, 10:22:35) [GCC 9.4.0]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True

switch logs:

2024-01-03T13:13:13.083817+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4657|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged out of REST session from
2024-01-03T13:13:13.082553+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4608|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authorization allowed for user james_davis, for resource SessionMgmt, with action POST
2024-01-03T13:12:42.978812+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4607|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authorization succeeded for user james_davis, for resource FirmwareUpdate, with action POST
2024-01-03T13:12:42.842609+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-01-03T13:12:42.842480+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session IecAFeB9Jin86Efy1C9u4Q==

jimdavis66 avatar Jan 03 '24 02:01 jimdavis66


Do you have pycurl python module ?

alagoutte avatar Jan 03 '24 10:01 alagoutte

@jimdavis66 Please ensure you have the required libraries installed - you may have to install pycurl Debian based distros:

then install pycurl

What firmware is existing on the switch? I know you're attempting to upload ArubaOS-CX_6200_10_13_0005.swi but what is the version on the switch at the time of execution?

tchiapuziowong avatar Jan 03 '24 19:01 tchiapuziowong

Thanks guys. I have the requirements and pycurl installed but am still getting the same 502 error.

root@9fe4622a45b2:/mnt/switches-ansible# python3 -m pip list               
Package             Version             
------------------- --------------------
ansible             6.7.0               
ansible-core        2.13.13             
ansible-pylibssh    1.1.0               
bcrypt              4.1.2               
certifi             2019.11.28          
cffi                1.16.0              
chardet             3.0.4               
cryptography        41.0.7              
dbus-python         1.2.16              
idna                2.8                 
Jinja2              3.1.2               
MarkupSafe          2.1.3               
netaddr             0.10.1              
packaging           23.2                
paramiko            3.4.0               
pip                 20.0.2              
pyaoscx             2.5.1               
pycparser           2.21                
pycurl              7.45.2              
PyGObject           3.36.0              
PyNaCl              1.5.0               
python-apt          2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1
pytz                2023.3.post1        
PyYAML              5.3.1               
requests            2.22.0              
requests-toolbelt   1.0.0               
requests-unixsocket 0.2.0               
resolvelib          0.8.1               
setuptools          45.2.0              
six                 1.14.0              
urllib3             1.25.8              
wheel               0.34.2  

The firmware on this particular switch is 10.15.0005. I updated it manually as I keep hoping a firmware update will fix my problem. I've tried this on older versions of firmware too and get the same error.

I haven't come across any issues with other modules from the collection, it is only this aoscx_upload_firmware that isn't working for me.


jimdavis66 avatar Jan 03 '24 21:01 jimdavis66

@jimdavis66 the IP address you're using to connect to the switch - is this on a non-mgmt vrf?

tchiapuziowong avatar Jan 04 '24 00:01 tchiapuziowong

@tchiapuziowong yes, it is on the default vrf

sw-science1# show vrf
VRF Configuration:
VRF Name   : default
	Interfaces             Status
	vlan1                    up

jimdavis66 avatar Jan 04 '24 00:01 jimdavis66

@jimdavis66 can you re-test using the latest version of the collection and pyaoscx and see if the issue is still present?

tchiapuziowong avatar Mar 14 '24 23:03 tchiapuziowong

Hi @tchiapuziowong , thanks so much for working on this. I've updated the collection and pyaoscx and am now getting the following error: msg: 'Could not get PYAOSCX Session: ''LOGIN ERROR, Cookies were not set correctly. Login failed'''

root@d63a1e8f54f7:/mnt/switches-ansible# ansible-galaxy collection list

# /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ansible_collections
Collection                    Version
----------------------------- -------                    3.5.0  
ansible.netcommon             3.1.3  
ansible.posix                 1.4.0  
ansible.utils                 2.8.0               1.12.0 
arista.eos                    5.0.1  
awx.awx                       21.10.0
azure.azcollection            1.14.0 
check_point.mgmt              2.3.0  
chocolatey.chocolatey         1.3.1  
cisco.aci                     2.3.0  
cisco.asa                     3.1.0  
cisco.dnac                    6.6.1  
cisco.intersight              1.0.22 
cisco.ios                     3.3.2  
cisco.iosxr                   3.3.1  
cisco.ise                     2.5.9  
cisco.meraki                  2.13.0 
cisco.mso                     2.1.0  
cisco.nso                     1.0.3  
cisco.nxos                    3.2.0  
cisco.ucs                     1.8.0  
cloud.common                  2.1.2           2.2.3                 3.6.0               1.1.0  
community.ciscosmb            1.0.5  
community.crypto              2.9.0  
community.digitalocean        1.22.0 
community.dns                 2.4.2  
community.docker              2.7.3  
community.fortios             1.0.0  
community.general             5.8.3              1.0.0  
community.grafana             1.5.3  
community.hashi_vault         3.4.0  
community.hrobot              1.6.0  
community.libvirt             1.2.0  
community.mongodb             1.4.2  
community.mysql               3.5.1             4.0.2  
community.okd                 2.2.0  
community.postgresql          2.3.1  
community.proxysql            1.4.0  
community.rabbitmq            1.2.3  
community.routeros            2.5.0                 1.0.0  
community.sap_libs            1.4.0  
community.skydive             1.0.0  
community.sops                1.5.0  
community.vmware              2.10.2             1.11.1 
community.zabbix              1.9.0  
containers.podman             1.10.1 
cyberark.conjur               1.2.0  
cyberark.pas                  1.0.14 
dellemc.enterprise_sonic      1.1.2  
dellemc.openmanage            5.5.0  
dellemc.os10                  1.1.1  
dellemc.os6                   1.0.7  
dellemc.os9                   1.0.4  
f5networks.f5_modules         1.21.0 
fortinet.fortimanager         2.1.7  
fortinet.fortios              2.2.1  
frr.frr                       2.0.0  
gluster.gluster               1.0.2                  1.0.2  
hetzner.hcloud                1.9.0  
hpe.nimble                    1.1.4  
ibm.qradar                    2.1.0  
ibm.spectrum_virtualize       1.10.0 
infinidat.infinibox           1.3.12 
infoblox.nios_modules         1.4.1  
inspur.ispim                  1.2.0                     2.3.0  
junipernetworks.junos         3.1.0  
kubernetes.core               2.3.2  
lowlydba.sqlserver            1.2.0  
mellanox.onyx                 1.0.0                    21.7.0                  21.10.0
netapp.cloudmanager           21.21.0
netapp.elementsw              21.7.0 
netapp.ontap                  21.24.1
netapp.storagegrid            21.11.1
netapp.um_info                21.8.0 
netapp_eseries.santricity     1.3.1  
netbox.netbox                 3.9.0  
ngine_io.cloudstack           2.3.0  
ngine_io.exoscale             1.0.0  
ngine_io.vultr                1.1.2               1.10.0 
openvswitch.openvswitch       2.1.0  
ovirt.ovirt                   2.4.1  
purestorage.flasharray        1.15.0 
purestorage.flashblade        1.10.0 
purestorage.fusion            1.2.0  
sensu.sensu_go                1.13.1 
servicenow.servicenow         1.0.6                     2.1.0  
t_systems_mms.icinga_director 1.31.4 
theforeman.foreman            3.7.0  
vmware.vmware_rest            2.2.0                   1.3.1  
vyos.vyos                     3.0.1  
wti.remote                    1.0.4  

# /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection          Version
------------------- -------
ansible.netcommon   6.0.0  
ansible.utils       3.1.0  
arubanetworks.aoscx 4.3.2  
netbox.netbox       3.17.0 

root@d63a1e8f54f7:/mnt/switches-ansible# python3 -m pip list  
Package             Version             
------------------- --------------------
ansible             6.7.0               
ansible-core        2.13.13             
ansible-pylibssh    1.1.0               
bcrypt              4.1.2               
certifi             2019.11.28          
cffi                1.16.0              
chardet             3.0.4               
cryptography        42.0.5              
dbus-python         1.2.16              
idna                2.8                 
Jinja2              3.1.3               
MarkupSafe          2.1.5               
netaddr             1.2.1               
packaging           23.2                
paramiko            3.4.0               
pip                 20.0.2              
pyaoscx             2.5.1               
pycparser           2.21                
PyGObject           3.36.0              
PyNaCl              1.5.0               
python-apt          2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1
pytz                2024.1              
PyYAML              5.3.1               
requests            2.22.0              
requests-toolbelt   1.0.0               
requests-unixsocket 0.2.0               
resolvelib          0.8.1               
setuptools          45.2.0              
six                 1.14.0              
urllib3             1.25.8              
wheel               0.34.2              

Playbook verbose output:

TASK [Get current date and time] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /mnt/switches-ansible/firmare_upgrade_aoscx.yml:30
<sw-science1> attempting to start connection
<sw-science1> using connection plugin arubanetworks.aoscx
Found ansible-connection at path /usr/local/bin/ansible-connection
<sw-science1> found existing local domain socket, using it!
<sw-science1> local domain socket path is /root/.ansible/pc/cfba154ebc
ok: [sw-science1] => changed=false 
    current_datetime: 20240315T122915

TASK [Upload firmware to secondary through local file] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /mnt/switches-ansible/firmare_upgrade_aoscx.yml:53
<sw-science1> attempting to start connection
<sw-science1> using connection plugin arubanetworks.aoscx
Found ansible-connection at path /usr/local/bin/ansible-connection
<sw-science1> found existing local domain socket, using it!
<sw-science1> local domain socket path is /root/.ansible/pc/cfba154ebc
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore `"&& mkdir "` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949 `" && echo ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949="` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949 `" ) && sleep 0'
Using module file /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arubanetworks/aoscx/plugins/modules/
<sw-science1> PUT /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/tmp2m1ze24l TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949/
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949/ /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949/ && sleep 0'
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python3 /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949/ && sleep 0'
<sw-science1> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-693pbldkore/ansible-tmp-1710466164.474497-845-26386923149949/ > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'
The full traceback is:
  File "/tmp/ansible_aoscx_upload_firmware_payload_13k0581k/", line 149, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyaoscx/", line 165, in open
    raise LoginError("Cookies were not set correctly. Login failed")
fatal: [sw-science1]: FAILED! => changed=false 
      firmware_file_path: /mnt/switches-ansible/firmware/ArubaOS-CX_6200_10_13_0005.swi
      partition_name: secondary
      remote_firmware_file_path: null
      vrf: null
      wait_firmware_upload: true
  msg: 'Could not get PYAOSCX Session: ''LOGIN ERROR, Cookies were not set correctly. Login failed'''

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
sw-science1                : ok=5    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Logs from the switch:

5T12:23:51.619991+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4657|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged out of REST session from
2024-03-15T12:23:51.619821+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4659|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|REST session from with User james_davis timed out due to idle timeout
2024-03-15T12:20:34.829178+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-03-15T12:20:34.827857+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session iW-GKsK03vOP6Wiy1v3fow==
2024-03-15T12:20:34.671921+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4657|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged out of REST session from
2024-03-15T12:20:34.670699+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4608|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authorization allowed for user james_davis, for resource SessionMgmt, with action POST
2024-03-15T12:20:34.609510+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-03-15T12:20:34.609401+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session 1ENOKrU47a9_qigMZSS8ow==
2024-03-15T12:04:58.828205+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-03-15T12:04:58.828113+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session 57XDUw-xzFLkLbw01GHgHg==
2024-03-15T12:04:58.625577+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4657|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged out of REST session from
2024-03-15T12:04:58.624649+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4608|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authorization allowed for user james_davis, for resource SessionMgmt, with action POST
2024-03-15T12:04:58.517212+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-03-15T12:04:58.517076+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session oR54mKHAXGESllMgtY4dyw==
2024-03-15T12:03:21.853742+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-03-15T12:03:21.853409+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session -qlzF0U8tT82lkUpeYiIYA==
2024-03-15T12:03:21.693175+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4657|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged out of REST session from
2024-03-15T12:03:21.691948+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4608|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authorization allowed for user james_davis, for resource SessionMgmt, with action POST
2024-03-15T12:03:21.618487+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4655|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|User james_davis logged in from through REST session
2024-03-15T12:03:21.618339+11:00 sw-science1 hpe-restd[922]: Event|4602|LOG_INFO|AMM|-|Authentication succeeded for user james_davis in session 1ryBqWFiWqagTPbPjGIIWA==

jimdavis66 avatar Mar 15 '24 01:03 jimdavis66

@jimdavis66 can you add wait_firmware_upload: True to the module parameters?

tchiapuziowong avatar Mar 15 '24 05:03 tchiapuziowong

I already have that set to 'true'. You can see it in the verbose output of the playbook:

fatal: [sw-science1]: FAILED! => changed=false 
      firmware_file_path: /mnt/switches-ansible/firmware/ArubaOS-CX_6200_10_13_0005.swi
      partition_name: secondary
      remote_firmware_file_path: null
      vrf: null
      wait_firmware_upload: true
  msg: 'Could not get PYAOSCX Session: ''LOGIN ERROR, Cookies were not set correctly. Login failed'''

jimdavis66 avatar Mar 20 '24 01:03 jimdavis66

Hi, are there any updates on this topic? I‘ve been having the same error (Cookies were not set correctly) as @jimdavis66 and only for this module as well. Currently I am using the workaround to upgrade my switches via SCP CLI-Command in my Playbook but it would be nicer to be able to use the intended module for it. Switches in use are 6200F, 6300M and 8320. The collection, Ansible and Python run the newest version and all required libraries are installed.

Thank you and Best Regards.

Thaddeli avatar Jul 31 '24 11:07 Thaddeli

Hi @Thaddeli ,

Do you mind sharing your workaround with me? How have you configured your playbook tasks to do a copy via SCP?

Thanks, James

jimdavis66 avatar Aug 01 '24 05:08 jimdavis66