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Jacoco Problem with Gradle Transform Task

Open Nash123-start opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Hi, I use jacoco and ScopedArtifacts.Scope.ALL to do some transform work in my project. The gradle tool version is 8.0 My project structure is as follows: app module a module b app includes module a and module b in app I use ScopedArtifacts.Scope.ALL to write a gradle plugin there is the code :

image image

and I use jacoco in module A and module B too there is the jacoco code: image

now there comes the problem the jacoco task is execute before transform task After the jacoco task is finished, the transform task will get the input dir and input jar( module A class.jar module B class.jar) but when I print the path of input jar , I found that the input jar is still the original jar file without jacoco Instrumentation code.

example: after jacoco task the input jar @get:InputFiles abstract val allJars: ListProperty<RegularFile> class path in the plugin is Module A/build/intermediates/runtime_library_class_jar/class.jar(without jacoco Instrumentation code) Module B /build/intermediates/runtime_library_class_jar/class.jar(without jacoco Instrumentation code)

That means jacoco didn't work in my project due to the using of transform task by code mentioned above, because the transform task still use the original class jar ( module A class.jar without jacoco Instrumentation code and module B class.jar without jacoco Instrumentation code) to general the final class.jar that will finally saved in app/build/intermediates/classes/all/class.jar. So how can I do to get the right class.jar of module A and module B that include jacoco Instrumentation code and in gradle 7.0 I found that Module A/build/intermediates/runtime_library_class_jar/class.jar Module B /build/intermediates/runtime_library_class_jar/class.jar include the jacoco Instrumentation code but in gradle 8.0 it's not

Nash123-start avatar Jul 14 '23 01:07 Nash123-start

transform plugin code: class RcAJXPlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(project: Project) { project.repositories.mavenLocal() project.dependencies.add("implementation", "org.aspectj:aspectjrt:1.9.6") project.extensions.create("aspectjx", RcAJXExtension::class.java) val extensions = project.extensions extensions.configure( ApplicationAndroidComponentsExtension::class.java ) { extension: ApplicationAndroidComponentsExtension -> extension.onVariants() { variant -> val transformTask = project.tasks.register( "transform${variant.name.capitalized()}", RcAJXTransformTask::class.java ) { task -> task.mappingFile.set(project.buildDir.resolve("outputs/transform/mapping.txt")) } variant.artifacts .forScope(ScopedArtifacts.Scope.ALL) .use(transformTask) .toTransform( ScopedArtifact.CLASSES, RcAJXTransformTask::allJars, RcAJXTransformTask::allDirectories, RcAJXTransformTask::output )




Nash123-start avatar Jul 14 '23 01:07 Nash123-start

jacoco code:

apply plugin: 'jacoco'

android { testOptions { unitTests.all { jacoco { includeNoLocationClasses = true output = JacocoTaskExtension.Output.FILE jacoco.excludes = ['jdk.internal.*'] jvmArgs '-noverify' } } } }

task jacocoVideoCoverageReport(type: JacocoReport) { group = "Reporting" description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports" reports { xml { setEnabled(true) } html { setEnabled(true) } }

// exclude auto-generated classes and tests
def fileFilter = [
def javaClasses = fileTree(dir: "$project.buildDir/intermediates/javac/debug", excludes: fileFilter)
def kotlinClasses = fileTree(dir: "$project.buildDir/tmp/kotlin-classes/debug", excludes: fileFilter)
print "source file ===============${android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs}"
classDirectories.setFrom(files([javaClasses, kotlinClasses]))
executionData.setFrom(fileTree(dir: project.buildDir, includes: [
        "**/*.exec", '**/*.ec'


Nash123-start avatar Jul 14 '23 01:07 Nash123-start