arunityx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
arunityx copied to clipboard

Noted Warnings and errors on Startup for Android

Open SimonDarksideJ opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Several notable errors were reported on Android when Starting ARUnityX, namely:

  • Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
  • Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
  • Error RtgSchedManager endActivityTransaction: margin state not match
  • Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 319, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
  • Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned

Full log included below for reference:

0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info  --------- beginning of main
2023/05/15 15:15:16.741 30720 30720 Error ny.ARUnityXTes LoadAppImageStartupCache enabled : 1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.741 30720 30720 Info ny.ARUnityXTes Reinit property: dalvik.vm.checkjni= false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.741 30720 30720 Info ny.ARUnityXTes ReInitProperties: persist.vm.debug.dumpapi= false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.742 30720 30720 Error ny.ARUnityXTes Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info  --------- beginning of system
2023/05/15 15:15:16.754 30720 30720 Debug ActivityThread Attach thread to application
2023/05/15 15:15:16.775 30720 30741 Info ActivityThread Init compatible state: true
2023/05/15 15:15:16.775 30720 30741 Debug HwFrameworkSecurityPartsFactory HwFrameworkSecurityPartsFactory in.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.775 30720 30741 Info HwFrameworkSecurityPartsFactory add HwFrameworkSecurityPartsFactory to memory.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.775 30720 30741 Error BehaviorCollectManager Fail to acquire dataAnalyzerService...
2023/05/15 15:15:16.784 30720 30720 Debug ApplicationLoaders createClassLoader zip: /data/app/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest-ix_EC8oxZHUXUtTrgVkkNA==/base.apk librarySearchPath: /data/app/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest-ix_EC8oxZHUXUtTrgVkkNA==/lib/arm64:/data/app/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest-ix_EC8oxZHUXUtTrgVkkNA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a libraryPermittedPath: /data/user/0/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest parent: java.lang.BootClassLoader@6247bbe targetSdkVersion: 30 isBundled: false classLoaderName: null sharedLibraries: null
2023/05/15 15:15:16.796 30720 30741 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#256
2023/05/15 15:15:16.796 30720 30741 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=0 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.800 30720 30720 Info HwTypeface updateFont: scale=0.95
2023/05/15 15:15:16.800 30720 30741 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#0
2023/05/15 15:15:16.800 30720 30741 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=1 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.801 30720 30720 Debug SystemFonts areFontsVariable: script=Latn
2023/05/15 15:15:16.801 30720 30720 Info ActivityThread finishPreloaded preloadStatus 0
2023/05/15 15:15:16.804 30720 30741 Info HwPartIawareFactory add android.common.HwPartIawareFactoryImpl to memory.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.804 30720 30741 Info AwareBitmapCacher init processName:com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest pid=30720 uid=10032
2023/05/15 15:15:16.809 30720 30755 Error AwareLog AtomicFileUtils: readFileLines file not exist: android.util.AtomicFile@952dbed
2023/05/15 15:15:16.822 30720 30720 Verbose ActivityThread callActivityOnCreate
2023/05/15 15:15:16.829 30720 30720 Info DecorView[] pkgName:com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest old windowMode:0 new windoMode:1, isFixedSize:false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.829 30720 30720 Info RmeSchedManager init Rme, version is: v1.0
2023/05/15 15:15:16.829 30720 30720 Info RmeSchedManager init Rme, version is: v1.0
2023/05/15 15:15:16.830 30720 30720 Info RtgSchedEvent current pid:30720 AppType:-1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.841 30720 30720 Info IL2CPP JNI_OnLoad
2023/05/15 15:15:16.845 30720 30720 Debug ActivityThread add activity client record, r= ActivityRecord{4a85f88 token=android.os.BinderProxy@16af617 {com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}} token= android.os.BinderProxy@16af617
2023/05/15 15:15:16.849 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:16.855 30720 30720 Info HwPartMagicWindowFactory add android.common.HwPartMagicWindowFactoryImpl to memory.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.860 30720 30720 Debug MouseWheelSynthesizer mMoveStepInDp: 64, mMoveStepInPixel: 192, mUpTimeDelayed: 100
2023/05/15 15:15:16.860 30720 30720 Debug ViewRootImpl ViewRootImpl mIsInProductivePCDisplay: false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.861 30720 30720 Info HwPartPowerOfficeFactory add HwPartPowerOfficeFactoryImpl to memory.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.862 30720 30720 Info DecorView[] pkgName:com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest old windowMode:1 new windoMode:1, isFixedSize:false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.865 30720 30720 Debug InputEventReceiver dispatchInputInterval 1000000
2023/05/15 15:15:16.882 30720 30766 Debug HiTouch_PressGestureDetector onAttached, package=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest, windowType=1, mIsHiTouchRestricted=false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.887 30720 30720 Debug RenderService RCS is disable
2023/05/15 15:15:16.892 30720 30720 Warn Gralloc3 mapper 3.x is not supported
2023/05/15 15:15:16.902 30720 30720 Info HwViewRootImpl removeInvalidNode jank list is null
2023/05/15 15:15:16.909 30720 30720 Debug DecorView showOrHideHighlightView: hasFocus=true; winMode=1; isMrgNull=true
2023/05/15 15:15:16.909 30720 30720 Warn InputMethodManager startInputReason = 1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.909 30720 30720 Warn HwRemoteInputMethodManager isCasting false because IHwDistributedWindowManager is invalid.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.914 30720 30720 Warn InputMethodManager startInputReason = 5
2023/05/15 15:15:16.920 30720 30759 Info Unity MemoryManager: Using 'Dynamic Heap' Allocator.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.925 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#256
2023/05/15 15:15:16.925 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=1 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.927 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#0
2023/05/15 15:15:16.927 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=1 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.931 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#256
2023/05/15 15:15:16.931 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=1 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.935 30720 30759 Info Unity SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 7606mb
2023/05/15 15:15:16.935 30720 30759 Info Unity SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf)
2023/05/15 15:15:16.935 30720 30759 Info Unity ApplicationInfo com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest version 0.1
2023/05/15 15:15:16.935 30720 30759 Info Unity Built from '2021.3/staging' branch, Version '2021.3.25f1 (68ef2c4f8861)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a', Stripping 'Enabled'
2023/05/15 15:15:16.958 30720 30720 Info DecorView[] pkgName:com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest old windowMode:1 new windoMode:1, isFixedSize:false
2023/05/15 15:15:16.981 30720 30759 Info Unity Company Name: DefaultCompany
2023/05/15 15:15:16.981 30720 30759 Info Unity Product Name: ARUnityX-Test
2023/05/15 15:15:16.987 30720 30759 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest-ix_EC8oxZHUXUtTrgVkkNA==/lib/arm64'
2023/05/15 15:15:16.987 30720 30759 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest-ix_EC8oxZHUXUtTrgVkkNA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a'
2023/05/15 15:15:16.988 30720 30759 Info iGraphics [0030050c] PV 11
2023/05/15 15:15:16.988 30720 30759 Error iGraphics can not load local debug xml
2023/05/15 15:15:16.988 30720 30759 Debug vulkan added global layer 'VK_LAYER_HUAWEI_iGraphics' from library '/system/lib64/'
2023/05/15 15:15:16.988 30720 30759 Info vulkan this is igraphics layer, skip it.
2023/05/15 15:15:16.989 30720 30759 Info vulkan Loaded layer VK_LAYER_HUAWEI_iGraphics
2023/05/15 15:15:17.010 30720 30759 Error iGraphics pfnCreateDebugReportCallback is nullptr
2023/05/15 15:15:17.010 30720 30759 Info iGraphics layers 0 VK_LAYER_HUAWEI_iGraphics
2023/05/15 15:15:17.010 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 0 VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
2023/05/15 15:15:17.010 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 1 VK_KHR_android_surface
2023/05/15 15:15:17.010 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 2 VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
2023/05/15 15:15:17.010 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 3 VK_KHR_surface
2023/05/15 15:15:17.011 30720 30759 Info vulkan this is igraphics layer, skip it.
2023/05/15 15:15:17.011 30720 30759 Info vulkan Loaded layer VK_LAYER_HUAWEI_iGraphics
2023/05/15 15:15:17.029 30720 30759 Error iGraphics pfnCreateDebugReportCallback is nullptr
2023/05/15 15:15:17.029 30720 30759 Info iGraphics layers 0 VK_LAYER_HUAWEI_iGraphics
2023/05/15 15:15:17.029 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 0 VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
2023/05/15 15:15:17.029 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 1 VK_KHR_android_surface
2023/05/15 15:15:17.029 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 2 VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
2023/05/15 15:15:17.029 30720 30759 Info iGraphics extensions 3 VK_KHR_surface
2023/05/15 15:15:17.030 30720 30759 Info vulkan this is igraphics layer, skip it.
2023/05/15 15:15:17.030 30720 30759 Info vulkan this is igraphics layer, skip it.
2023/05/15 15:15:17.053 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#0
2023/05/15 15:15:17.053 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=1 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:17.080 30720 30819 Info SwappyDisplayManager Starting looper thread
2023/05/15 15:15:17.081 30720 30759 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0x70b4a76800 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android
2023/05/15 15:15:17.081 30720 30759 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 16666666 nsec (approx 60.000002 Hz)
2023/05/15 15:15:17.086 30720 30759 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO  groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
2023/05/15 15:15:17.102 30720 30759 Info AudioSystem getDeviceConnectionState , Connecting to the Bluetooth device
2023/05/15 15:15:17.102 30720 30759 Info IAudioPolicyService getDeviceConnectionState, BpAudioPolicy: Bluetooth device
2023/05/15 15:15:17.102 30720 30759 Debug   PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
2023/05/15 15:15:17.103 30720 30759 Debug   TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
2023/05/15 15:15:17.103 30720 30759 Info libOpenSLES Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
2023/05/15 15:15:17.111 30720 30759 Warn AudioTrack createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server; frameCount 0 -> 1924
2023/05/15 15:15:17.117 30720 30720 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO  groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
2023/05/15 15:15:17.160 30720 30759 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.180 30720 30819 Info SwappyDisplayManager Terminating looper thread
2023/05/15 15:15:17.196 30720 30829 Info SwappyDisplayManager Starting looper thread
2023/05/15 15:15:17.197 30720 30759 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0x70b4a76800 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android
2023/05/15 15:15:17.197 30720 30759 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 16666666 nsec (approx 60.000002 Hz)
2023/05/15 15:15:17.227 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.229 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.229 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.231 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.231 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.235 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.239 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.240 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.304 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.306 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.370 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.371 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.452 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.453 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.518 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.519 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.567 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.568 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.633 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.634 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.683 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.683 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.748 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.749 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.798 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.799 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.848 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.849 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.897 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.898 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.948 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.949 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:17.999 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.003 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.049 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.051 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.081 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.082 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.130 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.131 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.180 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.182 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.213 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.216 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.246 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.251 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.299 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.301 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.327 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.328 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.365 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.366 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.393 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.393 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.424 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.425 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.459 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.462 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.498 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.500 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.529 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.529 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.559 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.559 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.592 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.592 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.621 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.623 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.655 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.656 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.688 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.689 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.704 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.706 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.738 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.739 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.771 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.772 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.787 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.788 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.820 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.822 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.853 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.855 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.869 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.871 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.902 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.903 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.918 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.918 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.951 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.953 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.969 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.969 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.986 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:18.986 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.019 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.021 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.036 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.037 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.067 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.068 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.083 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.087 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.100 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.101 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.133 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.135 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.150 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.151 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.272 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: ARController.Awake())
2023/05/15 15:15:19.272 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Awake()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.272 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.274 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: ARController.OnEnable()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.274 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:OnEnable()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.274 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.276 30720 30759 Warn linker Warning: "/data/app/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest-ix_EC8oxZHUXUtTrgVkkNA==/lib/arm64/" unused DT entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)
2023/05/15 15:15:19.292 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] artoolkitX v1.1.7 initalised.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.295 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: artoolkitX version 1.1.7 initialised.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.298 30720 30759 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.299 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx apicache path=/storage/emulated/0 state=mounted key=com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest#10032#256
2023/05/15 15:15:19.299 30720 30759 Info HwApiCacheMangerEx need clear apicache,because volumes changed,oldCnt=1 newCnt=1
2023/05/15 15:15:19.305 30720 30759 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:19.329 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: ARController.Start(): Application.isPlaying = True autoStart: True
2023/05/15 15:15:19.329 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Start()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.329 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.330 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Starting AR.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.330 30720 30759 Info Unity <StartAR>d__112:MoveNext()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.330 30720 30759 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
2023/05/15 15:15:19.330 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Start()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.330 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.355 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: haveCameraPermission=True
2023/05/15 15:15:19.355 30720 30759 Info Unity <StartAR>d__112:MoveNext()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.355 30720 30759 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
2023/05/15 15:15:19.355 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Start()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.355 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.356 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Render device: Vulkan 1.1.0 [0x04800000], using Unity texturing.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.356 30720 30759 Info Unity <StartAR>d__112:MoveNext()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.356 30720 30759 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
2023/05/15 15:15:19.356 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Start()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.356 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.358 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Starting artoolkitX video with vconf '-module=Android -native -prefer=closestpixelcount -width=1280 -height=720 -cachedir="/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache"'.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.358 30720 30759 Info Unity <StartAR>d__112:MoveNext()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.358 30720 30759 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
2023/05/15 15:15:19.358 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Start()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.358 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.359 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Starting...
2023/05/15 15:15:19.359 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Setting video configuration '-module=Android -native -prefer=closestpixelcount -width=1280 -height=720 -cachedir="/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache"'.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.359 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Opening artoolkitX video using configuration '-module=Android -native -prefer=closestpixelcount -width=1280 -height=720 -cachedir="/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache"'.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.359 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Using supplied video config "-module=Android -native -prefer=closestpixelcount -width=1280 -height=720 -cachedir="/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache"".
2023/05/15 15:15:19.372 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.372 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.372 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.372 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.373 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638402! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.373 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638403! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.373 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.373 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.373 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.373 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.374 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638402! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.374 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638403! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.374 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.374 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.374 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.374 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.375 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638402! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.375 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638403! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.375 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.375 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.375 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.375 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638402! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638403! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.376 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.394 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835009! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.394 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1835010! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.394 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638407! count 0, type 3
2023/05/15 15:15:19.394 30720 30759 Error ACameraMetadata filterDurations: malformed duration key 1638408! count 0, type 112
2023/05/15 15:15:19.394 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Found video size matching criteria of 1552x720.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.395 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Setting artoolkitX tracking settings.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.395 30720 30759 Info Unity <StartAR>d__112:MoveNext()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.395 30720 30759 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
2023/05/15 15:15:19.395 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:Start()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.395 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.396 30720 30904 Info libAR [info] Opened artoolkitX video 1552x720@1Bpp (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21).
2023/05/15 15:15:19.396 30720 30904 Info libAR [info] Fetching external camera parameters.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.396 30720 30894 Info libAR [info] cparamSearch beginning search for HUAWEI/VOG-L09/VOG, camera 0, aspect ratio 1552:720.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.399 30720 30759 Info Unity AROrigin: Found 2 trackables eligible to become base trackable.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.399 30720 30759 Info Unity AROrigin:FindTrackables()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.399 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.401 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: UpdateAR: Waiting for artoolkitX video.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.401 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:19.401 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:19.401 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Waiting for video source.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.410 30720 30759 Info IL2CPP Locale en-GB
2023/05/15 15:15:19.411 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Loading image data /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache/pinball.jpg.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.428 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] First 2D marker trackable added; enabling 2D marker tracker.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.428 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Added trackable (UID=0), total trackables loaded: 1.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.432 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Loading image data /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache/gibraltar.jpg.
2023/05/15 15:15:19.461 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Added trackable (UID=1), total trackables loaded: 2.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.050 30720 30894 Warn libAR [warning] Using default camera parameters for 1552x720 image size, 45 degrees vertical field-of-view.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.341 30720 30897 Info libAR [info] session 0x6fa67218e0 active
2023/05/15 15:15:20.341 30720 30756 Warn Gralloc3 allocator 3.x is not supported
2023/05/15 15:15:20.348 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Video source is running. (Waited 21 calls.)
2023/05/15 15:15:20.583 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Loading 2D data.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.823 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] 2D marker added.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.823 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache/pinball.jpg' assigned page no. 0.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.983 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] 2D marker added.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.983 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest/cache/gibraltar.jpg' assigned page no. 1.
2023/05/15 15:15:20.983 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Loading of 2D data complete.
2023/05/15 15:15:21.056 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: UpdateAR: artoolkitX video is running. Configuring Unity scene for video.
2023/05/15 15:15:21.056 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.056 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.057 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Video 1552x720@1Bpp (AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21)
2023/05/15 15:15:21.057 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.057 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Projection matrix: [
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity 1.12072	0.00000	-0.00064	0.00000
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity 0.00000	2.41757	0.00139	0.00000
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity 0.00000	0.00000	-1.00401	-0.02004
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity 0.00000	0.00000	-1.00000	0.00000]
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Video size 1552x720 will use texture size 1552x720.
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:CreateVideoBackgroundMesh(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Color[]&, Color32[]&, Texture2D&, Material&)
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.058 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: For 1080x2340 screen, calculated viewport 1080x501 at (0, 919).
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:getViewport(Int32, Int32, Boolean, ViewEye)
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:ConfigureViewports()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: For 1080x2340 screen, calculated viewport 1080x501 at (0, 919).
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:getViewport(Int32, Int32, Boolean, ViewEye)
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:ConfigureViewports()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: ScreenOrientation.Portrait
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateVideoTexture()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.068 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.069 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: For 1080x2340 screen, calculated viewport 1080x2328 at (0, 6).
2023/05/15 15:15:21.069 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:getViewport(Int32, Int32, Boolean, ViewEye)
2023/05/15 15:15:21.069 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateVideoTexture()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.069 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.069 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: For 1080x2340 screen, calculated viewport 1080x2328 at (0, 6).
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:getViewport(Int32, Int32, Boolean, ViewEye)
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateVideoTexture()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Scene configured for video.
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:UpdateAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:21.070 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:21.806 30720 30720 Info AwareBitmapCacher init lrucache size: 2097152 pid=30720
2023/05/15 15:15:33.980 30720 30720 Verbose AudioManager getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 5
2023/05/15 15:15:34.562 30720 30893 Warn DisplayEventDispatcher dispatcher 0x71217f8f00 ~ ignoring unknown event type 0x736f6674
2023/05/15 15:15:34.562 30720 30720 Warn DisplayEventDispatcher dispatcher 0x712e54c360 ~ ignoring unknown event type 0x736f6674
2023/05/15 15:15:34.562 30720 30828 Warn DisplayEventDispatcher dispatcher 0x6fc0e4a880 ~ ignoring unknown event type 0x736f6674
2023/05/15 15:15:34.797 30720 30720 Error RtgSchedManager endActivityTransaction: margin state not match
2023/05/15 15:15:35.079 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController: Stopping AR.
2023/05/15 15:15:35.079 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:StopAR()
2023/05/15 15:15:35.079 30720 30759 Info Unity ARController:OnApplicationPause(Boolean)
2023/05/15 15:15:35.079 30720 30759 Info Unity 
2023/05/15 15:15:35.082 30720 30759 Warn NdkImageReader A frame is available after AImageReader closed!
2023/05/15 15:15:35.082 30720 30759 Info chatty uid=10032(com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest) UnityMain identical 8 lines
2023/05/15 15:15:35.082 30720 30759 Warn NdkImageReader A frame is available after AImageReader closed!
2023/05/15 15:15:35.083 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] Closing artoolkitX video.
2023/05/15 15:15:35.190 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 319, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.190 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.190 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 320, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 321, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 322, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 323, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.191 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.192 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 324, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.192 30720 31028 Debug ACameraDevice Device error received, code 4, frame number 325, request ID 0, subseq ID 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.192 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.192 30720 30759 Error BufferQueueProducer [ImageReader-1552x720f23u3m4-30720-0]:1119: cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
2023/05/15 15:15:35.252 30720 30759 Warn ACameraCaptureSession Device is closed but session 0 is not notified
2023/05/15 15:15:35.252 30720 30759 Info libAR [info] session 0x6fa67218e0 closed
2023/05/15 15:15:35.260 30720 30759 Debug   PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer
2023/05/15 15:15:35.260 30720 30759 Debug AudioTrack stop(35): called with 868800 frames delivered
2023/05/15 15:15:35.270 30720 30720 Info RmeSchedManager init Rme, version is: v1.0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.274 30720 30720 Debug DecorView showOrHideHighlightView: hasFocus=false; winMode=1; isMrgNull=true
2023/05/15 15:15:35.274 30720 30720 Warn HwRemoteInputMethodManager isCasting false because IHwDistributedWindowManager is invalid.
2023/05/15 15:15:35.282 30720 31031 Info OpenGLRenderer RenderThread: progress name = [com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest], viewCornerType = 0
2023/05/15 15:15:35.283 30720 31031 Info iGraphics [0020080c] pn: com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest, p: 30720
2023/05/15 15:15:35.283 30720 31031 Info iGraphics [0030080c] no spt app: com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest
2023/05/15 15:15:35.289 30720 31031 Debug   Game opt is enable
2023/05/15 15:15:35.289 30720 31031 Debug   initLayerData
2023/05/15 15:15:35.396 30720 30829 Info SwappyDisplayManager Terminating looper thread
2023/05/15 15:15:35.424 30720 30720 Info DecorView[UnityPlayerActivity] pkgName:com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest old windowMode:1 new windoMode:1, isFixedSize:false
2023/05/15 15:15:35.439 30720 30720 Info DecorView[UnityPlayerActivity] pkgName:com.DefaultCompany.ARUnityXTest old windowMode:1 new windoMode:1, isFixedSize:false
2023/05/15 15:15:35.716 30720 30720 Info Process Sending signal. PID: 30720 SIG: 9

SimonDarksideJ avatar May 15 '23 14:05 SimonDarksideJ