
Results 54 comments of arthurfranca

> the nostr client does not know if that URL is a file uploaded by the same user who has pasted it in a type 1 note, or if it...

A `#` condition could be useful. For example an event with `["s", "platinum-subscribers"]` tag only meant for users holding a token with a `{ #s: ["platinum-subscribers"] }` condition.

I mean, still considering what you said "The filter condition ALWAYS IMPLICITLY includes the filter criteria "authors": ["${delegator pubkey}"]. So it would still be limited to delegator events, thus your...

Handy NIP to make an event be hosted just on relays that support NIPs/behavior the author needs. Though feels not that useful without an event access control spec for relays.

I wanna see pull requests adding the `protected` tag spec to 10 relay implementations then we have a deal @_@ hahah

> How is this better than Not better nor worse, they have different uses. #1030 prevents rebroadcasts from people that aren't the event author; this one doesn't. This one...

I'm ok with this solution to event access control. Both this one and #1049 achieve the same goal of adding event access control in a way that enables relays to...

+1 to deprecating `mention` marker. Another thing that isn't speced is how to quote replaceable events. How about this: `["q", , , , ]` We get both event id (for...

> The kind is in the address already, but aside from that I like it. @fiatjaf It was for regular/non-replaceables. But I was wrong, kind isn't that important. `Pubkey`, though,...

> @vitorpamplona Yep, with NIP-65, pubkey is more important than the relay URL, IMO. Yeah, relay hints are a pre-nip65 solution to locating events. So I'm gonna throw this here:...