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log4jdbc is a Java JDBC driver that can log SQL and/or JDBC calls (and optionally SQL timing information) for other JDBC drivers using the Simple Logging Facade For Java (SLF4J) logging system.
``` Need to test logging when using logback version 1.1.1. Nothing is logged when using this version. Switching to logback 1.0.13 works as expected Tested with Using log4jdbc4-1.2 ``` Original...
``` We have quartz job in our app, it need access the db very frequently. Is there a setting we can add which tells log4jdbc don't log the queries to...
``` It would be a lot easier to correlate messages that log4jdbc writes with information available from the database itself if log4jdbc included in its messages the process identifier used...
``` Attached is a patch that allows the SpyLogDelegator class to be configurable by setting a configuration paramater of log4jdbc.logger.classname to the fully qualified classname of a class that implements...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. using batchUpdate with thousands of insert records 2. 3. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? should not give...
``` I'm in process of debugging some triggers. During this process, I've setup a series of "RAISE NOTICE" (PostgreSQL statement) that is captured by JDBC driver as SQLWarning. No logger...
``` We need extra functionality from OracleJdbcDriver. So, to use for example PreparedStatementSpy we need create public class OraclePreparedStatementSpy extends PreparedStatementSpy implements PreparedStatement,OraclePreparedStatement and implement this functionality. But because in...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? Directly wrapping connection using ConnectionSpy(Connection conn, RdmsSpecifics specifics) is not possible because OracleRdmsSpecifics is package scoped. What is the expected output? What do...
``` log4jdbc is greate,but there is a need to improve the function: The default SpyLogDelegator implementation class is Slf4jSpyLogDelegator,the Slf4jSpyLogDelegator is hard code in class ConnectionSpy and StatementSpy.So the problem...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. use a connection pool and configure a validationQuery (e.g., "select 1") 2. turn on jdbc.sqlonly logging 3. start a webapp (or long...