log4jdbc copied to clipboard
BUG the 146 line of net.sf.log4jdbc.BasicSqlFormatter.java
1.build a web project of spring+ hibernate + struts+ log4jdbc+mysql
2.create a test table in mysql ,in web project write some CRUT java code,run
the project ,and add or modify this value a'a" to a varchar field,will show
the Exception java.util.NoSuchElementException;java.util.StringTokenizer
3.at the 146 line of net.sf.log4jdbc.BasicSqlFormatter.java ,this code : while
( !"\"".equals( t ) ); throws that exception,
while i have used this code "while ( !"\"".equals( t ) &&
tokens.hasMoreTokens() );" to replace it,the project is all right.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by [email protected]
on 2 Dec 2011 at 5:46