loglevel-serverSend icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
loglevel-serverSend copied to clipboard

Plugin for loglevel JS lib which will forward all log messages to the server

Plugin for JS logger loglevel which will forward all log messages to the server


  • Send is async and wouldn't slow down the application
  • Messages send one by one, so the order is maintained
  • Any server which accept POST request should be supported
  • You can specify prefix function which would dynamically add prefix for all log messages (app name, current user, etc.)


  • Using bower - bower install loglevel-server-send
  • Manually - take loglevel-serverSend.js


Add loglevel and loglevel-serverSend scripts to your page first. Then configure the plugin:

##loglevelServerSend(logger, options) Extend loglevel with new plugin which will send log information to the log-sever

Param Type Description
logger object loglevel instance to be extended
options object
[options.url='http://localhost:8000/main/log'] string Server url which would be used as a log server
[options.prefix=null] string | function Prefix for all log messages. Either string or function wich should return string and accept log severity and message as parameters
[options.callOriginal=false] Bool If set to true - original loglevel method for logging would be called


loglevelServerSend(log,{url:'https://example.com/app/log',prefix: function(logSev,message) {
    return '[' + new Date().toISOString() + '] ' + logSev + ': ' + message + '\n'   


It should be fairly easy to create a server which will store all the log messages, but most probably node-log-server would be good enough for you