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Error: Daily Limit Exceeded
When trying to access GA API, I get error message for exceeding daily quotas with all functions. This started to occur about week ago, I tried to use API right after midnight when quotas are reset, with same result. I don't see pings in console usage reports, other packages and direct access works without problem.
list_profiles() Error: Client error: (403) Forbidden Daily limit exceeded: Daily Limit Exceeded. The quota will be reset at midnight Pacific Time (PT). You may monitor your quota usage and adjust limits in the API Console: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/analytics.googleapis.com/quotas??
Try to change auth credentials.
Hey I had this issue in the last few days. It was because the clientid associated with the token I didn't have access to the google cloud project that I was intending to query. The error is not helpful at all, but that's google's fault. Try generating an API key inside of your cloud console and using those new credentials to generate a new access token and going from there.