RGA copied to clipboard
no applicable method for 'as.request' applied to an object of class "function"
This is error message I get from time to time:
Fetch data by day: from 2018-06-26 to 2018-06-26.
| | 0%Error in UseMethod("as.request") :
no applicable method for 'as.request' applied to an object of class "function"
Calls: tapply ... get_data -> api_request -> GET -> request_build -> as.request
The error has been reported here before as well. My packages are all updated. If this package is not being maintained anymore, please let me know but such problems end up breaking our data pipeline in production cluster and it's critical to resolve this.
Through the cron job, it was attempted twice for execution, but both of the attempts were unsuccessful.
The script executes through a cron job and here's the script for your reference:
# Load up the RGA package. This is the package that has the smarts to actually
# connect to and pull data from the Google Analytics API
#Insert the client id retrieved fro4/4NvmCy2PuyN7vvywVywuabCWaZzApdmThN0fSfgnOjQm the Google developer #console
client.id <- 'CLIENT_ID'
#Insert the client secret retrieved from the Google developer #console
client.secret <- 'CLIENT_SECRET'
viewIds <- c( "ga:62814012","ga:124135466", "ga:132796646", "ga:131158887");
yesterdayDate <- Sys.Date() -1;
yesterdayDate <- as.character.Date(yesterdayDate)
fileNames <- c();
print("going to authorize")
token <- authorize(client.id = "962653212381-l7bpufol4vbpvtruvh6sst84hru4on27.apps.googleusercontent.com", client.secret ="h6XYPURGo331v_NKmC16yU42", cache = "/home/rstudio/gaToken")
print("token in ga")
maxDate <-"2017-07-01";
getLastImport = function(){
mDate <- read.table("/home/rstudio/maxDateGAConsolidated", header=FALSE)
maxDate <<- mDate$V1
#maxDate <<- as.Date(maxDate) + 1;
print("max date is")
print("yesterday date is")
if(maxDate >= as.Date(yesterdayDate)){
maxDate <<- yesterdayDate
stop(simpleError("Data has already been updated. You were trying to duplicate the data"))
maxDate <<- as.Date(maxDate) + 1;
print("max date dpes nt exist")
maxDate <<- as.Date(maxDate);
print("max date after increment")
fetchData <- function(id) {
print("fetching data")
print("max date in fetch data")
assign(paste0("gaDataUser", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:users", "ga:newUsers","ga:percentNewSessions", "ga:sessionsPerUser"),dimensions = c("ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataSession", substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:bounces", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:sessionDuration", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:hits"),dimensions = c("ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataSources", substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:organicSearches"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:fullReferrer", "ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:keyword"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataEventTracking", substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId =id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue", "ga:sessionsWithEvent", "ga:eventsPerSessionWithEvent"),dimensions = c("ga:eventCategory", "ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce",substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:transactionRevenue", "ga:revenuePerTransaction", "ga:transactionRevenuePerSession", "ga:transactionShipping", "ga:transactionTax", "ga:totalValue", "ga:itemQuantity"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce2", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions","ga:itemRevenue", "ga:productAddsToCart", "ga:productCheckouts", "ga:productListClicks", "ga:productListViews", "ga:quantityAddedToCart"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce3", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date =maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:quantityCheckedOut", "ga:productListCTR", "ga:productRevenuePerPurchase"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId","ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce4", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:buyToDetailRate", "ga:cartToDetailRate", "ga:internalPromotionCTR", "ga:internalPromotionClicks", "ga:internalPromotionViews", "ga:uniquePurchases"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:date" ), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDeviceData", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:browser", "ga:operatingSystem"," ga:mobileDeviceBranding", "ga:mobileDeviceModel", "ga:mobileDeviceInfo", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("usersAndSessionsGrouped", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPath", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:entrances","ga:entranceRate","ga:pageviews","ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:timeOnPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:pageTitle", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("adwordsCost", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:adCost"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = "ga:sourceMedium==google / cpc;ga:campaign!@android;ga:campaign!@IOS;ga:campaign!@APPENG;ga:campaign!@UAC_ALL",segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("dataSourcesWithRevenue", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:organicSearches", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:fullReferrer", "ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("landingpage", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:transactions", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:landingPagePath", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("campaignWithDevice", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:transactionRevenue","ga:organicSearches"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:orderCouponCode", "ga:fullReferrer", "ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("versioning_mobile", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion", "ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("versioning_withoutScreenNamemobile", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("mobile_campaign", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:newUsers","ga:sessions", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:campaign","ga:sourceMedium", "ga:transactionId", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("mobile_campaign_noTransactionId", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:users", "ga:newUsers","ga:sessions", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("hourlyScreenViews", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:hour", "ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("UsersByHour", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:hour"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("PDPByHour", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:hour","ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("impressions", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday", metrics = c( "ga:productListViews","ga:productListClicks","ga:productListCTR","ga:productAddsToCart","ga:productCheckouts","ga:uniquePurchases"),dimensions = c("ga:productSku", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("pageBySourceMedium", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = yesterdayDate, metrics = c( "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:pageviews","ga:entrances","ga:bounceRate","ga:exitRate","ga:pageValue"),dimensions = c( "ga:date", "ga:pagePath", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("fastDispatch", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:bounceRate","ga:entrances", "ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:pagePath", "ga:shoppingStage"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
if(id == "ga:124135466" | id == "ga:112973340"){
print("in if")
assign(paste0("visitsDataBySourceMediumAndDevice", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounces"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:operatingSystem"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
print('in else')
assign(paste0("visitsDataBySourceMediumAndDevice", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounces"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
if(id == "ga:124135466" | id == "ga:132796646" | id == "ga:112973340"){
assign(paste0("appTracking", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:screenviews", "ga:uniqueScreenviews", "ga:screenviewsPerSession", "ga:timeOnScreen", "ga:avgScreenviewDuration"),dimensions = c("ga:screenName", "ga:date", "ga:operatingSystem"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReportGroupDateCampaign", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:newUsers", "ga:users"),dimensions = c( "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReport", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions","ga:newUsers","ga:percentNewSessions","ga:bounceRate","ga:avgSessionDuration","ga:pageviewsPerSession","ga:transactions","ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPathSourceMedium", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:screenviews", "ga:uniqueScreenviews", "ga:screenviewsPerSession", "ga:timeOnScreen", "ga:avgScreenviewDuration"),dimensions = c("ga:screenName", "ga:date", "ga:operatingSystem"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
# assign(paste0("versioning_mobile", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion", "ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
# assign(paste0("versioning_withoutScreenNamemobile", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("appTracking", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:entrances","ga:entranceRate","ga:pageviews","ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:timeOnPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:pagePath", "ga:date", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReportGroupDateCampaign", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions","ga:newUsers", "ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:campaign", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReport", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions","ga:newUsers","ga:percentNewSessions","ga:bounceRate","ga:avgSessionDuration","ga:pageviewsPerSession","ga:transactions","ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId","ga:campaign","ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPathSourceMedium", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:entrances","ga:entranceRate","ga:pageviews","ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:timeOnPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:pagePath", "ga:date", "ga:deviceCategory", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("banner_ecommerce", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:searchUniques", "ga:transactionRevenue", "ga:transactions", "ga:revenuePerTransaction", "ga:goalValueAllPerSearch"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:searchKeyword"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("banner_ecommerce_devicecategory", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:searchUniques", "ga:transactionRevenue", "ga:transactions", "ga:revenuePerTransaction", "ga:goalValueAllPerSearch"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:searchKeyword", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("campaign_sourcemedium", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:percentNewSessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionsPerSession", "ga:transactions"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
#assign(paste0("internalSearch", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:percentNewSessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionsPerSession", "ga:transactions"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:searchKeyword"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("sitecontent_allpages", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:entrances", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:exitRate","ga:pageValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:pagePath"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("sitecontent_allpages_device_category", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:entrances", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:exitRate","ga:pageValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:pagePath", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("top_events", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:eventCategory","ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("top_eventsByDeviceCategory", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:eventCategory","ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel","ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign(paste0("color_pdp_desktop_mobile", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel", "ga:eventCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
fileNames <<-c(fileNames, c(paste0("gaDataUser", substring(id, 4)) ,paste0("gaDataSession", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataSources", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEventTracking", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce2", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce3", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce4", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDeviceData", substring(id, 4)), paste0("usersAndSessionsGrouped", substring(id, 4)), paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPath", substring(id, 4)), c(paste0("adwordsCost", substring(id, 4))),
paste0("visitsDataBySourceMediumAndDevice", substring(id, 4)), paste0("appTracking", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("gaDataCampaignReportGroupDateCampaign", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("gaDataCampaignReport", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("dataSourcesWithRevenue", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPathSourceMedium", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("landingpage", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("banner_ecommerce", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("campaign_sourcemedium", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("sitecontent_allpages", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("sitecontent_allpages_device_category", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("banner_ecommerce_devicecategory", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("top_events", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("campaignWithDevice", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("versioning_mobile", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("versioning_withoutScreenNamemobile", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("mobile_campaign", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("mobile_campaign_noTransactionId", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("hourlyScreenViews", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("UsersByHour", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("PDPByHour", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("impressions", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("pageBySourceMedium", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("fastDispatch", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("top_eventsByDeviceCategory", substring(id, 4)),
paste0("color_pdp_desktop_mobile", substring(id, 4))
tapply(viewIds, 1:length(viewIds),fetchData);
writeToHDFS <- function(fileName){
print("write hdfs")
if(!is.null(get(fileName)) && !is.na(get(fileName))){
if(file.exists(paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName))){
write.table(get(fileName), paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName) , sep="," , append=TRUE, na = "NA", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(get(fileName), paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName) , sep="," , append=TRUE, na = "NA", row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
hdfs.put(paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName), "/user/rstudio/")
tapply(fileNames, 1:length(fileNames),writeToHDFS)
write(yesterdayDate, "/home/rstudio/maxDateGAConsolidated", append = FALSE)
print("THE END")
This appears to be a duplicate of #43