RGA icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RGA copied to clipboard

as.request error

Open gonzalezben81 opened this issue 8 years ago • 21 comments

Hi, I am getting the following error when utilizing the RGA package in R:

Error in UseMethod("as.request") : 
  no applicable method for 'as.request' applied to an object of class "function"

Has something changed in the Google Analtyics API that is causing this issue?

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 08 '16 17:09 gonzalezben81

Please update all packages and try again.

artemklevtsov avatar Sep 08 '16 18:09 artemklevtsov

Besides the RGA package, what other packages will need to be updated as well?

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 08 '16 18:09 gonzalezben81

I have updated the packages and still get the error from time to time. Not sure what is causing it since the packages are updated.

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 08 '16 20:09 gonzalezben81

Please post the traceback() output here. Also a code to reproduce the error would be helpful.

artemklevtsov avatar Sep 09 '16 03:09 artemklevtsov

> traceback()
9: as.request(config)
8: request_build("GET", hu$url, as.request(config), ...)
7: GET(url, config = config, accept_json())
6: api_request(get_url(path), token)
5: get_mgmt(path, token)
4: get_profile(profile$accountId, profile$webPropertyId, profile$profileId, 
3: get_report("data/ga", query, token, fetch.by)
2: get_ga(profileId = "ga:xxxxxxx", start.date = stdate, end.date = enddate, 
       metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", 
           "ga:timeonPage"), dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", 
           "ga:dimension14"), sort = sort, filters = filters, segment = NULL, 
       samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, 
       include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = NULL, ga_token)
1: rbind(Opinion_Users2015 <- get_ga(profileId = "ga:xxxxxxxx", 
       start.date = stdate, end.date = enddate, metrics = c("ga:sessions", 
           "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", "ga:timeonPage"), 
       dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", "ga:dimension14"), 
       sort = sort, filters = filters, segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, 
       start.index = NULL, max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, 
       fetch.by = NULL, ga_token)[1, c(1:7)]) at #12

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 09 '16 14:09 gonzalezben81

This is what happens when it throws another as.request error as well.

Batch processing mode enabled.
Fetch data by day: from 2015/10/01 to 2015/10/31.
  |============================================================================| 100%
Error in vapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x[[name]]), numeric(1)) : 
  values must be length 1,
 but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0
In addition: There were 31 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> traceback()
5: vapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x[[name]]), numeric(1))
4: sum_by(pages, "sampleSize")
3: fetch_by(path, query, by, token)
2: get_report("data/ga", query, token, fetch.by)
1: get_ga(profileId = "ga:94268785", start.date = "2015/10/01", 
       end.date = "2015/10/31", metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions", 
           "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", "ga:timeonPage"), 
       dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", "ga:dimension14"), 
       sort = "-ga:users", filters = "ga:dimension7==national", 
       segment = NULL, samplingLevel = "FASTER", start.index = 1, 
       max.results = 1, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", 

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 09 '16 17:09 gonzalezben81

Try the latest git-version of the RGA package. Also make sure to ue the latest version of the curl and httr packages.

artemklevtsov avatar Sep 09 '16 18:09 artemklevtsov

I have updated all packages and now I am getting this error as well.

traceback() 5: vapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x[[name]]), numeric(1)) 4: sum_by(pages, "sampleSize") 3: fetch_by(path, query, by, token) 2: get_report("data/ga", query, token, fetch.by) 1: get_ga(profileId = "ga:94268785", start.date = "2015-8-01", end.date = "2015-8-31", metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", "ga:timeonPage"), dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", "ga:dimension14"), sort = "-ga:pageviews", filters = "ga:dimension7==hockey", segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = 1, max.results = 1, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", ga_token)

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 12 '16 14:09 gonzalezben81

I encountered this issue today as well. It runs for awhile before encountering the error

Batch processing mode enabled. Fetch data by day: from 2016-04-01 to 2016-09-27. |======================================= | 36% Error in UseMethod("as.request") : no applicable method for 'as.request' applied to an object of class "function"

Timlri avatar Sep 27 '16 11:09 Timlri


I think that it may be something with the dates. If you attempt to do only 30days in batch mode by day the code seldom breaks. I then have been utilizing the rbind function to pull the data together into one matrix.

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 27 '16 17:09 gonzalezben81

Thanks. If I simply re-run the script it often completes okay with the given date range. And if it does fail, it usually fails either earlier or later - not at the same point.

Timlri avatar Sep 29 '16 13:09 Timlri

Guys, can I help you? Does someone have a reproducible example of code?

artemklevtsov avatar Sep 29 '16 14:09 artemklevtsov

Here is the traceback code that I received from R.

Batch processing mode enabled. Fetch data by day: from 2015-04-01 to 2015-04-30. |===== | 7% Error in UseMethod("as.request") : no applicable method for 'as.request' applied to an object of class "function" In addition: Warning messages: 1: Only 1 observations out of 78 were obtained. Set max.results = NULL (default value) to get all results. 2: Only 1 observations out of 72 were obtained. Set max.results = NULL (default value) to get all results.

traceback() 15: as.request(config) 14: request_build("GET", hu$url, as.request(config), ...) 13: GET(url, config = config, accept_json()) 12: api_request(get_url(path, query), token) 11: get_data(path, query, token) 10: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 9: eval(expr, pf) 8: withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) 7: evalVis(expr) 6: capture.output(pages[[i]] <- get_data(path, query, token)) 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage")) 4: suppressMessages(capture.output(pages[[i]] <- get_data(path, query, token))) 3: fetch_by(path, query, by, token) 2: get_report("data/ga", query, token, fetch.by) 1: get_ga(profileId = "ga:94268785", start.date = "2015-04-01", end.date = "2015-04-30", metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", "ga:timeonPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:bounces", "ga:bouncerate"), dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", "ga:dimension14"), sort = "-ga:pageviews", filters = "ga:dimension7==books-and-literature", segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = 1, max.results = 1, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", ga_token)

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 29 '16 15:09 gonzalezben81

And again.

Batch processing mode enabled. Fetch data by day: from 2015-06-01 to 2015-06-30. |================================================== | 67% Error in UseMethod("as.request") : no applicable method for 'as.request' applied to an object of class "function" In addition: There were 20 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

traceback() 15: as.request(config) 14: request_build("GET", hu$url, as.request(config), ...) 13: GET(url, config = config, accept_json()) 12: api_request(get_url(path, query), token) 11: get_data(path, query, token) 10: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 9: eval(expr, pf) 8: withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) 7: evalVis(expr) 6: capture.output(pages[[i]] <- get_data(path, query, token)) 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage")) 4: suppressMessages(capture.output(pages[[i]] <- get_data(path, query, token))) 3: fetch_by(path, query, by, token) 2: get_report("data/ga", query, token, fetch.by) 1: get_ga(profileId = "ga:94268785", start.date = "2015-06-01", end.date = "2015-06-30", metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", "ga:timeonPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:bounces", "ga:bouncerate"), dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", "ga:dimension14"), sort = "-ga:pageviews", filters = "ga:dimension7==books-and-literature", segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = 1, max.results = 1, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", ga_token)

I then run the code a few seconds to a minute later and it will work from time to time. Sometimes the code will break again as well.

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 29 '16 15:09 gonzalezben81

Here is the traceback when the code executes properly.

Batch processing mode enabled. Fetch data by day: from 2015-04-01 to 2015-04-30. |===========================================================================| 100% There were 31 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

traceback() 15: as.request(config) 14: request_build("GET", hu$url, as.request(config), ...) 13: GET(url, config = config, accept_json()) 12: api_request(get_url(path, query), token) 11: get_data(path, query, token) 10: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 9: eval(expr, pf) 8: withVisible(eval(expr, pf)) 7: evalVis(expr) 6: capture.output(pages[[i]] <- get_data(path, query, token)) 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) invokeRestart("muffleMessage")) 4: suppressMessages(capture.output(pages[[i]] <- get_data(path, query, token))) 3: fetch_by(path, query, by, token) 2: get_report("data/ga", query, token, fetch.by) 1: get_ga(profileId = "ga:94268785", start.date = "2015-03-01", end.date = "2015-03-31", metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:pageviews", "ga:pageLoadTime", "ga:timeonPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:bounces", "ga:bouncerate"), dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:dimension13", "ga:dimension14"), sort = "-ga:pageviews", filters = "ga:dimension7==local", segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = 1, max.results = 1, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", ga_token)

gonzalezben81 avatar Sep 29 '16 16:09 gonzalezben81

Could the issue be that RGA is not compatible with the newer versions of R such as 3.3.0 There were some issues with other packages and the interface. Has anyone tried rolling back to a previous version of R such as 3.2.5?

gonzalezben81 avatar Oct 14 '16 16:10 gonzalezben81

I got this error today for the first time. Been using RGA since more than a year. didn't change date format or the date range, neither did I update any package. Please confirm why this happens?

simran66 avatar Sep 20 '17 04:09 simran66

Hello? This keeps happening from time to time. Is this package being maintained?

simran-k avatar Jun 27 '18 04:06 simran-k

Here's the code I have and the error happens from time to time: @artemklevtsov

# Load up the RGA package. This is the package that has the smarts to actually
# connect to and pull data from the Google Analytics API

client.id <- 'CLIENTID'

#Insert the client secret retrieved from the Google developer #console
client.secret <- 'client secret'

viewIds <- c( "ga:62814012","ga:124135466", "ga:132796646", "ga:131158887");

yesterdayDate <- Sys.Date() -1;
yesterdayDate <- as.character.Date(yesterdayDate)

fileNames <- c();
print("going to authorize")
token <- authorize(client.id = "962653212381-l7bpufol4vbpvtruvh6sst84hru4on27.apps.googleusercontent.com", client.secret ="h6XYPURGo331v_NKmC16yU42", cache = "/home/rstudio/gaToken")

print("token in ga")
maxDate <-"2017-07-01";

getLastImport = function(){
    mDate <- read.table("/home/rstudio/maxDateGAConsolidated", header=FALSE)
    maxDate <<- mDate$V1
    #maxDate <<- as.Date(maxDate) + 1;
    print("max date is")
    print("yesterday date is")
    if(maxDate >=  as.Date(yesterdayDate)){
      maxDate <<- yesterdayDate 
      stop(simpleError("Data has already been updated. You were trying to duplicate the data"))
      maxDate <<- as.Date(maxDate) + 1;
    print("max date dpes nt exist")
    maxDate <<- as.Date(maxDate);
    print("max date after increment")


fetchData <- function(id) {
  print("fetching data")
  print("max date in fetch data")
  assign(paste0("gaDataUser", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:users", "ga:newUsers","ga:percentNewSessions", "ga:sessionsPerUser"),dimensions = c("ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataSession", substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:bounces", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:sessionDuration", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:hits"),dimensions = c("ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataSources", substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:organicSearches"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:fullReferrer", "ga:campaign",  "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:keyword"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataEventTracking", substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId =id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue", "ga:sessionsWithEvent", "ga:eventsPerSessionWithEvent"),dimensions = c("ga:eventCategory", "ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce",substring(id, 4)) , get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions",  "ga:transactionRevenue", "ga:revenuePerTransaction", "ga:transactionRevenuePerSession", "ga:transactionShipping", "ga:transactionTax", "ga:totalValue", "ga:itemQuantity"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce2", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions","ga:itemRevenue", "ga:productAddsToCart", "ga:productCheckouts", "ga:productListClicks", "ga:productListViews", "ga:quantityAddedToCart"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce3", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date =maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:quantityCheckedOut", "ga:productListCTR", "ga:productRevenuePerPurchase"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId","ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDataEcommerce4", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:buyToDetailRate", "ga:cartToDetailRate", "ga:internalPromotionCTR", "ga:internalPromotionClicks", "ga:internalPromotionViews", "ga:uniquePurchases"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:date" ), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by = "day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("gaDeviceData", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:browser", "ga:operatingSystem"," ga:mobileDeviceBranding", "ga:mobileDeviceModel", "ga:mobileDeviceInfo", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("usersAndSessionsGrouped", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPath", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:entrances","ga:entranceRate","ga:pageviews","ga:pageviewsPerSession",  "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:timeOnPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:pageTitle", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("adwordsCost", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:adCost"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = "ga:sourceMedium==google / cpc;ga:campaign!@android;ga:campaign!@IOS;ga:campaign!@APPENG;ga:campaign!@UAC_ALL",segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("dataSourcesWithRevenue", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:organicSearches", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:fullReferrer", "ga:campaign",  "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("landingpage", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:transactions", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:landingPagePath", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("campaignWithDevice", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:transactions", "ga:transactionRevenue","ga:organicSearches"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId", "ga:orderCouponCode", "ga:fullReferrer", "ga:campaign",  "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("versioning_mobile", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion", "ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("versioning_withoutScreenNamemobile", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("mobile_campaign", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:newUsers","ga:sessions", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:campaign","ga:sourceMedium",  "ga:transactionId", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("mobile_campaign_noTransactionId", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:users", "ga:newUsers","ga:sessions", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("hourlyScreenViews", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:hour", "ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("UsersByHour", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:hour"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("PDPByHour", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:hour","ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("impressions", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date  = "yesterday", metrics = c( "ga:productListViews","ga:productListClicks","ga:productListCTR","ga:productAddsToCart","ga:productCheckouts","ga:uniquePurchases"),dimensions = c("ga:productSku", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("pageBySourceMedium", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date  = yesterdayDate, metrics = c( "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:pageviews","ga:entrances","ga:bounceRate","ga:exitRate","ga:pageValue"),dimensions = c( "ga:date", "ga:pagePath", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("fastDispatch", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:bounceRate","ga:entrances", "ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:pagePath", "ga:shoppingStage"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if(id == "ga:124135466" | id == "ga:112973340"){
    print("in if")
    assign(paste0("visitsDataBySourceMediumAndDevice", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounces"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:operatingSystem"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    print('in else')
    assign(paste0("visitsDataBySourceMediumAndDevice", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users", "ga:sessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounces"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:sourceMedium", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if(id == "ga:124135466" | id == "ga:132796646" | id == "ga:112973340"){
    assign(paste0("appTracking", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:screenviews", "ga:uniqueScreenviews", "ga:screenviewsPerSession", "ga:timeOnScreen", "ga:avgScreenviewDuration"),dimensions = c("ga:screenName", "ga:date", "ga:operatingSystem"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReportGroupDateCampaign", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:newUsers", "ga:users"),dimensions = c( "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReport", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions","ga:newUsers","ga:percentNewSessions","ga:bounceRate","ga:avgSessionDuration","ga:pageviewsPerSession","ga:transactions","ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPathSourceMedium", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:screenviews", "ga:uniqueScreenviews", "ga:screenviewsPerSession", "ga:timeOnScreen", "ga:avgScreenviewDuration"),dimensions = c("ga:screenName", "ga:date", "ga:operatingSystem"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
   # assign(paste0("versioning_mobile", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion", "ga:screenName"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  #  assign(paste0("versioning_withoutScreenNamemobile", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:appVersion"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("appTracking", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:entrances","ga:entranceRate","ga:pageviews","ga:pageviewsPerSession",  "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:timeOnPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:pagePath", "ga:date", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReportGroupDateCampaign", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions","ga:newUsers", "ga:users"),dimensions = c("ga:campaign", "ga:date"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("gaDataCampaignReport", substring(id, 4)), get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate ,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions","ga:newUsers","ga:percentNewSessions","ga:bounceRate","ga:avgSessionDuration","ga:pageviewsPerSession","ga:transactions","ga:transactionRevenue"),dimensions = c("ga:transactionId","ga:campaign","ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign(paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPathSourceMedium", substring(id, 4)) ,get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:entrances","ga:entranceRate","ga:pageviews","ga:pageviewsPerSession",  "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:timeOnPage", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:exitRate"),dimensions = c("ga:pagePath", "ga:date", "ga:deviceCategory", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("banner_ecommerce", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:searchUniques", "ga:transactionRevenue", "ga:transactions", "ga:revenuePerTransaction", "ga:goalValueAllPerSearch"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:searchKeyword"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("banner_ecommerce_devicecategory", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c( "ga:searchUniques", "ga:transactionRevenue", "ga:transactions", "ga:revenuePerTransaction", "ga:goalValueAllPerSearch"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:searchKeyword", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("campaign_sourcemedium", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:percentNewSessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionsPerSession", "ga:transactions"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:campaign", "ga:sourceMedium"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  #assign(paste0("internalSearch", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:sessions", "ga:percentNewSessions", "ga:newUsers", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:pageviewsPerSession", "ga:avgSessionDuration", "ga:transactionsPerSession", "ga:transactions"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:searchKeyword"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("sitecontent_allpages", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:entrances", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:exitRate","ga:pageValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:pagePath"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("sitecontent_allpages_device_category", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:pageviews", "ga:uniquePageviews", "ga:avgTimeOnPage", "ga:entrances", "ga:bounceRate", "ga:exitRate","ga:pageValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date", "ga:pagePath", "ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("top_events", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:eventCategory","ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("top_eventsByDeviceCategory", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:eventCategory","ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel","ga:deviceCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0("color_pdp_desktop_mobile", substring(id, 4)),  get_ga(profileId = id, start.date = maxDate,end.date = "yesterday" , metrics = c("ga:totalEvents", "ga:uniqueEvents", "ga:eventValue", "ga:avgEventValue"),dimensions = c("ga:date","ga:eventAction", "ga:eventLabel", "ga:eventCategory"), sort = NULL, filters = NULL,segment = NULL, samplingLevel = NULL, start.index = NULL,max.results = NULL, include.empty.rows = NULL, fetch.by ="day", token), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  fileNames <<-c(fileNames, c(paste0("gaDataUser", substring(id, 4)) ,paste0("gaDataSession", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataSources",  substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEventTracking", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce2", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce3", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDataEcommerce4", substring(id, 4)), paste0("gaDeviceData", substring(id, 4)),  paste0("usersAndSessionsGrouped", substring(id, 4)), paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPath", substring(id, 4)),  c(paste0("adwordsCost", substring(id, 4))), 
                              paste0("visitsDataBySourceMediumAndDevice", substring(id, 4)), paste0("appTracking", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("gaDataCampaignReportGroupDateCampaign", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("gaDataCampaignReport", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("dataSourcesWithRevenue", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("pageViewsGroupedByPathSourceMedium", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("landingpage", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("banner_ecommerce", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("campaign_sourcemedium", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("sitecontent_allpages", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("sitecontent_allpages_device_category", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("banner_ecommerce_devicecategory", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("top_events", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("campaignWithDevice", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("versioning_mobile", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("versioning_withoutScreenNamemobile", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("mobile_campaign", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("mobile_campaign_noTransactionId", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("hourlyScreenViews", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("UsersByHour", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("PDPByHour", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("impressions", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("pageBySourceMedium", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("fastDispatch", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("top_eventsByDeviceCategory", substring(id, 4)),
                              paste0("color_pdp_desktop_mobile", substring(id, 4))

tapply(viewIds, 1:length(viewIds),fetchData);


writeToHDFS <- function(fileName){
  print("write hdfs")
  if(!is.null(get(fileName)) && !is.na(get(fileName))){
    if(file.exists(paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName))){
      write.table(get(fileName), paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName) , sep="," , append=TRUE, na = "NA", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write.table(get(fileName), paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName) , sep="," , append=TRUE, na = "NA", row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
    hdfs.put(paste0("/home/rstudio/", fileName), "/user/rstudio/")

tapply(fileNames, 1:length(fileNames),writeToHDFS)

write(yesterdayDate, "/home/rstudio/maxDateGAConsolidated", append = FALSE)

print("THE END")

simran-k avatar Jun 27 '18 05:06 simran-k

We execute this code through a cron job and the cron executes a second time if the first attempt was not successful. The error happened both the times today. Then, executed the script manually a third time and it worked.We really need a solution to this

simran-k avatar Jun 27 '18 05:06 simran-k

Looking through the traceback output provided above, I would suggest looking for the bug somewhere around here:

14: request_build("GET", hu$url, as.request(config), ...)
13: GET(url, config = config, accept_json())
12: api_request(get_url(path, query), token)

jdeboer avatar Jul 01 '18 13:07 jdeboer