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Slows down vim

Bitdeli Badge


This plugin slows down keypress feedback so it feels like you are working over a sloppy ssh connection. Why? This way vim motions and other useful stuff become more of a necessity. So you actually start using it, you lazy bum!

If that sounds interesting, you might also want to check out vim hard mode


If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing Vundle and then simply add this to your bundles:

Bundle 'artemave/slowdown.vim'

then :source %, :BundleInstall and you are set.

You can configure how slow and intrusive it gets:

let g:slow_down_max_delay_ms = 300 " default 200
let g:slow_down_insert_mode  = 1   " default 0

Actual delay is a random value between 100 and g:slow_down_max_delay_ms ms.


By all means! You know what to do.


To this answer on ServerFault


Copyright (c) Artem Avetisyan. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.