Stealth-Kid-RAT copied to clipboard
Stealth Kid RAT (SKR) is an open-source multi-platform Remote Access Trojan (RAT) written in C#. Released under MIT license. The SKR project is fully developed and tested on Debian GNU-Linux (Deb 9.8...
Stealth Kid RAT
Codename: Kiddo
Version: 0.01A
Stealth Kid RAT is an opensource remote administration tool written in C#.
Currently delevoped under POC Concept branch.
Under development features:-
- TCP network stream (IPv4 & IPv6 support)
- Fast network serialization (NetSerializer)
- Compressed (QuickLZ) & Encrypted (AES-128) communication
- Multi-Threaded
- File Transfer via TCP & UDP Connection
The SKR project is fully developed and tested on Debian GNU-Linux (Deb 9.8 "Stretch") platform. The RAT will soon be available on Windows platform by mid 2018.
Disclaimer: Stealth Kid RAT source code is written intentionally for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Don't use them for illegal activities.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Syafiq Hadzir (Alexandrov)