CodeArt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CodeArt copied to clipboard

got the same error every time

Open ryannewcomer opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

i open nvim and got this everytime: image

my user_setting.lua:

local map = require("utils").map
local which_key = require("utils").wk_add

-- WARN: Do not touch this table.
extra_which_keys = {}

disable_plugins = {
  -- NOTE: These two plugins are for better performance
  -- and fixing one of neovim bugs.
  impatient = false,
  fix_cursor_hold = false,

  -- NOTE: Many plugins use this plugin as a dependency.
  -- I suggest to not remove this plugins.
  plenary = false,

  -- NOTE: These plugins are colorscheme. By default only
  -- enfocado is enabled. you can enable other by changing
  -- true to false.
  tokyonight = true,
  nightfly = false,
  moonfly = false,
  nord = false,
  onedark = false,
  nvim_enfocado = false,

  -- NOTE: These plugins are for debugging. You can install
  -- Some debug servers with dap_install but the list of those
  -- Are realy small. You can install debugger by your self and
  -- then configure it by your self so you can use nvim_dap and nvim_dap_ui
  -- without dap_install
  nvim_dap = true,
  dap_install = true,
  nvim_dap_ui = true,

  -- NOTE: these plugins are telescope and telescope extensions. fzf is for
  -- better searching experince and you can fuzzy find directories with
  -- telescope_find_directories
  telescope_fzf_native = true,
  telescope_find_directories = true,
  telescope = true,

  -- NOTE: scrollview is builtin scrollbar for CodeArt and
  -- And neoscroll is for scroll animation.
  scrollview = false,
  neoscroll = false,

  -- NOTE: nvim-cmp and luasnip are for code completion.
  nvim_cmp = true,
  luasnip = true,
  friendly_snippets = false,
  cmp_buffer = true,
  cmp_path = true,
  cmp_nvim_lsp = true,
  cmp_luasnip = true,
  cmp_nvim_lua = true,

  nvim_web_devicons = false,
  lualine = false,
  nvim_bufferline = false,
  indent_blankline = false,

  better_escape = true, -- For exiting from insert mode with jj and jk

  truezen = false,
  nvim_tree = true,
  treesitter = false,
  nvim_colorizer = false,
  alpha = false,
  nvim_lspconfig = false,
  lsp_installer = true,
  null_ls = false,
  lspsaga = false,
  symbols_outline = false,
  lsp_signature = false,
  toggleterm = false,
  fugitive = false,
  gitsigns = false,
  autopairs = ture,
  nvim_ts_autotag = true,
  todo_comments = false,
  which_key = true,
  mkdir = true,
  kommentary = false,
  ts_context_commentstring = false,
  vim_matchup = false,
  vim_resize = false,

additional_plugins = {
  -- You can put your additional plugins here.
  -- Syntax is like normal packer.nvim Syntax.
  -- If you need to set some settings for your plugins
  -- you must put configs in config = function() like below examples

  -- { "famiu/feline.nvim", branch = "develop" },

  -- "mhartington/formatter.nvim",

  -- { "crispgm/nvim-go", ft = "go" },

  -- {
  --   "iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim",
  --   ft = "markdown",
  --   run = ":call mkdp#util#install()",
  --   config = function()
  --     vim.g.mkdp_auto_close = 0
  --   end,
  -- },

  -- {
  --   "andweeb/presence.nvim",
  --   config = function()
  --     require("presence"):setup({
  --       log_level = "info", -- Log messages (one of the following: "debug", "info", "warn", "error")
  --       debounce_timeout = 5,
  --       blacklist = {}, -- file name, path, or workspace matches
  --     })
  --   end,
  -- },

-- NOTE: here
-- Name of functions is exactly like config file in nvim/lua/plugins directory
-- the only diffrence is if in file name you have hifen(-) here you must
-- replace it with underline.
local config = {
  -- null-ls configuration
  null_ls = function()
    -- Formatting and linting
    local status_ok, null_ls = pcall(require, "null-ls")
    if not status_ok then

    -- Check supported formatters
    local formatting = null_ls.builtins.formatting

    -- Check supported linters
    local diagnostics = null_ls.builtins.diagnostics

      debug = false,
      sources = {
        -- Settings up some linters and code formatters.,
          command = "shfmt",
          args = {
        -- diagnostics.luacheck,
      -- This function is for format on save.
      -- on_attach = function(client)
      --   if client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting then
      --     vim.cmd([[
      --       augroup LspFormatting
      --           autocmd! * <buffer>
      --           autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync()
      --       augroup END
      --       ]])
      --   end
      -- end,
  treesitter = {
    highlight = {
      enable = true,
  other_configs = function()
    vim.cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight]]
    -- Other settings here
    -- For examples for disabling line number:
    -- vim.opt.number = false
    -- vim.opt.relativenumber = false

    -- Or for changing terminal toggle mapping:
    -- first argument is mode of mapping. second argument is keymap.
    -- third argument is command. and last argument is optional argument like {expr = true}.
    -- map("n", "<C-t>", ":ToggleTerm<CR>")
    -- map("t", "<C-t>", ":ToggleTerm<CR>")

    -- This is example of how to make keymap and add it to
    -- which_keys(that pop of window on bottom of NeoVim that help you to find keymaps)
    -- This will make new group of keymaps names Something with two commands and they're describtions.
    -- with pressing `<leader> + s` you can trigger which keys to show you
    -- Something commands. with pressing e it will echo hello on command prompt at the end of NeoVim
    -- and with pressing f it will echo Goodbye on command prompt at the end of NeoVim
    -- wk_add(
    --   {
    --     s = {
    --       name = "Something",
    --       e = { ":echo 'Hello'<CR>", "Echo Hello" },
    --       f = { ":echo 'Goodbye'<CR>", "Echo Goodbye" },
    --     },
    --   },
    --   { prefix = "<leader>", mode = "v" } -- mode = "v" means it only works on visual mode.
    --   extra_which_keys
    -- )

    -- user_lualine_style = 1 -- You can choose between predefined 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
    -- or you can define your custome seperator like this.
    -- first item is for component seperator and second item is
    -- for section seperator.
    -- user_lualine_style = { { left = " ", right = " " }, { left = "", right = "" } }

    -- user_indent_blankline_style = 1 -- You can choose between predefined 1, 2, 3, 4,5 and 6
    -- or you can use your favorite character.
    -- user_indent_blankline_style = ""

return config

also, when I run :PackerSync, it show this:


what to do?

i am using window 11

ryannewcomer avatar Dec 09 '22 20:12 ryannewcomer