Abdul Rehman Talat

Results 15 comments of Abdul Rehman Talat

Im not using any custom scopes, intend to use only standard openid scopes for now. Problem is, event they're missing in the token response

Should they also not show here (response from first example): ``` { "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCIsImtpZCI6IjFMNHVHcTQwWkV3R1VDb1M4RUp0dWZQNURaNDJXWG55UmRpTXNSMDl3eU0ifQ.eyJqdGkiOiJINXpETndkaEtVWHpGYURjbUd3OGoiLCJzdWIiOiJ4MWc4YXh2cDM0ZXgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MTM0NTAyNTEsImV4cCI6MTcxMzQ1Mzg1MSwic2NvcGUiOiIiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJndGh3aTE0NWpycWdxdzdpdGVoeHoiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjMwMDEvb2lkYyIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXBpLm1ldnJpcy5hcHAifQ.hGqFD8TrLY6yWDqkzIL-soVmtSFX7V7xk34lbk0Ufc1gE9WTnAFBB_Q0Z1c5fNfZINzCWPTB1YXSbcQjcE9Pjw-S0lLSCWYlxBV3mzigptmLxzNwTcsRdWFMdR-nDupa", "tokenType": "Bearer", "expiresIn": 3600, "refreshToken": "rdlCL94FSp-B19Difj_wxa_0VPfvMaafpW7DGRQTuYX", "scope": "", "issuedAt": 1713450251 } ``` Notice `"scope": ""` Also,...

Im expecting, `"scope": "openid profile email offline_access"`. Please guide, when I have the following response, which I am getting in my use case, how do I check scopes. Moreover in...

> My requirement is very simple, I want to generate a JWT token (not an opaque token), that has the required claims (profile, email, etc). Our system was desinged on...

Does the native api provide such a button?